
yǐnɡ yìn bǎn
  • Photocopies;process plate
  1. 分析在版编目数据不规范、不一致的原因;提出规范和统一在版编目数据的措施,即完善《CIP数据》国家标准,界定授权影印版西文图书的归属,从CIP制作的源头抓起。

    The paper points out the issues in the CIP of authorized facsimile reprint western language books , analyzes the cause for irregular and non-uniform CIP data , and puts forward some measures to regulate and unify the CIP data .

  2. 影印版西文图书的著录现代编目员与新的职业要求

    Cataloguing of Reprinting Western-language Books Modern Cataloguers and New Professional Requirements

  3. 影印版《法律的经济分析基础》,法律出版社。

    Avery Wiener Katz ( ed ), Foundation of the Economic Approach to Law .

  4. 中国人所著英文图书与授权影印版西文图书编目之异同

    Similarities and Differences in Cataloging between English Books Written by Chinese and Authorized Facsimile Reprint of Western Language Books

  5. 很现代化的平面设计元素,涂鸦的字体,影印版的海报,很强的设计味道,我喜欢。

    Very modernized plane design element , doodle typeface , autotype 's playbill , The very strong design flavor , I like it .

  6. 他拿出预言家的影印版个人史准备开读,突然听到背后有人轻声咳嗽,不禁吓了一跳。

    He was just about to embark on reading the photocopied life history of the oracle , when he was rather startled to hear a slight cough behind him .

  7. 店主营高质量影印版外文图书和双语外文读物,致力于将世界上最新的思想与名家著作原汁原味地介绍给国内读者。

    I am engaged in selling high quality gravure foreign books with cheap price . I want to introduce the lasted and prevailing thinking , wisdom and minds to domestic readers .

  8. 通过研究探讨影印版西文图书文献的特征、著录所选用的标准、著录信息源、著录用语言和文字以及著录方法,力求达到全面地揭示文献内容,更好地方便读者检索。

    This paper discusses reprinting western-language books literature character , rules of selection , information sources , language and character , methods in cataloguing of western language books , thereby opens out content of literature better , and provides more services to readers .

  9. 用蓝墨水而不是用黑墨水签名,因为蓝墨水很容易地让人区别出哪个是正本,哪个是影印副本。蓝版:减色彩印法的四张印版之一。它需用青蓝色墨印刷。

    Sign the letter in blue ink , not black ink . Blue printer : One of the four printing plates in a subtractive colour process which is to be printed in cyan ink .