
ān quán shè bèi
  • safety equipment;safety devices
  1. 他们已经拨出一大笔钱购买安全设备。

    They have laid out a large sum of money in purchasing safety devices .

  2. 由高田公司生产的安全设备已经与11人死亡、100余人的受伤事件相关联。

    Safety devices made by Takata have been linked to 11 deaths and more than 100 injuries .

  3. 调查发现,公司对安全设备的投资严重不足。

    The inquiry found that the company had seriously underspent on safety equipment .

  4. 这艘船的安全设备破损失修。

    The vessel 's safety equipment was not in good order .

  5. 他过细地检查了所有的安全设备。

    He closely examined all the safety equipment .

  6. 建立高效的网络安全设备IP数据包转发机制

    Constructing efficient IP packet transmit methodology for network security devices

  7. IPSec安全设备QoS方案的仿真及性能分析

    Simulation and Analysis of a QoS Scheme Used in IPSec Security Device

  8. 因此作为一种网络安全设备,VPN网关被广泛的应用。

    VPN gateway was widely used as network security equipment .

  9. 一种支持QoS的IPSec安全设备体系结构

    Type of Architecture of QoS-Capable IPSec Security Device

  10. 越来越多的网络安全设备厂商趋向于采用FPGA芯片与CPU结合的策略。

    An increasing number of network security equipment vendors tend to use of FPGA and CPU combination strategy .

  11. 随着网络基础设施的建设,网络安全设备VPN的性能需要进一步的提高。

    With the network developing , the VPN 's performance need to be improved .

  12. 提出在IBM虚拟机器的架构上,使用错误围堵策略建立可生存的网络安全设备内核的思想。

    Fault containment is proposed to construct a survivable kernel of the network security device based on the IBM virtual machine .

  13. 这种策略下,FPGA芯片所能达到的数据吞吐率便成了衡量网络安全设备性能的关键指标。

    Under this strategy , the key performance indicator to measure network security devices is the data throughput achieved by FPGA chip .

  14. 论文重点研究了4&7层网络安全设备的TCP并发连接性能的测试。

    The Concurrent TCP Connection performance test of the network security devices that working at 4-7 layer was the emphases of this paper .

  15. 入侵检测系统(IntrusionDetectionSystem,缩写为IDS)作为近年来迅速发展的网络安全设备,扩展了管理员在监视、审计、攻击识别和响应等方面的安全管理能力。

    Intrusion Detection System ( IDS ) is one of the fast-developing network security devices in recent years . It strengthens Administrators ' security management abilities of monitoring , auditing , identifying attacks and corresponding response .

  16. 结合通信安全设备的结构、工作特性及使用环境,利用ADC模型的基本原理,进行密码装备效能分析与评估研究。

    The ADC model of Weapon System Effectiveness Industry Advisory Commission for ground-to-air missile weapon system evaluation was extended based on operation reliability in this paper .

  17. 上周,荷兰皇家壳牌(RoyalDutchShell)被迫暂停钻探阿拉斯加20年来第一口油井的努力,此前一件安全设备在测试中严重受损。

    Last week , Royal Dutch Shell was forced to temporarily abandon attempts to drill the first well in Alaska in two decades , after a piece of safety equipment was damaged during testing .

  18. 为了进一步提高防火墙、IDS(入侵检测系统)、IPS(入侵防护系统)等安全设备的检测能力,深度包检测技术便应运而生了。

    To improve detection capabilities of the firewall , IDS ( Intrusion Detection System ), IPS ( Intrusion Prevention System ) and other security tools , Deep Packet Inspection technology has been in place .

  19. 许多高速铁路发达国家已经广泛采用列车超速防护系统(简称ATP)设备,这是我国高速铁路建设以及地铁和城市轻轨交通所急需的安全设备。

    Automatic train protection ( ATP ) system devices , which are needed in our country for the construction of high-speed railway , metro and city railway , are used in many countries with developed high-speed railway .

  20. 防火墙、VPN设备等网络安全设备都需要支持VLAN,IEEE制定的802.1Q及Cisco公司制定的ISL是VLAN的两个主要协议。

    Network security products such as Firewall and VPN devices must support VLAN . 802.1Q protocol issued by IEEE and ISL protocol issued by Cisco are the two main protocols of VLAN .

  21. 在分析和归纳网络安全设备的基本功能的基础上,在CIM核心模型和公共模型之上建立了网络安全设备的扩展模式,并以安全隔离设备的建模过程对CIM信息建模的实效性进行验证。

    The thesis analyzed and induced the basic functions of the network security equipment , and then the extension schema of network security equipment was build atop the core model and common model of CIM .

  22. 同时,在SOC平台基本功能的基础上,将IDS、漏洞扫描、防病毒系统等多套安全设备系统进行统一管理,实现多安全防护系统的偕同互补工作。

    Meanwhile on basis of SOC platform basic functions , a global administration is done on several security equipment of IDS , bug scanner scan , anti-virus system etc , in which way it realized a cooperate and complementary work with multi-security system .

  23. 用错误围堵策略建立可生存的网络安全设备内核

    Utilizing Fault Containment to Construct a Survivable Network Security Device Kernel

  24. 高性能船舶结构防火和安全设备综述

    Structural Fire Protection & Safety Equipment Selection for High Performance Ships

  25. 文中探讨了嵌入式网络安全设备的远程安全通信设计。

    Discusses the design of remote secure communication on embedded network devices .

  26. 确保酒店防火,生命和安全设备的正常运作。

    Ensures fire , life and safety systems are operational .

  27. 对于网络安全设备而言,性能和成本一直是矛盾的两个方面。

    The performance and cost of network facilities always conflict with each other .

  28. 这可能大幅缩短安全设备与电子系统的接受曲线。

    This could dramatically shorten the adoption curve for safety equipment and electronics .

  29. 打造高效稳固的网络安全设备内核

    Construct Powerful and Steady Kernel for Network Security Device

  30. 安全设备功能的冲突和重叠造成资源的浪费,增加了管理难度,也引入了新的安全问题。

    Secure Equipment function 's conflict courses resource waste and inducts new security problem .