
shèng dàn jié
  • Christmas;Christmas Day;Yule;Noel;Chrimbo
圣诞节 [shèng dàn jié]
  • [Christmas]一年一度的基督教节日,定于十二月二十五日,作为耶稣诞辰纪念

圣诞节[shèng dàn jié]
  1. 他认为在圣诞节这天开始释放人质尤为讽刺。

    He called it particularly cynical to begin releasing the hostages on Christmas Day

  2. 他圣诞节那天振作起来了。

    He cheered up on Christmas Day itself .

  3. 自圣诞节前就一直没有他们的消息。

    There 's been no word from them since before Christmas .

  4. 要我告诉你吗?圣诞节我从未真正快乐过。

    You know something ? I 've never really enjoyed Christmas .

  5. 各地超级市场报告说圣诞节前生意火爆。

    Supermarkets everywhere reported excellent trading in the run-up to Christmas .

  6. 全家凑到一起度圣诞节,大家心里都十分激动。

    Tempers ignited when the whole family spent Christmas together .

  7. 圣诞节前夕,广告攻势达到了高潮。

    The advertising campaign reached a crescendo just before Christmas .

  8. 快过圣诞节了,孩子们越来越兴奋。

    As Christmas neared , the children became more and more excited .

  9. 环境气氛无可挑剔,正是一个美好的圣诞节所需要的。

    It was the perfect setting for a wonderful Christmas .

  10. 这个圣诞节电脑游戏很畅销。

    Computer games are a popular buy this Christmas .

  11. 你和家人共度圣诞节假日吗?

    Are you spending Christmas with your family ?

  12. 我在圣诞节见到过他们,但之后没听到过什么消息。

    I saw them at Christmas but haven 't heard a thing since then .

  13. 街上挤满了为圣诞节采购的人。

    The streets were full of Christmas shoppers .

  14. 你打算回家过圣诞节吗?

    Are you going home for Christmas ?

  15. 圣诞节是团聚的日子。

    Christmas is a time of reunion .

  16. 现在开始圣诞节倒计时。

    The countdown to Christmas starts here .

  17. 他们将在这里一直住到圣诞节。

    They 're here till Christmas .

  18. 离圣诞节还有几个月。

    Christmas is still months away .

  19. 我们布置好了装饰品和圣诞树,这才开始感受到圣诞节的气氛。

    We put up the decorations and the tree and started to feel Christmassy at last .

  20. 他们过不过圣诞节?

    Do they observe Christmas ?

  21. 直到圣诞节政治关系才有所改善。

    It took up to Christmas for political relations to thaw .

  22. 利兹因为圣诞节时孩子们不在而一直心神不宁。

    The absence of children at Christmas preyed on Liz 's mind

  23. 圣诞节后的那一天零售商一般都比较忙。

    The day after Christmas is generally a busy one for retailers

  24. 直到圣诞节之后我才见到保罗。

    It wasn 't until after Christmas that I met Paul .

  25. 这个圣诞节会有一款新型游戏机上市。

    This Christmas sees the launch of a new games console .

  26. 对离异的人来说,圣诞节令人感伤。

    For divorced people , Christmas can be a downer .

  27. 该手册正被译成数种语言,将在临近圣诞节时出版。

    The guide is being translated into several languages for publication near Christmas

  28. 我会送你一只阿尔萨斯小狗作为圣诞节礼物。

    I 'll get you an Alsatian pup for Christmas .

  29. 我和你妈妈过圣诞节的时候会想念你的。

    Your mama and I are gonna miss you at Christmas

  30. 她还从没和她的丈夫一起过过圣诞节。

    She has yet to spend a Christmas with her husband