
xiù xiàng
  • tapestry portrait;embroidered portrait;exquisitely drawn portrait;fine-lined pen portrait;tapestry (embroidered)portrait
绣像 [xiù xiàng]
  • [tapestry (或embroidered)portrait] 用彩丝绣成的人像或佛像

绣像[xiù xiàng]
  1. 晚清四大小说期刊中,《绣像小说》刊行时间最长、发行期数最多、图文并茂。

    Among the four novel periodicals of the Late Qing Dynasty , the " Tapestry Portrait Novel " has the longest period and most issues of printing and publishing .

  2. 第四部分剖析《绣像小说》的文类观这一20世纪初中国小说文类观的典型案例,从而对由近代到现代小说观念的转变过程有一清晰而具体的判断。

    The last part dissects the concept of literary type of " the Tapestry Portrait Novel " which is the typical example of the last century and makes it clear to determine the transform of the novel concept in the modern time .

  3. 《新小说》、《绣像小说》、《月月小说》、《小说林》并称为近代四大小说杂志。

    The New Stories , The Tapestry Stories , The All-story Monthly and The Story Forest were characterized as the Four Modern Novel Magazines .

  4. 首先从绘本的概念、创作方法和绘本作者对绘本进行界定;其次,通过绘本与漫画、连环画、插图、绣像的比较突出绘本所具有的特性。

    First , from the concept of Picture-book , creating methods , and the Picture-book author ; Secondly , pointing the outstanding characteristics of Picture-book through the comparison of Picture-book , cartoon , comics , illustration and portrait .