
jīnɡ jì rén
  • economic man
  1. 有关理性经济人的思想就正在被一个新兴的、名为行为经济学的学科给推翻。

    Ideas about " rational " economic man are being overturned by new ones from a discipline called behavioural economics .

  2. 经济人假说的演变及其启示

    The Evolution of " Economic Man Hypothesis " and Its Revelation

  3. 文学经济人和出版商无时不在发掘有才无名的作家。

    Agents and publishers are tireless in their search for unknown talent .

  4. 证券经济人在面对那些小客户时从未像现在这样缺乏激情

    Stockbrokers never more than now lack enthusiasm for the small client .

  5. 经济人属性与委托-代理有效性分析

    On attribute of economic man and the validity of trust-agent mechanism

  6. 经济人概念在经济史中的成形及归宿

    The Figuration and End-result of Economic Man Conception in Economic History

  7. 经济人理论:渊源、演进及启示

    Origin , Evolution and Inspiration from Theories of Economic Man

  8. 经济人与道德人:分裂统一与逻辑启示

    Economic Man and moral Man : dissociation 、 integration and logical implications

  9. 信息经济人与信息经纪人比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Info economic Man and Information Brocher

  10. 论企业家人性假设:经济人与道德人的整合

    Assumption of Nature of Entrepreneur , Integration of Economic and Moral Being

  11. 他打电话给保险经济人,然后选择一个保险。当谈话结束后保险经济人问他的邮箱地址,他说:“我没有邮箱”。

    When the conversation was concluded the broker asked him his email .

  12. 斯密经济人理论的二重性。

    Section three points out dual character of the theory .

  13. 经济人是市场经济的主体。

    The economic man is the main body of the market economy .

  14. 关于经济人命题的研究和发展

    Researching and Development the Propositions of " Economic People "

  15. 经济人假设与诚信的发生

    The Hypothesis of " Economic Man " and the Development of Integrity

  16. 经济人假设的伦理审视

    An Inspection of the Ethical of Hypothesis of Economic Man

  17. 经济人假设的修正与经济学的发展

    The Revision of Economy Man Assumption and Economics Development

  18. 经济人假设:批判与思考

    The Hypothesis of Economic Man : Criticisms and Reflections

  19. 经济人假设的发展基础及现实价值&与任志军商榷

    The Development Foundation of " Economic People " Assumption and Its Realistic Value

  20. 经济人与道德人的相通与契合

    Inter-osculation and Coincidence between Economic Man and Moral Man

  21. 对于利他行为,人们总是站在“经济人”的角度进行分析。

    People always analyse altruistic behaviors from the angle of " economic-agent " .

  22. 经济人假设与经济学的扩张

    The Hypothesis of Economic Man and the Expansion of Economics ' Study Fields

  23. 原来的那个经济人怎么了,弗瑞德?

    What happened to your old agent , fred ?

  24. 对经济人的反思与中国经济伦理的重建

    Review on Economic Man and Reestablishment of Economy Ethics

  25. 经济人的心理博弈:社会心理学对经济学的贡献与挑战

    Social Psychology of Economic Man : Challenge and Contribution

  26. 经济人、代理人与管理激励机制

    Economic Man , Agent and Managerial Incentive Mechanism

  27. 有关经济人的理解与思考

    An Understanding of and Reflections on Economic Person

  28. 道德经济人产生的机制

    Mechanism that produces brokers with the work ethic

  29. 现代经济学的基本假设之一是经济人理性行为假设。

    One of modern economics basically hypothesis is economic person 's rational action hypothesis .

  30. 从国际政治的角度来说,各国政府肯定是经济人;

    From the international political angle , the all countries government affirmatively is economic man ;