
  1. 数据包络分析法是一种计算相对效率的非参数计量统计方法,英文简称DEA方法。

    The Data Envelopment Analysis is a method to calculate the relative efficiency of non-parametric statistical methods , Referred to as DEA method .

  2. 华中电网电能计量统计系统是一个基于J2EE平台的企业级Web应用系统,基于性能和伸缩性的Web应用系统优化设计技术在其第二版的开发中得到成功应用。

    The Central-China Power Network electricity computation Stat system is an enterprise level Web application system based on J2EE platform , the optimization design technology based on performance and scalability is used successfully in its second edition development .

  3. 在运用科学的评价方法:多元线性回归模型计量统计分析法以及AHP评价分析法对目标进行评价分析。

    On the basis of the survey result , author use the scientific method to evaluate the object , such as measure statistical analysis method based on multiple linear regression model and evaluation and analysis method based on Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) .

  4. 高校图书馆网站读者访问状况计量统计初探

    The Statistic Figures of Visitor on the Websites of University Library

  5. 节能环保;公共图书馆;计量统计;

    Energy-saving Environmental Protection ; Public Libraries ; Measurement and Statistics ;

  6. 公用工程中计量统计差值分摊的计算方法

    Method of Apportion Calculation of Statistical Difference of Measurements in Utilities

  7. 我们使用的研究方法是计量统计、分析与对比。

    The methods which have been used are statistics , analysis and comparison .

  8. 方法:应用文献计量统计方法。

    Methods The reference statistics and analysis was applied .

  9. 《图书馆工作与研究》(2003~2007年)文献计量统计分析

    Bibliometric Analysis of " Library Work and Study " during 2003 ~ 2007

  10. 国内枸杞研究文献的计量统计分析

    Statistic analysis of papers on wolfberry in China

  11. 第二种是纯粹地计量统计模型。

    Another one is the pure statistical model .

  12. 然后利用计量统计的知识定义了收入的绝对和相对不平等程度的度量标准。

    Then according to the knowledge of statistics , we define the criterion of absolutely and relatively of income disparity .

  13. 列出具体程序代码,为医学文献计量统计分析做前期处理。

    It lists out the concrete code of the program , which would be pretreatment for bibliometric analysis of medical literatures .

  14. 通过对近代留学的中国科学院技术科学部院士进行多视角的计量统计分析,得到了院士群体状况的量化分析结论。

    The paper makes a statistical analysis of the state of the academicians in the Technology Division of China Academy of Science who used to study abroad .

  15. 文章的实证研究部分,通过整理选取136家民营上市公司2002年年报资料为样本,运用计量统计方法,分析我国民营上市公司经理人激励机制状况。

    In the empirical part , this paper takes 136 private listed companies in 2002 for example . The empirical part analyzes the status of private listed companies by econometrics .

  16. 最后尝试对战略性新兴产业进行空间相关性分析,根据检验结果对战略性新兴产业制造业与服务业分别进行空间计量统计建模。

    Finally , try to analysis strategic spatial correlation of strategic emerging industries , then spatial econometric and statistical modeling for manufacturing and services , respectively according to the test results .

  17. 本论文四章内容环环相扣,缺一不可,是作者运用文献计量统计的方法对中国教育人类学研究现状和发展提出问题、分析问题和解决问题研究过程的全面展现。

    It is a fully displaying of the research process that the researcher utilizes bibliometrics to explore , analyze and solve the problems of Chinese educational anthropology study current status and the development .

  18. 目前从价值方面按收入法计量统计活动成果的方法是不科学的,因为其计算结果的大小和统计活动成果产出量的多少没有关系。

    The author thinks that it is not right to measure it only at its volume , because there is no relation between the quantity of statistical production and the result of the calculation .

  19. 本文运用计量统计与定性研究相结合的方法,对《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》中10组不包含相同语素的单双音同义动词进行了考察。

    By combining the approaches of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis , this thesis makes an investigation into 10 pairs of synonymous monosyllabic and disyllabic verbs in Syllabus of Graded Words and Characters for Chinese Proficiency .

  20. 本文以《镜花缘》中的连词为研究对象,运用归类分析法、语义分析法、计量统计法、比较研究法等详细考察了《镜花缘》连词的全貌。

    Taking the conjunctions in the book as its research objects , this paper studies these conjunctions from an overall perspective by using classified analysis , semantic analysis , measurement statistics , comparative approach , and so forth .

  21. 本文首先通过计量统计方法基于近26年来的统计数据从长期和短期两个视角实证分析了外汇储备激增对我国基础货币的供应及物价波动的影响。

    This essay studies the relationship between inflation effect and supply of basic money of foreign exchange reserve increase from short-term and long-term two visual angels by using econometrics on the basis of the statistical data of 26 years .

  22. 使用规范性、科学性的政府官方文件作为一手资料进行研究,在计量统计的基础上进行语意分析,既可客观体现外交战略的表层变化,又能深入反映变化发生的背景动因。

    Using official government documents as the primary research material to do semantic analysis based on the quantitative analysis , not only can it objectively reflect the change in diplomatic strategy , but also can depth reflect the causes of change .

  23. 用户权限分级、查重处理、提交审核、责任署名和计量统计等独特的文献更新子模块的设计确保了系统文献质量。

    The unique sub-module design of the literature renewal in the NILS ensures the literature quality , which includes the user-privilege classifying , the handling for duplicate checking , and the examination of submission , the formal storage to database , the responsibility signature and the quantitative statistics .

  24. 同时,运用SPSS17.0和Amos17.0等计量统计工具进行数据分析,构建了三种非R&D活动与创新绩效的之间的结构方程模型,通过模型要素之间的路径关系进行了假设检验。

    At the same time , statistics tools such as SPSS 17.0 and Amos 17.0 were used to analyze the data , construct the structural equation model of three kinds of non-R & D activities and innovation performance , and verify the proposed hypotheses through paths relationship of model elements .

  25. 知识经济条件下的教育计量和统计问题探讨

    On the Measurements and Statistic Explorations Of Education in Knowledge-based Economy

  26. 医院电子天平维护计量情况统计分析

    The statistic analysis of measurement results of electron balance in hospital

  27. 计量资料统计分析主要分为统计描述和统计推断。

    The statistical methods of measurement data include descriptive statistics and inferential statistics .

  28. 计数资料统计应用X~2检验,计量资料统计应用t检验,相关分析应用直线相关和多元逐步回归分析。

    The data were assessed by chi-square test , t-test and multiple stepwise regression analysis .

  29. 这通常是定期实行的,同时也是要用到计量和统计模型的地方。

    This is typically done on a periodic basis , and is where the meter and accounting model comes in .

  30. 计量与统计服务通过证书的内部使用将合同中详细说明的请求者与提供者之间的关系存储起来。

    The meter and accounting service stores the relationship between the requestor and provider as detailed in the contract buy the internal use of certificates .