
yǎn zòu jiā
  • performer;virtuoso;an accomplished per- former
  1. 卡米尔·圣-桑(CamilleSaint-Saensl835&1921)是19世纪浪漫主义后期至20世纪初法国著名的作曲家、钢琴家、管风琴演奏家和指挥家,法国民族音乐协会创立者之一。

    Camille Saint-Saens , the famous French composer , pianist , organ performer and conductor in the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century , was one of the founders of French national music society .

  2. 笔者对十九世纪著名小提琴演奏家美学理念的评价;

    Author 's appraisal to 19th century famous violins concert performer esthetics idea ;

  3. 谁能否认他是世界上最伟大的大提琴演奏家呢?

    Who can deny his stature as the world 's greatest cellist ?

  4. 另一位著名的低音提琴演奏家罗恩·卡特改编了这些歌曲。

    The songs were arranged by another well-known bass player , Ron Carter .

  5. 作为该国最著名的古典小号演奏家,莫里斯·墨菲曾师从黑堤磨坊铜管乐团。

    Maurice Murphy , one of the country 's leading classical trumpeters , learnt his craft with the Black Dyke Mills band .

  6. 他的父亲是宫廷乐队中一个技巧精湛的圆号演奏家。

    His father was a virtuoso horn player who belonged to the court orchestra .

  7. 美容师、调酒师、钢琴演奏家和戴紫色帽子的人,韦尔蒂笔下的人物来自那些她与朋友共度的午后,来自她家乡密西西比州杰克逊的街道漫步,来自她在公交上无意听见的对话。

    Beauticians , bartenders , piano players and people with purple hats , Welty 's people come from afternoons spent visiting with old friends , from walks through the streets of her native Jackson , Miss . , from conversations overheard on a bus .

  8. 观众团团围住了这位著名的小提琴演奏家。

    The celebrated violinist was mobbed by the audience .

  9. 在“罪恶之城”中,他们必须经过一头僵尸老虎、一个僵尸钢琴演奏家,还有数百名僵尸投机者。

    Sin City being what it is , they must get past an undead tiger , an undead Liberace impersonator and hundreds of undead gamblers who stack the odds15 against them .

  10. 在滑雪场所象钢琴演奏家一样度过周末(b乔尔奥本海默)

    Gigging weekends as a piano player in the ski joints ( bJoel Oppenheimer )

  11. 吉他演奏家彼特·科而贝先生于1995年灌录了他所有的作品,并发行了这张CD。

    Peter Korbel has recorded his all works for guitar on a CD in1995 .

  12. 并且多次被鲍惠乔、李明铎等著名演奏家录制CD和作为音乐会保留曲目。

    And many times by Bao Hui Qiao , Li Ming Duo and other famous musicians to record CD and as a concert repertoire .

  13. 但是betty不再是一位音乐会钢琴演奏家了,她现在只是一位身怀秘密的女人。

    But Betty was no longer a concert pianist . She was now just a woman with a secret .

  14. 周五,黄欣将在休斯敦同萨拉·路德维格(SarahLudwig)举行婚礼,萨拉也是一名小提琴演奏家,任职于休斯顿歌剧院(HoustonGrandOpera)。

    On Friday , Mr. Huang is to be married in Houston to Sarah Ludwig , a violinist with the Houston Grand Opera .

  15. 巴西低音提琴演奏家PatriciadaSilva身高虽不过五英尺(1.52米),但却因手稳且平易近人脱颖而出。

    Patricia da Silva , a Brazilian double-bass player who is no more than five feet tall , stood out for her steady hand and warm personality .

  16. 欧仁·伊萨依(EugeneYsaye,1858-1931)是十九世纪末二十世纪初重要的小提琴演奏家、指挥家和作曲家。

    Eugene Ysaye ( 1858-1931 ) is an important violinist 、 conductor and composer during 19th and 20th century .

  17. 美国财政部驻华代表洛文杰(DaveLoevinger)是位萨克斯演奏家,他是华盛顿特区的著名老牌乐队JimiSmooth&Hittime的元老。

    Saxophonist Dave Loevinger , who is the U.S. Treasury Department representative in Beijing , played for years with the great Washington , D.C. , party band Jimi Smooth and Hittime .

  18. 第二,对《巴赫G小调无伴奏小提琴奏鸣曲》的弓法进行了具体而详细的解析,对运弓的速度与重量以及不同演奏家的弓法进行了对比分析。

    The effective way of bowing is to play the chords dispersedly . 2 . The study included the bowing of " Bach G minor violin sonata no instruments " . And the comparative analysis of the speed and weight bowing and the bowing of different players is made .

  19. 朝鲜已经邀请英国吉他演奏家埃里克•克莱普顿(EricClapton)在平壤演出。这一高度不寻常的举动可能使克莱普顿明年将在世界上最孤立的国家演奏。

    North Korea has invited Eric Clapton to perform in Pyongyang in a highly unusual move that could see the English guitarist playing in the world 's most isolated state next year .

  20. 南非多出杰出弦乐演奏家,而他们大都师从于现已82岁高龄的JackdeWet(他也是Bennell的老师);法国横笛大师SophieCherrier则令年轻笛手们都争相奔往法国。

    South Africa produces excellent string players , many of them taught by 82-year-old Jack de Wet ( who taught Ms Bennell ) , and Sophie Cherrier has made France the country to go to for young flautists .

  21. 尽管施坦威有很多忠诚的追随者——公司称全世界98%的钢琴演奏家都选择施坦威钢琴,包括比利·乔尔(BillyJoel)和阿根廷音乐家玛尔塔·阿赫里奇(MarthaArgerich)——但它对经济放缓也没有免疫力。

    Despite Steinway 's devout following - the company says it is the instrument of choice for 98 percent of the world 's performing pianists , including Billy Joel and the Argentine musician Martha Argerich - it was not immune to the slowdown .

  22. 奥德伯格是英国的海滨城市,也是BenjaminBritten的家乡,过去总有世界各地的演奏家来这表演,但从来没有达到这次的规模——来自35个国家的120名音乐家齐聚一堂,堪比音乐届的奥林匹克盛典。

    The English seaside town of Aldeburgh , the home of Benjamin Britten , is used to welcoming performers from all over the world , but nothing on this scale ; a musical Olympiad of 120 players from 35 countries .

  23. 法国作曲家卡米尔·圣·桑(CamilleSaintSaens,18351921),杰出的钢琴家和管风琴演奏家,是十九世纪晚期的作曲家,法国民族音乐协会最早的成员,法国民族乐派的代表人物之一。

    French composer Camille Saint-Saens ( 1835-1921 ), an outstanding pianist and organist , also is a composer in late 19th-century . He is one of the first French National Music Association members , and one representative of France ethnic music school .

  24. 现在,许多演奏家都可以在3弦上演奏出非常精彩的,但是在以前可能就不是这样,在Segovia的年代,他就愿意把有些乐句在第4弦上演奏。

    Nowadays , many guitarists sound fantastic on the third string , so it 's possible to go across to it when perhaps before , in Segovia 's times , he would prefer to move up the fourth .

  25. 我有一些DinuLipatti的非常精彩的录音,我喜欢听这些录音,比较起其他的钢琴演奏家来说,可能他的演奏有些过时,但是我的确是非常喜欢。

    I have some Dinu Lipatti records which are fantastic , I love listening to them-maybe in comparison to other pianists he might seem a little old-fashioned , but I really enjoy that .

  26. 弦乐演奏家要使演奏合拍,需要具有良好的听觉能力。

    String players need a good ear to play in tune .

  27. 他是当时最出色的乐器演奏家之一。

    He was one of the finest instrumentalists of his day .

  28. 据他透露,几位演奏家还预先排练了一个小时。

    The musicians practiced for an hour beforehand , he added .

  29. 吉它演奏家高菲就属于这类艺术家。

    Guitarist Govi ( go'vee ) is one of those artists .

  30. 有时候我们也会听到演奏家的右手噪音。

    Sometimes we hear guitarists that also have a noisy right hand .