
  • 网络Mangrove plant
  1. 中国海南红树林植物海漆的化学成分研究

    Chemical constituents of mangrove plant Excoecaria agallocha in Hainan Province

  2. 澳门红树林植物组成及种群分布格局的研究

    The Distribution Pattern of Mangrove Plant Populations and Its Species Composition in Macau

  3. 城镇生活污水排放对红树林植物群落凋落物的影响

    Effect of wastewater discharge on litter production of a mangrove swamp

  4. 红树林植物长期生长在海水中,是真正意义上的耐盐植物,是最宝贵的耐盐基因资源库。

    Mangrove plants which grow in seawater environments are truly salt-tolerant plants .

  5. 海南岛红树林植物区系组成与特征

    Floristic Composition and Characteristics of Mangrove in Hainan Island

  6. 海南省三亚地区红树林植物资源与群落类型的研究

    Research on Mangrove Resources and Communities in Sanya

  7. 海南红树林植物区系与耐盐生物学研究

    The Flora of Mangrove Forest of Hainan Island and Salt-tolerant Biology of Mangrove Plants

  8. 生活污水排放对红树林植物生长的影响

    Effects of sewage discharge on growth of Mangrove

  9. 中国红树林植物区系分析

    Analysis of the Mangrove Flora in China

  10. 探讨了世界红树林植物区系的种类组成及其特点。

    The species composition and characteristics of mangrove flora in the world were reviewed and discussed .

  11. 国产红树林植物的染色体计数

    Chromosome counts on Chinese mangroves

  12. 广西红树林植物化学元素含量的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the contents of the chemical elements of mangrove plants in guangxi , China

  13. 对红树林植物榄李的花、叶、皮及木质部的研究表明,其主要化学活性成分是三萜、甾醇、单宁及长链脂肪酸。

    The present paper reviewed the recent progresses on the chemical constituents and pharmacoactive of mangrove plant-Lamnitzera racemosa .

  14. 不同红树林植物对生态环境和土壤条件的要求不同.因此,在潮间带上的生态分布不同;

    Different plant species of mangrove distribute on-different positions ofthe beach and demand different ecological environment and soil conditions .

  15. 本文概述了红树林植物的界定标准和中国存在的真红树林种类与分布;

    The present paper reviewed the recent progresses on the chemical constituents and biological activities , as well as the classification and distribution of the mangrove .

  16. 本文根据调查材料,阐述海南省清澜港和东寨港红树林植物种类、群落类型及其分布。

    According to the data of investigation , the species and community types of mangroves in Dongzhai and Qingland harbours of Hainan Island and their distributions are expounded .

  17. 全省主要红树林植物有26科40种(其中真红树10种,半红树11种,伴生植物19种)。

    There are 40 species of mangrove plants , belong to 26 families , which consists of 10 real mangrove species , 11 semi mangrove species and 19 associated species .

  18. 红树林植物在全球有红树植物约24科83种,其中,我国约20科37种,作为药用植物资源其药用价值在我国未得到研究、开发和利用。

    There are 83 species of mangrove plant belong to 24 families in the world , and 37 species belong to 20 families in China . The mangrove plant have not been studied , exploited and used as the medicinal plant .

  19. 组成红树林的植物计有14科21属22种。

    There are 22 species of mangrove plants belonging to 21 genera and 14 families .

  20. 影响红树林的植物分布和生长的主要化学因子是植物本身对化学环境的适应性、土壤的组成和海水的盐分。

    The main chemical factors which affect the distribution and growth of the plants are the mangrove 's adaptability to the chemical environment , the soil composition and the sea salinity .

  21. 广东湛江红树林保护区植物群落生态研究

    Ecological Study on the Mangrove Forest in Zhanjiang Nature Reserve , Guangdong

  22. 大亚湾红树林及海岸植物叶片盐腺与表皮非腺毛结构

    Structure of salt glands and epidermal non-gland hairs on leaves of mangroves and coastal plants growing at Daya Bay

  23. 中国红树林生态系统植物的物种多样性、红树植物生理和形态适应的多样性、产物的多样性;

    The species diversity in mangrove ecosystem , the diversity of physiological and morphological adaptation , and product diversity of mangrove plants ;

  24. 这红树林跟其他植物,还有招潮蟹,小白鹭等小生物构成了一个完整的生态系统。

    The mangroves , together with other plants , as well as fiddler crabs , egrets and planktons , form an integral ecosystem .

  25. 采用野外调查和采样分析的方法,研究了化工废水排放对红树林湿地中植物、水体和土壤的影响。

    Through field investigations and sample analysis , effects of chemical industrial wastewater on plants , water and soil in mangrove wetlands were studied in this paper .

  26. 光镜下观察研究了大亚湾地区部分红树林和海岸植物叶片的盐腺(腺毛)和非腺毛的结构及部分种类的发育过程。

    Under the optical microscope , the structure and development of the epidermal hairs on the leaves of some mangroves and coastal plants growing at Daya Bay regions are studied in this paper .

  27. 红树林的很多植物在民间可作药用,进行植物化学研究,有可能为新药开发提供先导化合物,具有重要的经济意义,有利于红树林的保护和可持续利用。

    Studies on the chemical constituents of the mangrove plants , maybe can provide lead compounds to exploit new drugs , and have the important economical significance , can favor of the protection and continuable utilization of the mangrove plants .

  28. 五地红树林区红树植物群落类型的差异造成它们之间沉积物性质的差别,而沉积物中有机质、砂粒、粉粒含量等环境因子的差别影响了大型底栖动物的次级生产力。

    The sediment characteristics were different among different mangrove communities . And the difference of the environment factors such as the concents of organic matter , sand and slit affected the the secondary productivity of the macrobenthic fauna in the mangrove wetland .

  29. 中国红树林生态系统的植物种类、多样性、功能及其保护

    Species , diversities , functions and protections of plants in mangrove ecosystem in China

  30. 本文研究了广东和海南红树林的土壤,植物叶子和死地被物的化学成分以及它们之间的相互关系,并与相同地区的一些植物群落进行比较,从而探讨红树林的生物地球化学特征。

    This paper deals with the biogeochemical characters of mangrove forestS of Guangdong and Hainan Provinces in chemical composition of soil .