
  • 网络Tissue reaction;Tissue reactivity
  1. 交叉使用不锈钢和钛合金固定骨折后远期周围组织反应的比较

    Long-term tissue reactions following fracture internal fixation with crossing application of stainless steel versus titanium alloy

  2. 辐射产生的有害健康效应分为两种类型①组织反应(也称确定性效应);

    The adverse health effects of radiation exposure may be grouped in two categories : ① tissue reactions ( also called deterministic effects );

  3. 现代研究表明PTCA后RS是一个多环节,连续的组织反应过程。

    Modern study tested that the RS after PTCA is a many links and continuous organization respond process .

  4. VG染色示肿瘤细胞周围有纤维组织反应增生。

    The fibrous tissues aroud the tumor cells were positive for VG .

  5. APA微囊包裹可减轻羊移植区组织反应,延长移植物的存活。

    APA microencapsulation could reduce histological reactions in transplantation area and prolong the survival of the transplant .

  6. 肝组织反应强烈,SOD活力显著降低,GSH-Px活力显著升高,与血液的酶活力变化相反;

    The reactivity of liver was quite intense , and the changes of SOD and GSH & Px activity were opposite to the blood ;

  7. 目的:对微弧氧化(microarcoxidation,MAO)处理的纯钛材料进行动物皮下埋置实验,以评价MAO处理的纯钛材料的生物相容性及材料-软组织反应。

    Objective : To assess the biocompatibility and material-tissue interaction of pure titanium after micro-arc oxidation ( MAO ) treatment by subcutaneous implantation experiment .

  8. 结论:部分抗SARS病毒抗体可以与肺组织反应,SARS病毒抗原同肺组织抗原有部分同源性。

    Conclusion : Part of anti SARS virus antibodies can react with lung tissue . There are possible common epitopes between SARS virus and lung tissue .

  9. 结论由新辅助化疗诱导的肿瘤组织反应程度是ⅢA期NSCLC患者获成功治疗的关键因素。

    Conclusion : The extent of tumor regression induced by neoadjuvant chemotherapy is a critical issue for successful therapeutic approach in patients with stage ⅲ A NSCLC .

  10. 骨缺损范围5~125cm2。观察:患者手术前后的全身及局部组织反应、ESR及CRP、X线摄片和CT扫描。

    The area of bone defect were 5 to 125 cm ~ 2.Before and after operation patients ' systematic and local reactions were observed and ESR , CRP , X-ray and CT image were obtained .

  11. 在50g力作用下,牙周组织反应活跃,牙齿移动速度快;100g力引起牙周组织的破坏,牙齿移动停滞。

    In the 50g-force group , the response of periodontal tissues were activity , in 100g-force group , the periodontal tissues were damaged .

  12. 结论:淋巴上皮病变、滤泡克隆化、反应性滤泡增生及B细胞单克隆性是胃MALT型淋巴瘤的主要特征,有别于胃良性病变引起的淋巴组织反应性增生。

    Conclusion : Lymphoepithelial lesion , follicular cloning reactive follicular hyperplasia and monoclonal B cell were the principal characteristics of gastric MALT lymphoma , all of which are distinct from those reactive hyperplasia in lymphoid tissue resulting from gastric benign lesions .

  13. 10例良性淋巴组织反应性增生病例中,IgH及TCRγ基因重排均为阴性。

    TCR γ gene rearrangements were not found in 5 cases of suspected lymphomas . Gene rearrangements of IgH and TCR γ were negative in 10 cases of reactive lymphoid hyperplasia .

  14. HAP-CH制剂的牙髓组织反应与CH相似,但术后1年牙髓组织无退变发生。

    The pulp reaction with HAP-CH paste was similar to that with CH saline paste , but no degeneration was seen in HAP-CH paste group one year postoperatively .

  15. 淋巴组织反应性增生组有1例LMP-1的阳性表达,MMP-9的阳性表达率为40.0%(8/20)。

    There is only one case of positive expression of LMP-1 in the group of reactive lymphoid hyperplasia and the positive expression rate of MMP-9 was 40.0 % ( 8 / 20 ) in it .

  16. 应用抗细胞角蛋白单克隆抗体AE1/AE3,对食管癌、胃癌和大肠癌的原发组织反应进行了研究。

    The reaction of AE 1 / AE 3 to cancer of the esophagus , the stomach and the large bowel was studied .

  17. 目的:制备聚对二氧环己酮(polydioxanone,PDO)网状人工补片,并通过体内降解实验研究,观察其降解过程及组织反应情况,为临床应用提供实验依据。

    Objective : To prepare a novel surgery mesh made of polydioxanone ( PDO ) and to study its in vivo degradation properties and the related tissue reaction , so as to provide reference for future clinical application .

  18. 医用聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶大鼠体内注射后局部组织反应的实验研究

    Study on Local Tissue Reaction of Rats After Polyacrylamide Hydrogel Injection

  19. 在肝内,幼虫周围有明显宿主组织反应,但在脑内幼虫周围宿主的组织反应不明显。

    There was no around the larvae in the brain tissue .

  20. 种植体支抗受正畸力系作用后的骨组织反应及其稳定性研究

    Study Stability and Osseous Reaction of Implant Anchorage after Received Orthodontic Force

  21. 人工关节材料引起关节组织反应的实验研究

    An Experimental Study on Histological Reaction in Joint Injected by Material of Prosthesis

  22. 新型聚酯醚材料体内外降解和组织反应

    Degradation and Tissue Reaction of New Polyester Ether Biomaterial in Vitro and in Vivo

  23. 没有组织反应说明是死后受伤。

    No tissue reaction means it 's post-mortem .

  24. 血管组织反应器的研究与设计

    Research and Design on Vein Tissue Reactor

  25. 化学药物栓塞治疗后肝癌局部组织反应及碘元素含量分析

    The local tissue reactivity and distribution of iodine content after treatment by transcatheter arterial embolization

  26. 这是正常的组织反应。

    So is the tissue response .

  27. 术后组织反应轻;

    Mild postoperative tissue reaction ;

  28. 目的研究上颌快速扩大腭中缝牵张成骨的连续过程及规律,了解快速扩张腭中缝的缝组织反应和组织再生机理。

    Objective To study the continuous process of tissue response and regularity of osteogenesis of midpalatal suture expansion .

  29. 几丁质缝线和肠线分别植入体内,观察二者在体内组织反应和吸收速度。

    Chitin suture and gut suture were implanted into rats to observe their absorption and reaction within tissue .

  30. 观察植入物周边组织反应、局部缺损修复和骨痂形成情况和表面变化情况。

    Then observe the tissue reaction around the implant , partial defect repair and bone formation and surface changes .