
  • 网络Daewoo Motor Company;Daewoo Motor Co
  1. 通用公司与大宇汽车公司谈判了近一年。

    GM had been talking with Daewoo for over a year .

  2. 大宇汽车公司的三种处理方案备受韩国和世人瞩目。

    Three kinds of treatment schemes of Dawoo Motor Corporation attracted the attention from the S.

  3. 4月30日,通用汽车公司签署了一项购买已破产大宇汽车公司的合同。

    On April30th General Motors ( GM ) signed a contract to buy the bankrupt Daewoo Motor .

  4. 通用汽车公司与大宇汽车公司的交易标志着一个甚至更长和更痛苦的过程的结束。

    GM 's deal with Daewoo Motor marks the end of an even longer and more painful process .

  5. 两年前,福特公司几乎购买了这家汽车制造厂,但发现很难使大宇汽车公司起死回生后知难而退。

    Ford almost bought the car maker two years ago , but pulled out after deciding that Daewoo would be too hard to turn round .

  6. 这家美国汽车制造商将为其拥有的42%的股份支付2.51亿美元,但它也将承担大宇汽车公司5.73亿美元的债务。

    The American car maker will pay $ 251m for its own stake of42 % , but it will also assume $ 573m of Daewoo Motor 's debts .

  7. 世界上各大头号轿车制造商争相竞购因母公司陷入财政困难而被出售的韩国大宇汽车公司。

    The world 's leading carmakers have lined up to bid for Korea 's Daewoo Cars , which is up for sale after the parent company got into financial difficulties .

  8. BiddingwarforDaewooCars轿车业巨头争购大禹汽车公司大宇汽车在世界各地均有生产和销售世界上各大头号轿车制造商争相竞购因母公司陷入财政困难而被出售的韩国大宇汽车公司。

    Daewoo cars are made and sold far and wide The world 's leading carmakers have lined up to bid for Korea 's Daewoo Cars , which is up for sale after the parent company got into financial difficulties .