
fú sǎn
  • diverge;divergence
辐散[fú sǎn]
  1. 风将在海岸上辐散。

    Winds will diverge at the coast .

  2. 风将在海岸上辐散。我每天早晨在岸上散步。

    Winds will diverge at the coast . I take a walk along the bank every morning .

  3. 分析表明Q矢量散度场多呈条块状的辐合、辐散区相间分布的形式,反映了中尺度特性。

    Q vector divergence field submit piece form district of convergence and divergence , have reflected meso-scale character .

  4. 当东风应力异常偏强及经向风应力异常向赤道南北两侧辐散偏强则与LaNina事件对应。

    When east wind stress anomaly and meridional wind stress anomaly happen the La Nina events occur .

  5. 降水方程中,因子辐散风选中的最多,其次为Q矢量散度和涡度。

    In precipitation forecasting equations , the first chosen factor is the divergence wind , and then the divergence and vorticity of Q vector .

  6. 模式基本模拟出了ISO低层辐合、高层辐散的水平风场特征。

    This model basically simulates horizontal structure of the wind of ISO with convergence in lower air and divergence in upper air .

  7. 辐散风作用下低频Rossby波的能量传播

    Propagation of low frequency Rossby wave with divergent wind

  8. 正压无辐散流体中Rossby波的性质

    The property of Rossby wave in non-divergent barotropic fluid

  9. 风应力的旋转和辐散分量在ENSO循环中作用的数值试验研究

    Numerical study on the role of vortical and divergent components of wind stress in ENSO cycle

  10. 通过研究二维准动量无辐散、无摩擦层结大气非线性方程组的行波解问题证明,非线性行波解的本质属性是由参数b的符号性质决定的。

    Through studying the wave solutions of the non-linear equations of the two-dimensional quasi-momentum non-divergent and non-frictional atmosphere , it is demonstrated that the characteristics of the nonlinear wave solution is determined by the sign of parameter b.

  11. 当WENDY低压北上与西风带系统相接、叠加时,高层辐散、低层辐合的良好环境使WENDY环流内的对流云团进一步加强发展。

    When WENDY connected with westerly system , good environment of higher level divergence and lower level convergence strengthened the development of convective cloud .

  12. Q矢量诊断表明,Q矢量散度在福建沿海NE-SW向的垂直剖面图上呈条块状辐散、辐合区相间分布的形式,反映了中尺度特性。

    Q vector divergence field on vertical section plane along NE-SW direction on Fujian coast submit piece form district of convergence and divergence , have reflected meso-scale character .

  13. 分析结果表明:辐散型流场下广州市地面O3浓度最低,热岛环流型广州市地面O3浓度最高。

    The conclusions are that surface ozone concentration is the lowest under the divergent condition and the highest under the heat island circulation .

  14. 而慢过程在零级近似下是地转风,流场具有水平无辐散性质,在一级近似下是类似Rossby波的慢波,运动满足位涡度守恒的条件。

    Under the first approximation , there exist the slower waves as Rossby waves and their motions satisfy the condition similar to that of potential vorticity conservation .

  15. MCC在低空急流中心前方的风速梯度区中形成并发展;MCC形成阶段,中层出现暖中心并且气旋性涡度增大,辐合辐散运动随高度交替出现,量级相当,上升运动的层次较厚。

    The warm core occurs , the cyclone vorticity increases and the divergence alternates with height in the middle-level at the forming stage of MCC , and the levels of ascending motion are thick .

  16. 从热带西印度洋辐散的无旋异常风场在连接IOD和地中海-撒哈拉及里海地区上空环流变化之间的关系中起到关键作用。

    The divergent irrotational anomalous wind field from the tropical western Indian Ocean played a key role in the relationship between the IOD and circulation variation over the Mediterranean-Sahara and the Caspian Sea regions .

  17. 波射线的分析表明,在纬向基本气流为常数的情况下,辐散风作用下的低频Rossby波从初始位置到反射纬度的传播路径表现为一段光滑的大弧;

    Rossby wave ray analysis indicates that for the constant zonal basic flow , the path along which Rossby wave with divergent wind propagates from initial location to reflection latitude is regarded as a piece of smooth arc .

  18. 通过研究表明,每次ELNino事件在热带太平洋都伴随着西风应力异常以及向赤道辐合的经向风应力异常,东风应力异常及向两极辐散的经向风应力异常与ELNino消亡对应。

    Diagnostic results show that the westerly wind stress anomaly and convergent meridional wind stress anomaly over the tropical Pacific correspond to the every El Nino , and the easterly anomaly and divergent meridional wind stress anomaly correspond to the vanishing of El Nino .

  19. 但在经向超长波时,则涡度方程中存在辐散项,这一结果与Matsuno得到的在热带存在Rossby波和惯性-重力波混合的情况是一致的。

    While for meridional ultra-long wave the vorticity equation has a divergence term . This result agrees with that of Matsuno who obtained the mixed Rossby-gravity wave in the dry tropical atmosphere .

  20. 文中研究了热力强迫所激发的辐散风对低频Rossby波能量传播的影响,推导出辐散风作用下的Rossby波的频散关系和群速度表达式。

    The effect of divergent wind excited by external thermal forcing on propagation of low frequency Rossby wave is investigated in a barotropic atmosphere . The dispersion relation and group velocity expression of low-frequency Rossby wave with divergent wind are derived .

  21. 物理量诊断对比分析表明:在暴雨出现前12h,低层辐合、高层辐散的垂直结构已基本形成,到暴雨出现临近辐合辐散迅速加强,为暴雨形成和维持提供了非常有利的动力条件。

    The physics diagnosis contrast analysis show that , 12 hours before the rainstorm , congregation at low level and divergence at high level formed and are reinforced when rainstorm arrived . It provided the favorable dynamic condition to the formation and maintaining of the rainstorm .

  22. 介绍了多普勒雷达速度PPI产品图像定性识别方法,分析了与对流性降水云体有关的图像特征:①冷暖平流与大尺度辐合辐散运动相结合的零速度线;

    The qualitative identification methods of Doppler radar velocity PPI pictures are introduced . The related image features of convective rainfall clouds are analyzed : ① the zero-velocity lines in the wind field related to large-scale convergence or divergence in combination with cold or warm advection ;

  23. 研究表明,Rossby波具有倾斜的螺旋结构,在流场槽前下层呈水平辐合和上升运动,而流场槽后是下沉运动和下层水平辐散。

    It is shown that the Rossby waves possess a tilting spiral structure , which represents that the stream field is horizontal convergence at lower layer and ascending motion in front of trough , but descending motion and horizontal divergence at lower layer behind the trough .

  24. 首先考虑了测量大气中垂直气流运动速度,然后考虑利用VAD探测方法测出水平均匀风场中水平风速随高度的分布,并在此基础上研究了各高度的径向散度和辐合辐散等。

    First the vertical air velocity has been considered , then variation of horizontal wind velocity with height in uniform wind fields is discussed by using VAD detection method . Based on these , we study the radial divergence and convergence on each level of height .

  25. 分析MRF方案的输出结果,发现对应每个时刻的累积雨团上空,925hPa都有较强的辐合辐散偶极子与之相配合,而在300hPa则有较强的辐散。

    By studying the output of the MRF scheme , we found that at each time above the rain cluster , correspondingly , there was a pair of relatively strong dipoles of convergence and divergence at the level of 925 hPa , while strong divergence at 300 hPa .

  26. 北半球冬季平均E-P通量的辐合辐散与地形作用形成的大槽大脊相对应,其强度也与槽脊的强度相一致。

    The divergence or convergence of the E-P flux in the Northern Hemisphere winter ( January ) is corresponding with the trough and ridge generated by the orographic effect , and their intensities are also consistent with each other .

  27. 在对流层上部(300hPa以上)是一个中尺度反气旋式辐散环流,在对流层下部(以700hPa为中心)是一个气旋式辐合环流。

    There are a mesoscale negative vorticity circulation with divergence in the upper troposphere ( above 250hPa ) , and a positive vorticity circulation with convergence in the lower troposphere ( centered at 700hPa ) .

  28. 中尺度对流系统(MCSs)散度垂直分布的特殊结构,即从对流层低层到高层存在的辐合&辐散双重结构对大暴雨时强烈上升运动和深对流形成有着重要作用。

    The especial structure of vertical distribution of divergence in mesoscale convective system , namely the double structures of convergence-divergence from lower levels of troposphere to upper level , has an important role in forming strong ascending motion and deep convective formation of heavy storm rain .

  29. 大的正涡度区位于500hPa以上,600hPa以下为强辐合区,以上则为强辐散区,这种结构配置成为暴雨发生的有利的动力机制。

    The vertical distribution of physical characters in the rainstorm is higher positive vorticity at 500 hPa , stronger convergence and divergence over and below 600 hPa respectively , which provides dynamical mechanism for the rainstorm process .

  30. 850hPa偏东急流左前侧的辐合区与200hPa西南急流入口区右侧辐散区重叠,产生的急流次级环流为强雷暴提供了持续强劲的上升运动。

    The sub-circulation caused by coupling of left convergence of east jet at 850 hPa and right divergence of entering place of southwest jet at 200 hPa supplied a continuous and powerful updraft .