
yǎn bō shì
  • studio;television studio;telestudio;teletorium
演播室 [yǎn bō shì]
  • [studio] 播送无线电广播或电视节目的房间或场所

演播室[yǎn bō shì]
  1. 该教堂的主体部分已被改造成了一个大型电视演播室。

    The main body of the church had been turned into a massive television studio

  2. 大选之夜,阿特‧戴维斯(ArturDavis)坐在阿拉巴马州的一个电视演播室里,看见一个白人摄影师眼中噙满泪水。

    AS HE sat in a television studio in Alabama on election night , Artur Davis saw a white cameraman with tears in his eyes .

  3. 通过关闭演播室和出售实况转播车将节省更多资金。

    More cash will be saved by shutting studios and selling outside-broadcast vehicles

  4. 几位娱乐界要人来到了演播室。

    Several big men in the entertainment industry came into the studio .

  5. 他们在CBS电视台53街演播室举行了他们在美国的第一场演唱会。

    They performed their first concert in America at CBS television 's 53rd street studio .

  6. 今天我参加了一个电视演播室的智力竞赛节目。

    Today I took part in a quiz show at a TV studio .

  7. 我们的实习生也会在嘉宾抵达演播室的时候向他们致以问候

    Our interns also greet our guests when they arrive in our studios .

  8. 基于PC机及Java技术的虚拟演播室系统研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Virtual Studio Based on PC and Java Technology

  9. 基于虚拟演播室的MotionCapture研究

    Research of Virtual Studio - based Motion Capture

  10. FPGA技术在数字演播室传输系统中的应用

    Usage of FPGA Technology in Digital Studio Transmission System

  11. ULTRA虚拟演播室软件在教育电视制作中的运用

    Application of the ULTRA virtual studio software in the instructional television production

  12. 转接给演播室里的Bob

    Back to you , Bob , at the studio .

  13. CNN发送了一张嘻哈歌手”我是威尔“的现场全息图去他们的演播室,

    where CNN beamed a live hologram of hip hop artist will.i.am into their studio

  14. 作为虚拟现实和图像技术的有机结合,虚拟演播室系统(VirtualStudioSystem,VSS)在方便灵活的电视节目制作方面具有重要应用。

    As the combination of virtual reality and digital image technologies , VSS ( Virtual Studio System ) has important applications in convenient and flexible making of TV programs .

  15. 今天我们的演播室请到了NPR新闻驻五角大楼的记者汤姆·鲍曼。

    NPR 's Pentagon correspondent Tom Bowman is in the studio with me .

  16. 我们有幸邀请到CCTV体育频道资深主持人TonyTerkins做客演播室与我们一同回顾本届伦敦奥运。

    For more on Olympics reviews , we are joined in the studio by our very own Tony Terkins from CCTV sports .

  17. 文章主要讨论了近几年发展起来的新颖的虚拟演播室技术发展及应用,主要包括二维系统、三维系统、真三维系统以及HD虚拟演播室系统等。

    This article discussed the development and application of the virtual studio system technology , including 2D , 3D , R-3D system and HDVS , etc.

  18. 今天我们的演播室请到了NPR新闻的科学记者克里斯托弗·乔伊斯,他将和我们一起谈论这个话题。

    And NPR science correspondent Christopher Joyce is in the studio with me to talk about it .

  19. 虚拟演播室系统(VSS,VirtualStudioSystem)作为新近发展起来的一种独特的电视节目制作技术,已受到业内人士的关注,并逐步在广播电视节目制作中得到应用。

    Being a recently special TV program production technology , Virtual Studio System has already been the focus of the people in this profession , and has gradually been used in broadcasting TV program production .

  20. 富有传奇色彩的WidespreadPanic将到达演播室告诉我们纳什维尔遭遇暴雨和洪水袭击的动人心魄的景象。

    The legendary jam band Widespread Panic is going to be here in studio jamming for us and telling us how those heartbreaking scenes from Nashville have really hit them hard .

  21. ORAD虚拟演播室场景播出控制工具Maestro探讨

    Study on Broadcasting Scenes of Control Tool Maestro for ORAD Virtual Studio

  22. 当时人们对HIV十分恐惧,因此我未能在演播室和一位艾滋病患者做电视节目(她通过血液传输感染了艾滋病)。

    Such was the fear surrounding HIV , I was unable to make the programme with an AIDS sufferer ( a woman who had contracted the condition through a contaminated blood transfusion ) in a TV studio .

  23. 我们和劳埃,理查德,皮埃尔在斯坦福德的WEFL演播室。

    We 're at the WEFL studio in Stamford with Loy , Ricardo , and Pierre .

  24. 正在直播的CCTV立刻把画面切回到演播室,以免痛苦地报导他们那位失败的英雄。

    The National Broadcaster CCTV who had been following him live then cut back to the studio anchors as if it was too painful to dwell on their fallen hero .

  25. 接着阐述了用于开发此PC虚拟演播室系统所使用的关键技术,包括Ogre、DirectShow以及Qt等核心技术,重点对其整体架构及核心机制进行了论述。

    Then , the paper describes the key technologies for the develop PC virtual studio systems , including Ogre , DirectShow and Qt core technology , focusing on the overall architecture and discusses its core mechanism .

  26. cnn全球频道的执行副总裁马克惠特克(markwhitaker)认为cnn需要提供更多“实地报道节目记者实地报道比演播室里的报道更加吸引人”,并减少名嘴的数量。

    Mark Whitaker , executive vice-president of CNN worldwide , says CNN needs to offer more " destination programming " ( where the journalist goes somewhere more interesting than a studio ) and fewer talking heads .

  27. 非现场的对着电视画面进行评论的演播室。非现场评论席通常位于IBC的技术区。

    Broadcast position , technically similar to a commentary position , used for commenting on a television video signal , Off-Tubes are usually established inside the IBC technical areas .

  28. 如大家所知,TRL演播室周围的街道经常会聚集大批民众、歌迷来一睹偶像风采。

    As you know , streets around TRL studio 's usually crowded with the people and fans who want to see their favorite celebrities do some performances .

  29. 听取了扩张计划介绍的人士表示,cctv在肯尼亚内罗毕也修建了一座演播室,将从那里播放非洲英语频道,此外还计划在欧洲开设一个播放中心。

    CCTV has also built a studio facility in Nairobi , in Kenya , from where it will broadcast its English-language channel in Africa , and plans to open a broadcasting centre in Europe , according to people briefed on the expansion .

  30. 其中由ISO/IEC制定的MPEG-2标准在我国得到广泛的应用,成为了数字电视、DVD存储和演播室编辑等多种领域的首选编码格式。

    Of these standards , MPEG-2 , drawn up by ISO / IEC , has got widely used in our country and has been the preferred encoding format in many areas such as digital TV , DVD store , and studio editing .