
hónɡ ɡǔ
  • bonus share in company given and not paid for
  1. 红股与现金红利不同,对收入者没有所得税。

    Stock dividends are not taxable income to the recipient as are cash dividends .

  2. 所谓送转,是指以红股作为股利派发和转增股本。

    The concept of stock dividend is bonus issue and Accumulation Fund Turning to increase subscribed .

  3. 对于一家公开上市的公司而言,拟向少数股东派发红股的做法不太寻常。

    The proposed bonus share issue for minority investors is unusual for a publicly listed company .

  4. 我们甚至会提供代理人服务,代客收取股息及红股。

    We even offer nominee service which can help clients to receive all the dividends and bonus shares .

  5. 红股是按照比例分配给持股人的公司股本的追加股份。不包括(下期股息或红利)分配〔

    A stock dividend is a pro rata distribution of additional shares of a corporation 's stock to the stockholders .

  6. 这种不分红或过度的以送红股的方式分配,不利于真正实现股东价值的最大化,而且高比例送股不仅会使原有股东的股权稀释,也会给企业未来业绩造成巨大压力;

    And the distribution of stock dividend in a high percentage can devalue the future market achievement of the company .

  7. 派息率越高、送红股越多,就会使普通的股票股的股价越高,带来客观的资本增值。

    Higher payout ratio and more bonus stocks will make the price of the shares higher and will bring considerable capital gain .

  8. 为了争取小股东的支持,国有上市公司免费向他们派发红股,某些情况下还免费派送权证。

    To win their minorities over , state companies gifted investors free bonus shares and , in some cases , free warrants as well .

  9. 另一个选择是通过首次公开募股或是向股东派送红股将子公司作为单独的上市公司剥离。

    Another option would be to spin out the units as publicly traded companies , either through initial public offerings or stock dividends to shareholders .

  10. 持权证的投资者不会获派正股股息,亦不会直接参予供股或红股。

    Investors in warrants do not receive the dividends paid on the underlying , nor or do they directly participate in rights or bonus issues .

  11. 西方企业理论中很多文献认为,风险分担,即支付企业高级管理人员红股作管理报酬,是最优激励安排;

    Many papers on the firm theory think that risk sharing , namely , paying the managers bonus shares for their managerial contribution , is the best incentive arrangement .

  12. 假如你喜欢要这股票的股权(分红或送、赠红股),则你什么都不用做。

    If you like to want the equity of this stock ( share out bonus or send , give bonus ) , criterion your whats need not be done .

  13. 红股会降低市场上每股的价格,因为股数增加了。总的说来,股票价格越低,就越容易交易。

    Stock dividends tend to reduce the market price per share of stock because there are more shares available . Lower priced shares are in general more easily marketable .

  14. 凯恩斯通过主要投资中小盘股、高分红股和其他“价值型”股票,还发现了被证明可持续的其他风险溢价。

    He also identified other risk premiums that have since proved durable , by investing mainly in small - or mid-cap stocks , high-dividend payers , and other " value " stocks .

  15. 什么叫蓝筹股?与红筹股的区是什么?假如你喜欢要这股票的股权(分红或送、赠红股),则你什么都不用做。

    What cries blue chip ? With red prepare what is the area ? If you like to want the equity of this stock ( share out bonus or send , give bonus ) , criterion your whats need not be done .