
  • 网络Organizational Management;organization management;management;organization
  1. 其中,知识管理的机制有:组织管理机制、技术机制以及有利于学习、交流和知识应用的环境与激励机制;

    There are mechanisms of knowledge management such as mechanism of organizational management , technological mechanism , cultivation mechanism of environment and incentive mechanism ;

  2. 基于网络信息资源组织管理的DC和MARC比较研究

    Comparisons between DC and MARC based on the organizational management of online information resources

  3. 她把分配食物和药品的工作说成是组织管理上的噩梦。

    She described the distribution of food and medical supplies as a logistical nightmare .

  4. 中国28日通过了史上首部境外非政府组织管理法,以便于这些组织在大陆合法运行,同时打击任何可能危及国家安全的行为。

    China adopted its first-ever law on overseas NGOs on Thursday to facilitate their legal operations on the mainland but to combat any activity that might harm national security .

  5. 党员队伍中,企事业单位、社会组织管理人员1061万名、占11.2%,专业技术人员1500多万名、占15.8%。党的组织体系日趋严密

    Among the CPC members , 10.61 million are management personnel in enterprises , public institutions and social organizations , while 15 million are professional and technical personnel , making up 11.2 percent and 15.8 percent of the total respectively .

  6. 适应自组织管理模式的P2P资源共享网络激励模型的研究

    An Incentive Model Adapted to Self-Organizing Management Mode for Resource Sharing in P2P Networks

  7. 秦岭隧道Ⅰ线进口段TBM施工组织管理

    Management of TBM Construction in the Entrance Section of Qinling No. 1 Tunnel

  8. 首先,针对公路CAD中的路线三维模型与构造物实体模型,分析了三维GIS与公路CAD中数据的集成,进而研究了公路三维GIS的一体化数据组织管理;

    At first , the data integration of 3-D GIS and highway CAD was analyzed ; the 3-D route surface model and the 3D construction solid model were integrated into 3-D highway GIS database .

  9. 理论上,该GUI软件框架通过采用层次化软件构件技术,提高了嵌入式系统GUI软件构件的组织管理效率;

    Theoretically , the layered software construction is used by the GUI software framework , to provide the efficiency of managing GUI software component in embedded system .

  10. 企业项目管理(EPM)作为一种新型的组织管理模式在联系战略与项目、管理众多项目上越来越显示出其强大的生命力。

    As a new organization management style , Enterprise project management ( EPM ) link strategies with projects .

  11. Erlang公式是电信组织管理中的重要公式之一.给出了它的若干性质及其证明。

    Erlang 's formula is an important formula for telecommunication management . Some properties of Erlang 's formula and their proofs are given .

  12. MDA(ModelDriveArchitecture)是OMG(objectmanagementgroup)提出的解决系统集成问题的新途径,它以UML、MOF、CWM为核心,定义软件开发过程中的模型组织管理框架。

    MDA ( Model Drive Architecture ) is a new approach to system integration brought forward by OMG ( Object Management Group ) which kernels UML , MOF , CWM and defines a framework for model management in software development .

  13. 网站具有内容管理平台(CMS),此平台有权限管理、内容管理、人员组织管理、信息管理等功能,用户可以通过此平台方便的更新中文网页各部分内容,包括更改中文网站框架结构;

    The website has the Content Manages Platform ( CMS ), which has functions of the authority-limit management , the content management , the personnel organizing management , the information management and so on .

  14. 改善物质条件,加强组织管理;

    To improve the material condition and strengthen organization and management ;

  15. 科研群体的意识形态与组织管理工作

    Ideology of the Science-Research Colony and the Task of Organizational Management

  16. 体育院系篮球普修课教学的组织管理

    Discussion on Organize and Manage of Ordinary Basketball Teaching of PE

  17. 授权治理组织管理整个服务生命周期。

    Empower a governance body to manage the entire service life cycle .

  18. 并行工程:一种新的系统工程的组织管理模式

    Concurrent Engineering : A New Pattern of Organizational Management for Systems Engineering

  19. 意大利体育组织管理体制剖析

    Analysis on the Sports System and Sports Organizations in Italy

  20. 企业市场创新组织管理研究

    The Research on Market Innovation Organization and Management of Enterprise

  21. 大型复杂信息工程项目监理的组织管理

    Organizational Management for Supervision of Large Complex Information Engineering Project

  22. 加强组织管理,营造良好环境;

    Strengthen organization and management , build good surroundings ;

  23. 国际奥林匹克运动组织管理体制研究

    A study on the international Olympic organization management system

  24. 改革护理组织管理模式提高病人满意度

    To reform on nursing organization management mode to enhance satisfaction degrees of patients

  25. 基于虚拟监测组织管理的监测网格模型

    Monitoring Grid Model Based on Virtual Monitoring Organization Management

  26. 论组织管理信用的价值

    On the Value of Managerial Credit in Internal Organization

  27. 试论组织管理的风险及消除

    On the risk of organization and administration and the means to get rid of

  28. 实现有效沟通,改善组织管理

    Realize Effective Communication and Improve Organization Administration

  29. 这种风险来源于对规模经济的片面理解,不顾企业实际需要和自身组织管理能力,在资产重组中盲目兼并、收购多家企业,结果造成规模过大而导致管理失控。

    This risk is originated from one-sided understanding of large-scale economy and from blind expanding .

  30. 组织管理因素;健全制度,集中管理;

    ( organization ) management factor ; Make the systems sound and concentrate the management ;