
  • 网络The economic downturn;economic meltdown
  1. 但是,英国经济下滑状况将十分严重,因此,一段时期内其货币政策将极为宽松。

    But the economic downturn in the UK will be so extreme that policy will be excessively loose for some time .

  2. 由于经济下滑,人们不得不考虑一下处方上药物的花费,并适当削减,对此我感到很兴奋。

    I am happy that the economic downturn is forcing people to look at their prescription drug expenditures and to cut back .

  3. 他批评政府未能遏止经济下滑。

    He criticised the government for failing to halt economic decline

  4. 当时,英国经济下滑之严重,英国成了第一个向国际货币基金组织(InternationalMonetaryFund)寻求援助的发达国家。

    By then , Britain 's economy had slumped so badly that it had become the first developed nation to go to the International Monetary Fund for support . '

  5. 分析人士指出,期待已久的3G时代虽然已经来临,但是经济下滑、资本支出剧增以及不断升级的竞争局面却意味着中国的电信行业目前正处于螺旋下降状态。

    And intensifying competition , means China 's telecom industry is now on a downward spiral despite the arrival of the long-anticipated3G-era , analysts said .

  6. 大举进军亚洲市场将使得AIG有效抵御未来美国本土经济下滑的风险。

    A big move into Asia could provide AIG with , well , insurance against the next downturn stateside .

  7. Kiva网站的发言人FionaRamsey表示,虽然经济下滑,该网站还是保持蓬勃发展。

    Kiva spokeswoman Fiona Ramsey says the site has grown even with the economic downturn .

  8. 华尔街日报:随着美国国内生产总值(GDP)官方公布出现负增长,人们的关注焦点也已经转移到了经济下滑的严重程度,以及需要采取什么措施来推动经济复苏上。

    Wall Street Journal : Now that gross domestic product has officially gone negative , focus has turned to how deep the downturn will be and what needs to happen for the economy to recover .

  9. 中国海上油气生产商中海油(cnooc)昨日表示,由于中国的石油供应紧张,预计该公司不会受到全球经济下滑的影响。

    CNOOC , the Chinese offshore oil and gas producer , yesterday said it expected it would be immune to a global economic slowdown because of tight oil supply in China .

  10. TDA故意把招聘目标锁定于那些因经济下滑而担心失业的金融城雇员。

    The TDA has made a conscious decision to target anxious City workers who may fear for their jobs as a result of the downturn .

  11. 托波拉内克表示,欧盟领导人上周在布鲁塞尔的一次峰会上,听到了美国财长蒂姆盖特纳(timgeithner)要求采取更积极政策抵御全球经济下滑的呼吁,这些领导人对此感到不安。

    Mr Topolanek said EU leaders had been disturbed at a summit in Brussels last week to hear calls from Timothy Geithner , the US Treasury Secretary , for more aggressive policies to fight the global downturn .

  12. 在上周五发表的声明中,G7工业国承认,有迹象表明,我们经济下滑的速度已经放缓,并且正在显现一些企稳的迹象。

    In a statement on Friday , the Group of Seven industrialised economies welcomed signs that the pace of decline in our economies has slowed and some signs of stabilisation are emerging .

  13. 但在2008年发生了经济下滑和股票缩水,Schuler先生及其支持者由于担心公司的经营方向开始购买股权。

    But business dipped in 2008 and the shares plunged . Mr Schuler and his supporters , worried about the direction the company was taking , started buying .

  14. 有些二级城市从经济下滑中确实获得了好处,因为来自Travelzoo的资深编辑GabeSaglie说,人们在寻找更短的旅途。

    Some secondary cities do benefit in a down economy because people are seeking shorter trips , said Gabe Saglie , senior editor of Travelzoo .

  15. 美林全球多元化及包容主管、最新研究的关键合作伙伴之一苏巴巴里(subhabarry)表示,美林从之前的研究中了解到,经济下滑期间女性和少数族裔离开或被挖走的几率高得不成比例。

    Subha Barry , head of global diversity and inclusion at Merrill Lynch and one of the key partners in the latest study , says the bank knew from previous research that women and minorities were disproportionately likely to leave or be poached in a downturn .

  16. 这使得中国的银行极易受到经济下滑的冲击。

    That leaves the banks highly vulnerable to an economic downturn .

  17. 金融危机显示出全球相互依存的经济下滑趋势。

    The financial crisis has shown the downside of global inter-dependence .

  18. 所以,经济下滑对环境没有好处。

    So an economic downturn is no friend of the environment .

  19. 那么,逼近的经济下滑能否预示着政府会重新选择一剂苦药?

    So could the looming downturn herald a return to bitter medicine ?

  20. 亚洲地区的经济下滑速度也令人担心。

    The speed of economic slowdown in Asia also makes people worry .

  21. 越来越多的人会把目前发生的经济下滑称为衰退。

    The current economic downturn increasingly will be referred to as a depression .

  22. 经济下滑迹象刚刚显露,汽车销售就会下滑。

    At the first sign of a business downturn , auto sales swoon .

  23. 裁员和商场里的降价直接反映了经济下滑。

    Lay-off and discount in the market are reflect the falling of economic .

  24. 随着经济下滑,预算缺口预计还将进一步扩大。

    As the economy contracts , that budget gap is projected to grow .

  25. 研究表明:经济下滑,但衰退减缓。

    Survey : economy declining , but recession abating .

  26. 经济下滑,信心消失。

    The economy goes into decline and confidence diminishes .

  27. 当然,这也为中央银行家们在世界经济下滑时预留了减息空间。

    That gives central bankers some room to cut if the world economy sags .

  28. 两位领导人还试图淡化他们在扭转经济下滑的具体做法上存在的分歧。

    The two leaders downplayed differences on steps to reverse the current economic slide .

  29. 布什说,美国正在帮助伊拉克政府扭转持续了几十年的经济下滑趋势。

    He said America is helping the Iraqi government reverse decades of economic decline .

  30. 新加坡、韩国和台湾经济下滑的速度丝毫不比日本逊色。

    Singapore , South Korea and Taiwan vie with Japan for the swiftest downturn .