
  • 网络Space objectives;spatial object
  1. 空间目标的拓扑关系及其GIS应用分析

    Modeling Topological Relations of Spatial Objects and Its Applications in GIS

  2. 根据GIS空间目标的属性,分析了聚合算子的表现形式。

    The forms of the aggregate operations are discussed according to the attributes of the spatial objects .

  3. GIS空间目标间方向关系的统计表达模型

    Discussion on Statistical Model of Direction Relation Between Spatial Objects in GIS

  4. 首先分析空间目标对GPS的可见性问题;

    Firstly , the visibility on space target observing GPS was analyzed .

  5. 将多格网算法应用到空间目标图像的恢复中,提高了TV算法的速度。

    Muti-grid algorithm is applied on space object restoration , which reduced the runtime of TV algorithm .

  6. 本文在参考了史文中博士提出的G带模型后,研究了基于相关的二维空间目标误差模型。

    This paper referred G-band model proposed by Dr. Shi Wenzhong , then researched the related-based error model .

  7. 3DGIS的应用领域非常广泛,不同的应用目的对空间目标所要进行的操作和分析千差万别。

    3D GIS has a tremendous application area , different applications needs different operations and analysis for the space object .

  8. 基于Cao方法的空间目标RCS混沌性分析

    Chaos Characteristics of Space Object RCS Based on Cao Method

  9. 基于Bayesian方法的多层融合空间目标识别系统

    Bayesian-based Multi-level Fusion Space Target Recognition System

  10. 基于小波功率谱估计的空间目标RCS特性分析

    Analysis of Characterstics of Space Target RCS Based on Wavelet Power Spectrum Estimation

  11. 空间目标姿态角估计与RCS反射图生成

    Pose estimation and RCS reflecting figure of space target

  12. 在计算得到的RCS序列基础上,对部分空间目标的特征进行了分析。

    Basing on the RCS sequence , analysed the target feature of some space goal .

  13. 空间目标RCS序列的分形分析

    The Fractal Feature of Space Object RCS

  14. 对稀疏频带超宽带ISAR成像进行了研究,提出了与实际情况更相符的空间目标稀疏频段成像步骤。

    An approach for ISAR sparse band imaging of space targets by fusion sparse subband data is proposed .

  15. 一种基于STK平台的相控阵雷达空间目标监视模型

    A Space Target Surveillance Model of Phased Array Radar Based on STK Platform

  16. 开发建立了基于网络的空间目标数据库实时监视系统,并实现了TCP/IP协议的双行轨道根数自动下载的关键技术。

    A real time space surveillance system based on web and database technology has been developed , and it can realize downloading automatically and updating TLE data based on TCP / IP protocol .

  17. 面向天基光学监视的空间目标TLE拟合与跟踪方法

    Two Line Elements Conversion and Passive Tracking of the Space Object in Space-Based Optical Surveillance

  18. 随着GIS的发展和应用领域的扩展,GIS空间目标自动综合理论和方法研究,近年来越来越受到重视。

    With the development of GIS application and the expansion of GIS service field , the studying on auto-generalization theory and method of GIS spatial objects have became more and more important and be paid more attention recent years .

  19. 对于两行轨道根数(TLE)文件,研究了如何根据SGP4/SDP4模型计算空间目标的轨道数据。

    How to use SGP4 / SDP4 model was studied to calculate the spaces-objects ' orbit data with the TLE file .

  20. 一般来说,GIS所处理的空间目标具有不规则的形状,若基于它们的精确位置和扩展来实现某些空间操作(如相邻,包含等),其计算量会非常庞大。

    Generally speaking , the spatial targets dealt with by GIS have irregular shapes . If some of the spatial operations ( eg. adjacent , contain , etc. ) are based on their exact position and extension , the amount of calculation will be extremely large .

  21. 本文研究了目标的激光和可见光谱散射特性,结合STK软件系统数值仿真了运动空间目标的可见光谱散射特性。

    The laser and scattering characteristics of visible band from a target is investigated , and that of objects moving in space is simulated with the STK software system .

  22. 利用CCD摄相机、计算机图像采集系统及软件进行空间目标的自动跟踪、自动实现从影像平面到三维空间的自动转换,为单相机实现三维空间物体自动量测提供了一种新途径。

    By use of CCD camera and computer image collecting system and software , We can follow and track the spatial object ( feature points ) and get the 3-D coordinate from image plant automatically . This method given in this paper hold great promise in application .

  23. 该文目的是研究一种空间目标宽带ISAR雷达回波的模拟实现方法,为空间目标探测雷达的研制及空间目标特性的研究提供信号来源。

    The aim of this article is to study a method to simulate the ISAR radar echo of space objects , thus providing signal and data for the development of Space Target Detection Radar and the research of the characteristics of space targets .

  24. 研究探讨了空间目标分类的标准和技术方法,并基于国际十进分类法(uDC)尝试提出了人造卫星的分类方法;

    The different standards and methods for space object classification are discussed , and a novel classification method for satellite based on the Universal Decimal Classification ( UDC ) is proposed ;

  25. 仿真实验表明,该算法适用于空间目标轨道参数等快时变数据,估计得到的轨道参数均方差,优于各个传感器的理论均方差,同时也小于LMS算法获得的均方差。

    Extensive simulation results show , that algorithm adapts to fast time-varying data like orbit parameters of the space target , and quadratic mean deviation of the orbit parameters estimated excels the theory quadratic mean deviation of various sensors , and less than the LMS estimation ' s.

  26. 针对白天观测条件下利用望远镜探测空间目标的应用背景,分析了白天观测条件下的空间目标的特点,提出了适合硬件实现的双尺度滤波检测算法(DSF)。

    In In accordance with the background of tracking space target with a telescope under daylight , the characteristics of space target is analyzed , an algorithm of detecting point targets named double scale filtering ( DSF ) based on strong background is proposed .

  27. 分析对空间目标探测的影响因素。

    The affection of factors about spatial object observation is analyzed .

  28. 空间目标编目维持中的观测需求确定方法研究

    Study on Determination of Observation Requirements in Space Objects Catalog Maintenance

  29. 空间目标的地面光谱特性和星等估计

    Evaluation of ground spectrum characteristics and star magnitude of spacial object

  30. 卫星相对空间目标任意位置悬停的方法研究

    Study of Hovering Method at Any Selected Position to Space Target