
yǐng xīng
  • movie star;film star
影星 [yǐng xīng]
  • [film star] 电影明星

影星[yǐng xīng]
  1. 有人偷了某个影星的钻石了吗?

    Has somebody helped himself to some film star 's diamonds ?

  2. 他在为那位著名影星充当替角。

    He is understudying the famous film star .

  3. 她是典型的美国影星。

    She is the archetype of an American movie star .

  4. 好莱坞的大牌影星们出席了那个舞会。

    The Ball was attended by the cream of Hollywood society .

  5. 影星马龙·白兰度要求把他的名字从演职员表中删掉。

    The star Marlon Brando wants his name removed from the credits .

  6. 身价最高的模特与她们的影星同伴经常光顾的俱乐部

    a club frequented by top-dollar models and their movie star companions .

  7. 作为一名影星,英格丽已经远远地超越了她们,但这却无关紧要。

    It didn 't matter that Ingrid had outdistanced them as a movie star .

  8. 胆怯的影星不敢正对摄影机。

    Shy film stars dodge cameras .

  9. 两位影星在这部电影中有对手戏。

    The two stars put on a rival show in this movie .

  10. 那位影星一出场,孩子们欣喜若狂。

    The kids went crazy when the film star appeared .

  11. 她是一名影星,已经领衔主演过好几部电影了。

    She is a film star and headed the bill in several films .

  12. 他是目前保证好莱坞卖座率高的红影星。

    He was hollywood 's current gold-plated box-office guarantee .

  13. 这部电影有众多影星参拍。

    The film brought many stars in cast .

  14. 在这部电影中两位著名影星首度合作。

    In this film , the two famous stars collaborated for the first time .

  15. 那位影星因为逃税而坐牢。

    The movie star is in prison for tax evasion .

  16. 演完《终结者III》之后,我成了好莱坞片酬最高的影星。

    After Terminator III became , the highest paid movie star in Hollywood .

  17. 生活在工业化、城市化程度高的地区的人更喜欢性别特征明显的异性。在这样一个超模、好莱坞影星风靡全球的时代里,我们显然会认为人们都喜欢男人更man,女人更柔。

    In a world of supermodels and Hollywood heart throbs , it 's easy to assume many of us want our men to be manly and our women girlish and womanly .

  18. 在美国《OK!》杂志开展的一项“最时尚名人”的评选活动中,汤姆·克鲁斯的爱妻、魅力影星凯蒂·赫尔姆斯荣登榜首。

    The stunning actress , who is married to Tom Cruise , has topped a poll conducted by America 's OK ! magazine to find the most fashionable celebrity .

  19. 排在这个由Maxim.com公布的排行榜第三位的是在《X战警》中转型饰演Mystique的女影星丽贝卡·罗梅恩。

    Coming in third on the list released by Maxim . com , was actress Rebecca Romijn for her turn as Mystique in X Men .

  20. 比如,美国影星莎拉·杰西卡·派克(SarahJessicaParker)所戴的由菲利普·崔西(PhilipTreacy)设计的帽饰,让人自然而然地联想起了2008年奥运会时的一款吉祥物:欢欢。

    Sarah Jessica Parker 's Philip Treacy headdress naturally inspired thoughts of Huanhuan , one of the 2008 Beijing Olympic mascots :

  21. 影星JonHamm表示,将这部影片设为开幕影片是非常令人赞叹的。

    Star Jon Hamm told us that the setting here at Sundance for his film 's premier is really

  22. 她推出的第一个时装系列全是白衬衣,其设计灵感来自于影星劳伦•巴考尔(LaurenBacall)。

    Her first collection was comprised entirely of white shirts inspired by the actress Lauren Bacall .

  23. PCOS是病,它能影星女性的月经周期,受孕,激素,胰岛素,心脏,血管和外表。

    PCOS is a health problem that can affect a woman 's menstrual cycle , fertility , hormones , insulin production , heart , blood vessels , and appearance .

  24. 好莱坞影星约翰尼德普在《加勒比海盗4》中继续扮演Jack船长,昨天他一袭黑白休闲西装配运动鞋出席了在加州的首映仪式。

    Hollywood star Depp , 47 , who reprises his role as pirate Jack Sparrow in the sequel , looked distinctly retro at the world premiere in California , in a black and white lounge suit and trainers .

  25. 买了DVD,又买了一大堆她喜欢的影星的碟子,跑回家一放,果真把她吸引了,“你买的DVD么?”

    Buy the DVD , bought a lot of her favorite movie star in the dish , ran home a place , really attracted to her ," the DVD you buy it ?"

  26. Pink以5200万美元的收入排名第四,而“新晋影星”LadyGaga凭借《一个明星的诞生》,以5000万美元的收入挤进前五名。

    Pink came in fourth place with $ 52 million and newly proclaimed movie star Lady Gaga , thanks to A Star Is Born , filled out the top five with $ 50 million .

  27. 在最佳男主角奖项中,迈克尔·基顿(MichaelKeaton)不负众望,因他在《鸟人》中的华丽表现获得提名,他在片中的角色是一个上了年纪的超级影星,在戏剧舞台上寻求拯救。

    Among actors , Michael Keaton received his expected nomination for his bravura turn in " Birdman " as an aging screen superhero seeking salvation on the stage .

  28. 我曾有一次在街上偶遇这部电影的男主角,已故影星格里高利派克(GregoryPeck),即便是这都让我激动得说不出话来。

    I once ran into the film 's leading man , the late Gregory Peck , on the street , and even that choked me up .

  29. 根据消息,37岁的女影星在2012年12月15日,周六产下一名叫Pepper的女婴(是的,我们得到这件消息有点晚!)

    According to People , the 37-year-old actress gave birth to a daughter named Pepper on Saturday , December 15 , 2012 . ( Yes , there was a bit of a delay in getting the news !)

  30. 另一条则评价影片中的影星赛斯·罗根(SethRogen)和詹姆斯·弗兰科(JamesFranco)说,“这群人的搞笑能力已经超出这个宇宙了吧。”

    Said another , " Their ability to amuse is out of this galaxy , " referring to the film 's stars , Seth Rogen and James Franco .