
  • 网络red yellow;reddish yellow
  1. 那房间是由鲜艳的红黄两色装饰的。

    The room was decorated in vibrant reds and yellows .

  2. 采用ISSR分子标记,分析了21份紫肉、28份红黄肉甘薯种质遗传多样性。

    The genetic diversity of21 purple and28 red and yellow sweetpotato varieties has been evaluated by ISSR markers .

  3. 一株产黄色素红黄霉MonascusHB-5的发酵条件及色素稳定性、安全性研究

    Biological Characteristics , Stability and Security of Yellow Pigment Producer Strain Monascus HB-5

  4. 另外,将红黄两种量子点按不同比例混合植入到PS中得到的纤维发橙光。

    In addition , polystyrene nanofibers emitted orange light , in which the red and yellow QDs were co-embedded . Light emission properties of nanofibers with different ratios of red and yellow QDs were investigated .

  5. 据ABC新闻报道称,“穿着代表该航空公司的、鲜明性感的红黄色彩比基尼上衣和围裙,这些年轻美丽的空姐鱼贯涌入飞机的过道,进行比基尼表演”。

    As reported by ABC News , " Clad in vaporous string bikini tops and sarongs that flaunted the company colors of red and yellow , young , beautiful women filed down the plane 's aisles for a bikini show . "

  6. 看,我的包也是红黄相间的。

    Look , my bag is yellow and red , too .

  7. 红黄区域表示温度高,蓝绿区域表示温度稍低。

    The red-yellow areas are warmer , the blue and green regions cooler .

  8. 这个角色穿的是泰莫设计的红黄两色服装,灵感来自中国。

    The character wears a red and yellow Chinese-inspired costume designed by Ms. Taymor .

  9. 在理论上探讨了红黄双波段激光产生的机理。

    The double-wave band laser was studied theoretically .

  10. 我看到红黄相间的东西了。

    I see something red and yello .

  11. 宫殿是红黄相间的。

    The palace is red and yellow .

  12. 雷哥吼着呼应,火焰充斥了深坑,一根红黄的长矛。

    Rhaegal roared in answer , and fire filled the pit , a spear of red and yellow .

  13. 三原色可以生成任意一种颜色,它是由红黄蓝三种颜色构成。

    The tricolor , composed by red , yellow , and blue , can produce every color in the world .

  14. 这杯酒的颜色以红黄为主,正好和中国国旗的颜色相似。

    The dominant shades in Tequila Sunrise are ruby and orange , which resemble the colors of the national flag of China .

  15. 这个全球最大汉堡连锁店的标志性特点如塑料桌椅、“麦当劳”叔叔塑像、红黄招牌等通通不见了。

    Gone are the plastic furniture , Ronald McDonald and the red and yellow palette that has defined the world 's largest hamburger chain .

  16. 红黄黑三色巧妙搭配,间隔使用,色彩明快艳丽,无过渡色和混合色。

    Red , yellow and black colors are matched nicely with interval use and bright colors , but without color transition or mixed colors .

  17. 安妮欣赏着窗外红黄相间的树木和波光粼粼的蓝色小河。

    Anne was looking out of the window at the reds and yellows of the trees , and the silvery blue of the river .

  18. 这位八条腿的海洋生物从两个箱子中进行选择——一个标有荷兰的旗帜,另外一个是西班牙的旗帜——他游向了红黄相间的旗帜。在西班牙一个酒吧进行观看的观众对章鱼的选择非常高兴。

    The eight-legged sea creature had two boxes to choose from - one People watching at a bar in Spain were happy with the choice .

  19. 该校建筑以红黄两色为主,甚至连街灯和长椅都是古风设计。

    The on-campus architecture is dominated by shades of red and yellow , and even street lamps and benches are designed in an ancient style .

  20. 格兰仕的人员都戴着饰有“格兰仕欢迎你”字样的红黄彩带,但几乎找不到可以欢迎的新员工。

    All were wearing red and yellow sashes emblazoned with the message that " Galanz welcomes you " . But there were few new recruits to welcome .

  21. 战争期间主要穿着军队制服,通常不同军种的军服通过裤子上红黄蓝色不同的条纹来区别。

    During the war they mainly weared military uniforms , often adopting red , yellow and blue stripes on the uniform pants to distinguish between different branches .

  22. 他们飞到一株红黄相间的郁金香前说道:“郁金香朋友,你能张开你的花朵让我们躲避一下暴风雨吗?”

    They flew to a red and yellow tulip , and said ," Friend Tulip , will you open your flowers and let us in till the storm is over ?"

  23. 直到200年前,原色的概念,即红黄蓝是(三)原色的概念才出现。

    The idea of primary colors , and specifically the idea of red , yellow and blue being THE primary colors , didn 't exist until about 200 years ago .

  24. 在掺入红色荧光粉后,拉曼光谱中,红黄光波段光强增加,光功率图变得更宽、更饱满,显色指数增加,光效略有下降。

    The incorporation of the red phosphor make the red light segment increased in the Raman spectrum . Its light intensity increase and the optical power diagram become wider and fuller .

  25. 真黑素决定了深色系,如黑、、克力色;棕黑素则影响浅色的红黄系,如茶色、色、色。

    Eumelanin is responsible for the darker colours such as black , blue , chocolate brown and phaeomelanin causes the lighter yellow / red colours such as tan , red , yellow .

  26. 在其获提名并因此而蒙羞之前,该网站颜色为令人无法理解的红黄交替,并且顶部两位网站建立者照片之上还叠加了文字,从而导致文字模糊不清。

    Before being named and shamed however it had an inexplicable yellow and scarlet colour scheme and text overlayed on top of a picture of its two founders , making the words unreadable .

  27. 好,那我们要找的人是一个很高又矮、光头长头发,身穿红黄蓝黑白衬衣,夹着兔子的一个家伙。

    So , we are looking for a tall , short , bald , hairy man , with a red , yellow , blue , black , white shirt with a rabbit under his arm .

  28. 这只八脚海洋生物有两个盒子可以选择,一个是标有荷兰国旗的盒子,另一个是标有红黄条纹的西班牙国旗,而他最终选了后者。

    The eight-legged sea creature had two boxes to choose from-one marked with a flag from the Netherlands and another with the flag of Spain-and it was the yellow and red banner he went for .

  29. 蓝羊角面包、橙汁、一罐新煮的咖啡、鸡蛋、吐司,桌子中央还摆放了一大盆红黄相间的鲜花。

    There was a basket of croissants , orange juice , a pot of fresh coffee , some eggs and toast , and a huge bowl of yellow and red flowers in the centre of the table .

  30. 斯图亚特和他的孪生兄弟菲利普穿着职业冲浪救生员的制服参加双胞胎节&淡黄色运动衫、红色泳裤、沙滩凉鞋、头上戴着红黄相间的泳帽。

    Stuart and his brother , Phillip , toured the festival in the uniforms they wear at their jobs as surf life-guards & bright yellow jerseys , red swim trunks , sandals , and red-and-yellow swim caps .