
xú kě zhènɡ zhì dù
  • licensing system
  1. 英国废物管理许可证制度及其对中国的启示

    UK Waste Management Licensing System and Its Inspiration to China

  2. 本市对电影发行、放映活动实行许可证制度。

    The municipality shall apply the licensing system to film release and showing activities .

  3. EMC许可证制度与标准化

    EMC Licence System & Standardisation

  4. SO2排放指标的合理分配是实施总量控制、排污许可证制度和排污权交易的重要基础。

    Rational allocation of SO_2 emission allowance provides important foundation for implementation of total emission control ( TEC ), permitting system , and emission trading .

  5. NAFTA将墨西哥的玉米进口许可证制度转化为关税配额制度,并在15年内逐步取消。

    NAFTA converted Mexico 's import license system for corn into a 15-year tariff rate quota ( TQR ) .

  6. 与美国的NPDES许可证制度相比较,我国水污染物排放许可证制度在法律依据、适用范围、管理体制、法律强制力等许多方面都存在缺陷。

    Compared with US NPDES permit system , China 's water pollutants discharge permit system has flaws in many aspects such as its statutory basis , scope , management system and legal force , and so on .

  7. 排放水污染物许可证制度智能化决策支持系统

    IDSS for the Administrative Procedure of Water Pollutant Discharge Permit System

  8. 许可证制度是道路运输管理的基石;

    License management system is the footstone of highway transport management .

  9. 建筑机械产品生产许可证制度实施中的几个问题

    Some Problems in Carrying out the System of Construction Machinery Producing Licence

  10. 海安县执行排污许可证制度经验初探

    Experiences of Carrying out Discharge Permit System of Hai'an County

  11. 本市对医疗机构实行执业许可证制度。

    The practice license system is adopted in Shanghai for medical institutions .

  12. 医疗机构配用药品应实行许可证制度

    Drug Purchasing Licence System Should be Established in Medical Units

  13. 沈阳市实施总量控制与排污许可证制度的探讨

    Discussion on Practice of Total Quantity Control and Pollutants Emission License System

  14. 实施大气排污许可证制度,推进污染总量控制战略

    Implementing Atmospheric Emissions Permit System , Pushing Pollutant Total Amount Control Strategy

  15. 中美水污染物排放许可证制度之比较

    Comparative Study on Sino-American Water Pollutants Discharge Permit System

  16. 实施大气污染物排放许可证制度必须纳入法制的轨道

    Implementation of Air Pollutant Emission Permit System Must Be Included in Legal Course

  17. 关于实行民用飞机材料生产许可证制度的建议

    The Proposal Concerning Practising the System of Production Certificate for Civil Aviation Materials

  18. 法国水体保护中的许可证制度

    On Protect the Water Environment Permit System in France

  19. 森林资源管理的行政许可证制度研究

    A Research on Administrative License System of Forestry Management

  20. 沈阳市推行大气排污许可证制度的技术路线

    Technical Route for Implementation of Air Pollutant Emission Permit system in Shenyang City

  21. 美国空气质量许可证制度及其启示

    American Air Quality License System and Its Inspiration

  22. 可转让排污许可证制度立法研究

    Legislation Study of Transferable Pollution Discharge License System

  23. 工厂食堂实施卫生许可证制度的认同度调查

    Investigation of the cognizance to the rules of hygiene license for factory dining room

  24. 实施国有企业审计许可证制度;

    Apply licence system to SOE 's auditing ;

  25. 其中,排污许可证制度与水污染物的排放许可关系最为紧密。

    Among them , the permit system and water pollution discharge permits is most closely .

  26. 确保许可证制度用于所有试车活动中。

    Ensure a permit system is in operation for all commissioning activities and it is .

  27. 依照两个暂行规定,实施了建筑管理许可证制度。

    Pursuant to the two provisional regulations . construction Permit was implemented in the City .

  28. 网络信息资源许可证制度&兼论图书馆推进公共信息获取的有效尝试

    License of Information on the Internet & Discussion on Libraries Experiences in Promoting Public Information Access

  29. 排污许可证制度的法理探析

    Jurisprudential Analysis of Discharge Permit System

  30. 我国实施的非关税措施主要有进口许可证制度和外汇管理制度。

    China 's non-tariff measures are mainly import licence system and the foreign exchange management system .