
bǎo zhì qī
  • quality guarantee period;sell-by date
保质期[bǎo zhì qī]
  1. 用90℃杀菌5min,饮料无煮熟味且能达到6个月保质期。

    The best way of the sterilizing is 90 ℃ for 5 minutes , there is no cooking taste in the beverage , and the quality guarantee period of the beverage is longer than 6 months .

  2. 生鲜农产品属于生活必需品,具有需求量大、保质期短、易损耗等特点。

    Fresh agricultural products belong to the necessities of life with the trait of strong demand , short quality guarantee period and perishable .

  3. 食用经过辐射杀菌处理、延长了保质期的食品是安全的。

    It 's safe to eat foods that have been irradiated to prolong their shelf life .

  4. “智慧不会过期,”他说,“智慧没有保质期。”

    " There is no expiration date on wisdom , " he says , " There is no shelf life on intelligence . "

  5. 未来的杂货店可能会储存保质期更久的“食物”,以此腾出货架空间,减少运输和储存要求。

    Grocery stores of the future might stock " food " that lasts years on end , freeing up shelf space and reducing transportation and storage requirements .

  6. 金钱是萨拉索塔的巨无霸豪宅,保质期就只有十年,权力是古老的石砌建筑,能屹立数百年。

    Money is the McMansion in Sarasota that starts falling apart after ten years . Power is the old stone building that stands for centuries .

  7. 对于超大物品或打包一起卖的东西,一定要看好保质期,因为商场经常用这种伎俩处理快要过期的商品。

    As for supersized items or bulk deals , it 's always worth checking expiry dates , since this is often a ploy6 used by stores to get rid of stock approaching its ' best before ' date .

  8. 复合VE对延长富含油脂食品保质期的影响

    The effect of vitamin E on prolonging the storage of oil-rich food

  9. 我们公司的任何一款顺势疗法的产品上都不标有保质期,除了Hyland's的维生素C小片之外。

    There is no expiration date on any of our homeopathic products , except for our Hyland 's Vitamin C.

  10. B类为药材,包括急救药材、消毒药品、各系统疾病用药,根据保质期进行随时更换、清理;

    Type B is the medicinal substances including first-aid medicine , disinfection agents and so on , which should be replaced regularly in terms expiration date .

  11. 本研究旨在应用CO2延长农家干酪的保质期。

    The purpose of this study is applying carbon dioxide to extend the shelf life of cottage cheese .

  12. 防腐剂和低温杀菌工艺对烟熏火腿保质期的影响低温肠高密度CO2杀菌技术研究

    Effect of Preservation Agent and Pasteurized Technology on Shelf-life of Smoked Ham ; Research on Dense Phase CO_2 Sterilization Technology for Low-temperature Sausage

  13. 此产品水分活度Aw为0.56,保质期可达6个月以上。

    Aw is 0.56 , quality term is above six months .

  14. 建议对保质期短的食品的生产企业实行HACCP管理;

    We propose that HACCP be operated in food industries which produce foods with short shelf life ;

  15. WPP旗下的数字广告公司Akqa的董事长汤姆•贝德卡雷(TomBedecarré)表示,IE这个已经20岁的品牌早已过了保质期。

    Tom Bedecarre , chairman of Akqa , a digital advertising agency owned by WPP , said the 20-year-old brand was long past its sell-by date .

  16. 为了延长富含油脂的干果类食品的保质期,研究了茶多酚、维生素C(Vc)对炒熟花生仁、核桃仁油脂氧化酸败的抑制作用。

    In order to prolong the storage life of oil-rich dry fruit , the inhibition of oil oxidation in the fried peanut and walnut by tea polyphenols and vitamin C had been studied in this paper .

  17. 在研究Nisin复合防腐剂延长低温火腿肠保质期的同时,分析了添加Nisin等食品添加剂对低温火腿肠色泽和质构的影响。

    Simultaneously , Influence of Nisin and other preservatives on color and texture of pasteurized minced ham sausage was studied .

  18. 首先,NASA对它的食品的保质期要求极高:大部分冻干的食品保质期要2年,热稳定的食品3年。

    First , NASA demands a pretty high shelf life for its groceries : two years for most freeze-dried foods and three years for thermo-stabilized foods .

  19. 来自哈佛大学(harvarduniversity)和联合利华(unilever)的研究人员表示,他们的发现可以帮助许多包含微小气泡的消费品(从冰淇淋到个人护肤品)延长保质期。

    Researchers from Harvard University and Unilever say their findings could help to extend the life of many consumer goods that contain microscopic bubbles , from ice cream to personal care products .

  20. 结果表明,Nisin既改进了肉制品扒鸡的食用品质,又达到产品规定的保质期。

    As a result , after adding Nisin , the quality of the braised chicken improved and the shelf-life reached the required .

  21. 被调查者称,他们知道SPF值更高的防晒霜能提供更多保护,而且不能使用已过保质期的防晒霜。

    Survey respondents said they were aware that sunscreens with higher SPF afforded greater protection , and sunscreens past their expiration dates should not be used .

  22. 为了延长富含油脂食品的保质期,对VE、Vc、柠檬酸对炒制花生粉油脂氧化酸败的抑制作用进行了研究。

    In order to prolong the storage of oil-rich food , the inhibitions of oil oxidation in the fried peanut powder by vitamin E , vitamin C and citric acid have been studied in this paper .

  23. 采用UHT灭菌、复合塑料膜无菌灌装,常温下保质期达到30~90天。

    The shelf life in normal temperature could reach 30 ~ 90 days by UHT sterilization and aseptic filling with compound plastic film .

  24. Nissin和其它防腐剂在延长羊肉保质期中的应用

    Application of Nisin and other Preservatives in Extending the Shelf-life of Fresh Mutton Meat

  25. 高压处理后酱牛肉在保质期内的感官品质较好,贮藏过程中TBA值和TVB-N值呈先增后减的趋势,pH值持续下降。

    During the storage period , the sensory quality of spiced beef was at a good level , TBA value and TVB-N value first increased and then decreased while pH value decreased continuously .

  26. 液态婴儿奶是超高温(UHT)灭菌处理后经无菌包装而成的产品,产品中不需要添加任何防腐剂,保质期可达6个月以上。

    Ready-to-feed infant milk is a product under aseptic package after UHT treatment , and the shelf life can be more than 6 months without any preservatives .

  27. CLEAR涂鸦笔,保质期一年,涂鸦笔与V-CLEAR系列写画板、涂鸦板、描红本等配套使用,随写随擦,可长期反复使用,经济实惠。

    V-CLEAR doodling pen , with the durability of1year , can be used together with V-CLEAR series painting board , doodling board or facsimile , It is easy wiping , repeatedly used , and economy .

  28. 结论ATP可作为评价肉类营养和卫生质量的指标,比现行肉类卫生质量指标直接、快速和灵敏,对判定生肉保质期有一定实用价值。

    Conclusion ATP can be used as an index to evaluate the nutrition and hygiene quality of meat , which was director , more rapid and sensitive than current health quality index , and it may have some value of use to confirm the shelf-life of meat .

  29. 产品保证期限:所有产品之保质期应为27个月,从装船之日起开始计算。卖方应提供RMA服务,即每批装船货物中应有2%的免费部件。

    Length of Warranty : Warranty period of all products will be27 months from the shipping date and Seller shall provide the RMA service which is % 2 free units will be loaded each shipment .

  30. 经2450MHz、850W微波处理40s的食用槟榔,室温下(20~35℃)保质期可达3个月。

    The storage period ( 20 ~ 35 ℃) of edible areca catechu treated by microwave ( 2450MHz , 850W , and 40s ) is longer than 3 months .