- 网络boleophthalmus pectinirostris

The burrow shapes of mudskipper ( Boleophthalmus pectinirostris ) in the intertidal mudflat of the Funing Bay , Fujian Province , were revealed by the models made from resin with hardener .
The Analysis of Microbial Diversity of Diatoms and Cyanobacteria from the Mudskipper Farm in Two Culture Model
Larval mudskipper may be grouped into the type of mixed nutrition , and the mixed nutrition stage is also the initial feeding stage of larvae in 2-4 days after hatching .
The results showed that a food chain formed in the intertidal mudflat , which was composed of particulate organic detritus , bacteria ( Micrococcus ), micro-diatoms , protozoa ( Tintinnopsis ) and the mudskipper ( Boleophthalmus pectinirostris ) .