
  1. 影院里空着一半座位。

    The cinema was half empty .

  2. 他在当地八家影院里添加了电影的英文字幕,虽然其中七家只放映阿凡达的2-D版本。

    He added English subtitles for the movie were provided in eight local cinemas , although seven of them only showed its2-D version , according to the report .

  3. 我觉得最可怕的电影就是《依然爱丽丝》(StillAlice)。这些年来,让我害怕,或者让我感兴趣的事不再是那种免下车影院里放的恐怖片,而是那种现实生活中能把你吓得半死的东西。

    My idea of a horror movie is " Still Alice . " The things that scare me or interest me over the years are less drive-in movie horror stuff , and more , what can you find in real life that scares the devil out of you ?

  4. 他借由研究诸如此类他所谓“傻瓜基本知识”,来深入这个高速运转的故事。这部影片由克里斯·海姆斯沃斯(ChrisHemsworth)、维奥拉·戴维斯(ViolaDavis)和王力宏等人主演,希望能在多厅影院里真实地再现网络恐怖主义。

    Investigating these and other " dopey fundamentals , " as he put it , was his way into a turbocharged story that stars Chris Hemsworth , Viola Davis and Wang Leehom , and aims to bring authentic depictions of cyberterrorism to the multiplex .

  5. 萨曼莎的弟弟尼克当时也在影院里。

    Samantha 's brother , Nick , was also at the theater .

  6. 当观众们从全世界影院里出来时。

    As audiences emerged from theaters around the world .

  7. 2020年让我们知道不是每一部电影都需要在影院里观看。

    We learned in 2020 that not every film needs to be seen in a theatre .

  8. 目前在市区的这家大型多厅影院里至少有20部电影在上映。

    EXAMPLE : There are more than twenty films currently being shown at the big multiplex downtown .

  9. “当火车驶来的时候”,他写道,“令影院里观众万分惶恐,人们跳了起来,朝外面跑去。

    ' As the train approached , 'wrote Tarkovsky , 'panic started in the theatre : people jumped and ran away .

  10. 在影院里,我轻轻地把头倚靠在你的肩上,闭起眼呼吸你黑色长发的芳香;

    Imagine leaning my head on her shoulder and closing my eyes to smell her fragrant black long hear in a cinema .

  11. 随着艾利·诺伍德47部精彩的默片大获成功,福尔摩斯变成了影院里的招牌。

    Following Eille Norwood 's impressive and successful run of 47 silent quickies , Sherlock Holmes now became a staple subject for the cinema .

  12. 我们相信这会是影院里最成功的,同时它将重拾1998年的辉煌――那就是影院放映时连续16周蝉联票房第一。

    We believe the film works best in theaters , and that sustained its performance back in 1998 that it played in theaters 16 weeks in the number-one position .

  13. 在线上募集好资金后,UP和一群反情人节的单身族在一家影院里买光了所有的单号座,这样就没有连在一起的座位供情侣们购买了。

    After the online campaign , UP and his group of defiant singles have bought every other seat in the cinema , so that no two adjacent seats are available to purchase .

  14. 马克:看过,我太喜欢了,上映那天我就在影院里看了,去年的九月九号,在网上找到视频后我又看了一遍。

    Mark : Yeah , I loved that movie ! I saw it the day it opened in theaters , September 9 last year , and again on the internet when I found the video .

  15. 因此,尽管他们在阅读或者观看一个展览时极有可能相对自由地到处活动,在影院里,观者却被粘在黑暗中的一张椅子上。

    So while it is possible to move around with relative freedom while one is reading or viewing an exhibition , in the movie theater the viewer is put in darkness and glued to a seat .

  16. 好吧,你看不出区别就算了…抱歉,比起逛街或者坐在一间我们过去看动画片的破影院里,我还有更重要的事情做。

    Okay , if you can 't see the difference ... Look , I 'm sorry I 've got better things to do than go shop or sit in some creepy old movie theater Where we used to watch cartoons . I get it .

  17. 高科技娱乐区以现代化游乐为主题,“动感影院”里的“太空之旅”充满神秘和刺激;

    High-tech amusement and entertainment district to the theme of modernization ," Hong Kong Cinema ," the " space travel " is full of mysterious and stimulating ;

  18. 把卧室里的电视机,录像机,和家庭影院藏到衣柜里。

    Cloak the clutter of a bedroom TV , VCR , and stereo equipment in a handsome armoire .

  19. 这个字眼肯定被放在所有影院的储藏室里,一组大号字永久性的连在一起,准备重新组合。

    The word must sit in the lumber room of every cinema , a set of marquee letters permanently joined up and ready to be re-winched into place .

  20. 后来,电影公司的市场宣传人员有了一套标准的程序:电影上映前几星期在影院和电视广告里播放预告片、发布平面广告、推出公告牌。

    Back then , studio marketers followed a standard playbook : Trailers played in theaters , and TV commercials , print ads and billboards arrived a few weeks before release .

  21. 虽然现在很多Imax影厅都位于三大连锁影院下属的多影厅影院里,但是放映哪些影片可以由Imax公司决定。

    Although a lot of Imax theaters are now housed in multiplexes owned by one of the big three chains , Imax controls what goes on its screens .