
  • 网络boleophthalmus pectinirostris
  1. 从环氧树脂模型揭示了福建省福宁湾潮间带滩涂大弹涂鱼Boleophthalmuspectinirostris洞穴的整体结构。

    The burrow shapes of mudskipper ( Boleophthalmus pectinirostris ) in the intertidal mudflat of the Funing Bay , Fujian Province , were revealed by the models made from resin with hardener .

  2. 两种养殖模式下大弹涂鱼养殖场底泥中硅藻和蓝藻种群多样性分析

    The Analysis of Microbial Diversity of Diatoms and Cyanobacteria from the Mudskipper Farm in Two Culture Model

  3. 大弹涂鱼仔鱼系属于混合性营养类型,其混合性营养期亦即孵化后2~4日龄的开口摄食期。

    Larval mudskipper may be grouped into the type of mixed nutrition , and the mixed nutrition stage is also the initial feeding stage of larvae in 2-4 days after hatching .

  4. 研究结果表明,在潮间带滩涂形成了颗粒有机碎屑、细菌(微球菌)、微型硅藻、原生动物(拟铃虫)和大弹涂鱼的食物链营养关系。

    The results showed that a food chain formed in the intertidal mudflat , which was composed of particulate organic detritus , bacteria ( Micrococcus ), micro-diatoms , protozoa ( Tintinnopsis ) and the mudskipper ( Boleophthalmus pectinirostris ) .