
jīnɡ yínɡ xǔ kě zhènɡ
  • Business License;license for operation;permit foroperation
  1. 迄今为止,只有高盛(GoldmanSachs)和汇丰(HSBC)等全球银行得到了迪拜的经营许可证。

    To date , only global banks such as Goldman Sachs and HSBC have been awarded Dubai licences .

  2. 腾讯表示,境外商户拥有经营许可证以及独立网站或APP即可申请加入微信支付生态系统。

    The social networking giant said foreign stores can apply to be part of its WeChat payment ecosystem as long as they have a trading license and website or an application .

  3. 然而,Uber积极进取的扩张计划遭遇了阻碍,因为很多国家的政策制定者和出租车司机都反对它,说它没有相应的经营许可证,与本地出租车服务开展竞争是不公平的。

    Yet Uber 's aggressive plans for expansion have been plagued by opposition from policy makers - and taxi drivers - in a number of countries who say it operates without the appropriate licenses and is unfair competition for local taxi associations .

  4. 外商投资企业必须在其投资经营许可证的规定。

    A FIE must operate in accordance with its investment license .

  5. 无《药品经营许可证》的,不得经营药品。

    No one is permitted to distribute drugs without the certificate .

  6. 吊销营业执照或者广告经营许可证。

    Revocation of the business licences or the licences for advertising operation .

  7. 其他在经营许可证范围内的产品!

    In other business license within the scope of products !

  8. 已具有《出版物经营许可证》的除外。

    Unless it has already held the " Permit for Running Publications " .

  9. 出租、出借经营许可证的。

    The bank leases or lends out business license .

  10. 报验单位的《药品经营许可证》和《企业法人营业执照》复印件;

    Copy of the applicant 's Drug Business License or Enterprise Legal Person Business License ;

  11. 只有通过安全评估机构认定的企业,才能取得危险化学品经营许可证。

    Only those passing the safety assessment can be granted the license for operating dangerous chemicals .

  12. (二)兼营广告业务的事业单位,发给《广告经营许可证》;

    For institutions concurrently engaged in advertising business , Licences for Advertising Operation shall be issued ;

  13. 对己登记的网吧,核查《文化经营许可证》是否有效;

    Has been registered on the Internet , check " culture operation license " is valid ;

  14. 2008年获得中国商务部颁发的直销经营许可证。

    In2008 , Alphy obtained the Permit of Direct Selling issued by the Ministry of Commerce .

  15. 外国公司应符合下列要求才能获得经营许可证。

    A foreign company should meet the following requirements in order to obtain a trading license .

  16. 予以许可的,向申请人颁发《国际船舶运输经营许可证》;

    Where approval is granted , the International Shipping License shall be issued to the applicant ;

  17. 古巴对外国投资也变得有选择性,许多小商业公司也被撤销了经营许可证。

    The welcome for foreign investment became more selective ; many small businesses had their licences withdrawn .

  18. 唯一的外国经营许可证持有一制药公司可订立合约,在越南制造。

    Only foreign pharmaceutical companies that hold a trading license may enter into contract manufacturing in Vietnam .

  19. 这位香港知名企业家骄傲地成为第001号合资经营许可证的主人。

    The Hong Kong businesswoman is the proud owner of business license 001 , for Beijing Air Catering Company .

  20. 报验单位应当是持有《药品经营许可证》的独立法人。

    Only as an independent legal person holding a Drug Business License may an entity apply for drug inspection .

  21. 当然,但不知是否巧合,谷歌周一宣布,中国已经换发了其在该国的经营许可证。

    Sure , but coincidentally or not , Google said Monday that China renewed its operating license in the country .

  22. 伪造、变造、转让商业银行经营许可证的,依法追究刑事责任。

    Criminal responsibilities shall be affixed on those who fabricate , change and transfer the business license of a commercial bank .

  23. 取得甲种经营许可证的单位可经营销售剧毒化学品和其他危险化学品;

    An entity with the operating license of type A may operate and market highly toxic chemicals and other hazardous chemicals ;

  24. 未取得经营许可证和未经工商登记注册,任何单位和个人不得经营销售危险化学品。

    Without the operating license or industry and commerce registration , no entity or individual may operate or market hazardous chemicals .

  25. 《广告经营许可证》分为正本、副本,正本、副本具有同样法律效力。

    The Advertising Business License shall have an original copy and a duplicate , which shall have the same legal effect .

  26. 该中心提醒消费者,一、网上购物前,认真核实购物网站是否具有相关部门核发的经营许可证。

    The center warned consumers , online shopping , seriously shopping website to verify whether license issued by the relevant departments .

  27. 富勤南京处理工厂的许可证:获得政府工商和环保部门颁发的营业执照和危险废物经营许可证,其中包括电子废弃物。

    License for Fortune Group Nanjing facility : business license , hazardous material recycling permit including e-waste recycling , recycling business permit .

  28. 他还提到,医疗器械经营许可证将是国家商务部或者其地方办事处核准的前提条件。

    He also mentioned that the medical equipment operating permit will be a pre-condition to MOFCOM or its local branch 's approval .

  29. 对被吊销经营许可证的,工商行政管理部门应吊销其营业执照。

    If the operating licence of such enterprise is cancelled , the administrative department for Industry and Commerce shall cancel its business licence .

  30. 药品批发、售企业凭《药品经营许可证》到工商行政管理部门办理登记注册。

    With the Drug Supply Certificate , the wholesaler and the retailer shall be registered with the administrative agency for industry and commerce .