
jì liànɡ fānɡ fǎ
  • metering method
  1. 在分析比较后,提出了一种采用k系数补偿功能的计量方法,实现了k系数的温度和压力在线补偿,具有较高的测量精度。

    Based on analysis and comparison , a metering method using k coefficient compensation function is stated . The on-line temperature and pressure compensation of k coefficient is implemented and the accuracy of measurement is enhanced .

  2. 介绍了污水流量计的现状,分析了MFC感应式数字水位传感器,提出了一种新的污水计量方法。

    This paper introduces the present situation of sewage flowmeter , analyzes on MFC inductive digital water-level sensor , and advances a kind of new sewage metering method .

  3. 基于VAR模型的脉冲响应函数和方差分解等计量方法,对我国货币政策中介目标和最终目标的动态相关性进行了实证分析。

    The authors make an empirical analysis on the dynamic relation of Chinese monetary intermediate objective and ultimate objective based on VAR Model .

  4. 第五章,笔者的视角从全球回到中国,运用计量方法,分析诸参数对流向中国的FDI的影响。

    In chapter five , from a global view to a Chinese view , I analyze the local determinants of the FDI to China by an econometric method .

  5. 第四部分对本文所运用的计量方法需作简要的介绍,构建VAR模型,并说明本文所用数据的来源。

    The fourth part of this paper introduces the econometric methods , build a VAR model , and finally explain the source of the data .

  6. 先介绍国外最常用的托宾Q值法,它是一种较理想的特许权价值计量方法,简单方便、易于比较。

    First introduce the most commonly used abroad , Tobin Q value method , which is an ideal franchise value measurement method is simple and convenient , easy to compare .

  7. 本文则从微观角度,采用微观计量方法,以农户特别是具有代表性的中等农户,作为分析研究对象,利用PANELDATA模型和离散选择模型,探讨了影响农民增收的因素以及农民的意愿选择问题。

    However this paper , from the microcosmic angle , discusses the affecting factors on farmer 's income and the farmer 's desire choice problems to peasant household that is the representative middle-income farmers by applying the panel data model and the binary choice model .

  8. 文章利用时间序列模型等计量方法,对中国GDP总量序列进行了时间趋势分解并结合实证结果对中国经济的发展周期进行了重新的划分。

    Making use of time series model and other econometric approach , this article partitions the trend of China 's GDP data , and repartitions China 's economic cycle on the grounds of the empirical results .

  9. 经济增加值(EVA)作为企业经济业绩的计量方法,其应用成为目前企业界与学术界的一个重大课题。

    The application of economic value added ( EVA ) has become an important problem in the field of enterprise and academic as an econometric method of enterprise 's economic performance at present .

  10. 本文运用管理贡献明细账计量方法对企业家人力资本的贡献价值作出评估,并在此基础上提出基于剩余法和AHP的企业家人力资本管理贡献价值计量模型,以期丰富企业家人力资本价值计量理论。

    This paper explores " the management contribution journal " to measure the value of entrepreneurial human capital , and advances a new measurement model based on surplus and analytical hierarchy process ( AHP ) method .

  11. 第三章介绍了单位根检验、协整检验、误差修整模型、Granger因果关系检验,这些都是文中后面估计模型和进行模型分析要用到的一些计量方法。

    Empirical results of the paper support this hypothesis . The third chapter introduces the theory of unit root examine , cointegration test , error correction model and Granger-causality examine .

  12. VaR(Value-at-Risk)风险计量方法自1993年提出以来,己成为金融机构和金融管理机构衡量市场风险的标准方法。

    After being proposed in 1993 , Value-at-Risk ( VaR ) approach has become the standard for risk management industry . But VaR has various theoretical deficiencies as a measure of market risk .

  13. 实际上,研究结果和实践经验都表明,过于单纯的VaR风险计量方法存在严重缺陷,该方法对尾部风险测量的不够充分而且不满足一致性公理。

    Factually , the research results and practice experiences suggest simplex method of VaR has serious limitation , and this method measuring the tailed risk is not enough as well as not fit for the consistency risk measurement standards .

  14. 分析方法主要采用了生产函数模型和OLS计量方法,分别对普查数据中提供的所有制变量和企业隶属等级制变量对于企业效率的影响进行了分析和比较。

    In the main analysis the production function model and OLS methods were adopted to measure the impacts of the ownership and the subordinated relations on the enterprise efficiency .

  15. 该文以山西省芦芽山为例,采用TWINSPAN和DCA对两种计量方法进行了比较,它们的结果反映了不同的生态信息。

    These two ways were compared by TWINSPAN and DCA in the Luya Mountains in Shanxi Province of north China , and the results showed different ecological information .

  16. 这个标准涵盖塑料美国锥管螺纹(NPT)的尺寸和计量方法,用于泄漏密封连接,现在已在所有有关塑料管道产品的ASTM标准中引用。

    The standard covers dimensions and gaging of plastic tapered National Pipe Threads ( NPT ) for leak-tight joints , and it is now referenced in all ASTM Standards for plastic piping products .

  17. 第五部分,通过SPSS相关性分析、ADF平稳性检验、协整分析、格兰杰因果检验统计计量方法对安徽省三次产业结构与城市化的相关性以及因果关系进行实证分析。

    In the fifth section , through correlation analysis of SPSS , the ADF stationary test , cointegration analysis , the Granger causality test statistics measurement , empirical analysis on the relationship and causality between tertiary industrial structure and urbanization Anhui Province are carried out .

  18. 证券业经营风险防范的核心是对证券投资风险的预测与控制,本论文在建立基于FAM模型的风险计量方法的基础上,提出了针对证券投资业务四个具体操作环节上的风险防范策略。

    The core of investment risk control is the forecasting and control to stock investment risk . At the base of method of risk measure basis FAM model , this article brings forward a risk control tactic aim at four operating taches of stock investment .

  19. 管理燃气计量方法及仪表问题探讨

    The Metering Method of Fuel Gas and Investigation on Instrumentation Issue

  20. 电网谐波电能损耗的计量方法

    A Metering Method of Harmonic Energy Loss in Power Distribution Network

  21. 企业国际竞争力理论模型与计量方法研究

    The Quantitative Approach to Theoretical Model of Corporate International Competitiveness

  22. 风机盘管冷量影响因素显著性分析及其冷量计量方法

    The Study of Fan-coil Unit Cooling Influential Factors and Cooling Metering Method

  23. 论可持续发展战略下环境成本的计量方法

    Construction of Environment Cost Measurement Model Under Sustainable Development Stratagem

  24. 天然气流量的标准孔板计量方法SYL04&83

    Natural Gas Flow Rate Measurement Method by Standard Orifice plate

  25. 城市空间形态的计量方法及其评价

    The Calculation Method of Urban Spatial Form and its Evaluation

  26. 应用生态计量方法分析森林集水区之景观变迁

    Application of Ecological Quantitative Methods to Analyze Landscape Change in Forest Watershed

  27. 基于均相和分相流模型的干度计量方法

    Measurement of Two-Phase Flow Quality Based on Homogeneous and Separated Flow Models

  28. 激光全息干涉计量方法在拉床床身结构刚度测试中的应用研究

    Measurement for the stiffness of Broacher Body Structure by Laser Holographic Interferometry

  29. 黄土冲沟高填方路基的质量控制及计量方法

    The Quality Control and Measurement Methods of Loess Gully High Fill Subgrade

  30. 油井计量方法及关键技术发展方向

    Oil Well Measurement Method and Key Technology Development Trend