
  • 网络custodian;Curator;store keeper;Locker
保管员 [bǎo guǎn yuán]
  • (1) [storekeeper]∶仓库的管理员

  • (2) [storeman]∶保管货物的人(如在仓库内)

  1. 第五条创造五好仓库是每个保管员努力的方向,每月对仓库进行一次检查,以促进创五好仓库的开展。

    The fifth of five to create a good custodian of each warehouse is the direction of the warehouse each month for a check to promote good Chong five warehouses in it .

  2. 一项有关的原则被认为是集体实体规则规定,保管公司记录的公司官员在接到传票后,必须提交记录,即使这一举动会把保管员自己牵连进去。

    A related principle , known as the collective entity rule , provides that a corporate officer who has custody of the firm 's records must produce them in response to a subpoena , even though this response might incriminate the custodian herself .

  3. 保管员主要负责车辆的验收、出入、保管

    Custodians primarily responsible for the inspection of vehicles , access , custody .

  4. 在法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)、汇丰(HSBC)和巴克莱等一些机构,档案保管员发起了口述历史项目来捕捉高管们对事件的回顾。

    At some institutions , such as BNP Paribas , HSBC and Barclays , archivists run oral history programmes to capture executives ' reflections on events .

  5. 这件事情是由女王档案图书管理员和助理保管员OliverUrquhartIrvine的纪录片的面世才被揭开。

    The story was unearthed for the documentary by Oliver Urquhart Irvine , the librarian and assistant keeper of the Queen 's Archives .

  6. 世界银行管理委员会(WODEBAKE)下设指挥中心大系统小系统世界各大金库的仓库保管员,资金保管员和资产监督人员。

    Command centers established under WODE BAKE – major system – minor system – storage keeper of every world gold storage , fund keeper and capital supervisor .

  7. 本文报导112例粮食仓库保管员与50例正常成人常规肺功能和最大呼气平均流速&容量曲线(MEFV)的测定结果。

    The article reports the pulmonary function and the maximal expiratory flow - volume ( MEFV ) curves of 112 grain - store keepers and 50 normal healthy adults .

  8. 粮库保管员肺通气功能的改变

    The Changes of the Grain - store Keepers ' Pulmonary Function

  9. 保管员要坚持日清月结,做到勤清点、勤整理、勤保养。

    The storekeeper shall check , sort and maintain them frequently .

  10. 鲁伯·海格,霍格沃兹的场地和钥匙保管员。

    Rubeus Hagrid , Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts .

  11. 客人可以把贵重物品交给安全保管员照管。

    Guest can deposit valuables with the manager for safe - keeping .

  12. 仓库保管员,每月包吃包住500块钱;

    Warehouse safekeeper , 500 yuan a month includes room and meals ;

  13. 现在连保管员的权限都比我高了

    Custodial crew has more access than me now .

  14. 那个瘸子保管员腋下夹着一卷旧报纸又来了。

    The gimp came again with a roll of old newspapers under his oxter .

  15. 无须专职保管员,由流动保安兼管。

    Need not the full-time preservation member , from the fluxion public security and tubes .

  16. 摄影师是上帝的记录保管员。

    Photographers are recorder keepers for God .

  17. 库房保管员每月月底做出库存情况统计表。

    Statistic form about inventory shall be made at the end of every month by the storekeeper .

  18. 但在路易斯安那的蒙哥马利,一名档案保管员曾当面呼他为“来自哈佛的黑鬼”。

    But in Montgomery , Louisiana , the archivist called him a " Harvard nigger " to his face .

  19. 第七条库存盈亏反映出保管员的工作质量,力求做到不出现差错。

    The seventh loss of inventory custodians reflects the quality of the work , do not seek to errors .

  20. 我是一个崇拜者存档冲动和一个积习已档案保管员在家庭一级。

    I happen to be an admirer of the archiving impulse and an inveterate archivist at the household level .

  21. 他们包括店主或经理,出纳员,簿记员,会计、采购和保管员。

    They include the owner or manager , the cashier , bookkeeper , accountant , purchasing agent , and storekeeper .

  22. 垂钓者:知道我是谁么?我是动物保管员,我正在把鱼移到别的地方。

    Fisherman : Know who I am ? I 'm animal storeman . I 'm moving the fish to another place .

  23. 这位播音员还兼任电台乐器保管员。那位音乐节目的播音员总是播放最新的流行音乐。

    The announcer doubled in brass as the station 's music librarian . That disc jockey always plays the latest tunes .

  24. 仓库爆炸后,仓库保管员感到昏昏然。多层仓顶室贮仓振动的鞭击效应

    After the explosion of the storehouse the storekeeper was dazed . On Whiplash Effect of Earthquakes for Multistorey Attic Storage Structure

  25. 坎大哈省政府有154人的编制,但最新统计为49人,其中很多是办事员和保管员。

    The Kandahar provincial government is allocated 154 employees , and at last count had 49 many of those clerical and custodial .

  26. 因此,保管员的岗位在大众物流公司是非常重要的现场管理的岗位,是承上启下的物流枢纽。

    Therefore , custodians of the positions in public companies is a very important site logistics management posts is a logistics hub connecting .

  27. 已经在这里生活超过50年的基布兹档案保管员多夫·哈特威表示这次冲突与以往大不相同。

    Dov Hartuv , the kibbutz archivist , has lived here for more than 50 years . He says the conflict was different this time .

  28. 一旦“被访人”开始被当作合著者,而民族志学者既是抄写员、档案保管员也是进行阐释的观察者,我们就能够对所有的民族志提出新的批评性问题。

    Once'informants'begin to be considered as co-authors , and the ethnographer as scribe and archivist as well as interpreting observer , we can ask new , critical questions of all ethnographies .

  29. 项目剩余材料,由项目负责人送回,库房保管员按入库手续将其重新入库、进账。

    The left materials should be sent back to the warehouse by the head of the project , and the storekeeper shall put them into storage and account again according to the procedures .

  30. 他又躲在烟囱后偷看屋下泉水边黑暗中的面孔,同时通知了掌管教堂钥匙的圣器保管员,说不定过一会儿需要敲钟。

    Glanced down from behind his chimneys at the darkening faces by the fountain below , and sent word to the sacristan who kept the keys of the church , that there might be need to ring the tocsin by-and-by .