
hónɡ dàn
  • Red egg;eggs colored red and shared with friends one month after the birth of a child
红蛋 [hóng dàn]
  • [eggs painted red for the whole family to share when a child is born] 生孩子的人家分送亲友的染红的鸡蛋

  1. 2个周期相比,化疗后血红蛋自(Hb),白细胞(WBC)及肝肾功能和凝血功能的变化无明显差异。

    No significant difference in Hb , WBC , liver function and function of blood coagulation between cycles was observed .

  2. 结论血红蛋H病复合β地贫时可检测不到HbH(β4)区带。

    Conclusion HbH band (β 4 ) sometimes could not be detected in Hemoglobin H disease combined with β thalassemia .

  3. 应用光的吸收系数的变化测量血红蛋白(Hb)和含氧血红蛋血(HbO2)之比计算出血氧饱和度。

    Using the changes of light absorption coefficient for measuring the ratio of haemoglobin ( Hb ) and oxyhaemoglobin ( HbO2 ), the oxygen saturation can be calculated and has got successful applications .

  4. 民间红蛋的文化意蕴解读

    The " Red Eggs " among the Folk Society : an Explanation of its Culture

  5. 以天红蛋、净皮甜、大红甜为样品,对石榴采后果皮褐变进行研究,结果发现:褐变与品种及贮藏温度有显著的相关性;

    Pomegranate peel was very easy to brown after picking . The cultivars and storage temperatures were remarkably relative to the browning .

  6. 聚合牛血红蛋自对缺血再灌注脑组织Na~+K~+-ATPase活性的影响

    Effects of polymerized bovine hemoglobin on the activity of Na ~ + K ~ + - ATPase after global cerebral ischemia and reperfusion

  7. 在中国生孩子当然也是件大喜事,所以民间生孩子的人家要用“红蛋”分送亲友。

    Of course , China is also a big wedding children . Therefore , the non-child families with " eggs " sent to friends and relatives .

  8. 不同的地方礼物不尽相同,然而不管在农村还是在城市,红壳蛋是必备的。

    Types of gifts vary from place to place , but eggs dyed red are usually a must both in town and the countryside .

  9. 这是因为,红壳蛋是生活过程改变的象征,圆形则象征着和谐幸福的生活。

    Red eggs are chosen as gifts probably because they are the symbol of changing process of life and their round shape is the symbol of harmonious and happy life .

  10. 看着她眼里闪动的快乐和因激动而变得微红的小脸蛋儿,我猜想一定是什么大秘密吧!

    Flashing eyes looked at her pleasure and excitement become reddish due to the small face children , I guess must be big secrets !