
zhī nǚ xīng
  • Vega
织女星 [zhī nǚ xīng]
  • [Vega] 位于银河以东、与牵牛星隔银河相对的一颗星,属天琴星座,距地球约二十七光年,呈青白色,是该星座中最亮的星,表温高达10000C

织女星[zhī nǚ xīng]
  1. 接下来故事内容说织女星(Vega)来到了到地面。

    The latter content said that the vega came to the earth .

  2. 织女星(VEGA)网格提出了网格路由器的概念,它是一种完全分布式的信息服务部件,以类似IP路由器的方式进行工作。

    VEGA Grid gave the concept of Grid router : a fully distributed information service component which works similar to IP router .

  3. 为了体现该信息服务部件的特点及提供使用案例,我们设计和实现了一种基于网格的在线游戏服务平台,称为织女星游戏网格(VegaGameGrid)。

    In order to demonstrate the benefit of this component and provide use case , we designed and implemented a Grid-based online game service platform , called Vega Game Grid .

  4. 我推测在这个故事的前面内容实际上告诉人们织女星(Vega)以前是北极星。

    I figure out that the foregoing content in this legend actually tells that the Vega is the Polaris in the beginning .

  5. 这一任务的目标是Vespa,是欧洲航天局2013年发射织女星火箭留下的残骸。

    The target in this case is called Vespa , a leftover remnant from ESA 's Vega rocket launch in 2013 .

  6. 文中分析了网格环境中的资源特点,介绍了相关领域的研究成果,并结合织女星网格的VEGA原理,讨论了织女星网格对资源发现机制的要求。

    The resource characteristics in Grid environments are analyzed ; the relevant researches in this area are summarized , and the VEGA principle in our research is discussed to guide the resource discovery mechanism design in VEGA Grid .

  7. 在中国织女星网格团队研究的基础上,提出了一种能够有效实现网格主体&网程特性的新一代信息网络进程模型算法,称为EVP进程模型。

    Based on the work of China VEGA Grid research team , a new information process model called EVP process model is proposed to realize the grid subject-grid process .

  8. 本文介绍了基于EVP资源空间模型和EVP主体空间模型构建的织女星网格操作系统的授权与访问控制机制的设计和实现,并对由于使用安全机制引起的性能损失进行了测试和分析。

    This paper introduce the design and implementation of the EVP resource space model-based authorization and access control mechanism , and take a measurement and analysis to the performance penalty due to the use of security mechanism .

  9. 在此基础上,按照Globustoolkit3网格服务规范对运时时间框架守卫模块服务化,并基于具有我国自主知识产权的织女星网格操作系统,进行同类资源的整合。

    According to the grid service specification of Globus Toolkit 3 , RTI daemon grid service was developed and deployed into service container Tomcat , thus the grid service was managed by VEGA Grid Operating System ( GOS ), which is Chinese product with proprietary intellectual property .

  10. 我们有休闲套装雪佛兰织女星福特平托

    We had leisure suits the Chevy Vega the Ford Pinto

  11. 织女星信息网格客体的全生命周期研究

    Research on Full Lifecycle of Vega Information Grid Object

  12. 面向服务的织女星网格系统软件设计与评测

    Service Oriented VEGA Grid System Software Design and Evaluation

  13. 同时我们在织女星铁路信息网格系统中实现和验证了以上方法,结果表明以上方法能有效地解决铁路中模式变更问题。

    Also we implement and validate the approach in Vega railway information grid system .

  14. 织女星网格路由器的应用与改进

    Application and Improvement of Vega Grid Router

  15. 因此协同工作和资源共享是织女星个人网格提供的主要功能。

    Resource sharing and cooperative work is the main capability VEGA PG provides for applications .

  16. 即使是最闪亮的一颗星,织女星一样,它表明一个清楚界定的空磁盘。

    Even on the brightest star , like Vega , it showed a well-defined air-disk .

  17. 总统称来自织女星的消息是

    The President called the message from Vega

  18. 织女星信息网格性能评测及分析

    Performance Evaluation and Analysis of Information Grid

  19. 中国织女星知识网格研究进展

    Research Progress of China Knowledge Grid VEGA-KG

  20. 你好啊,月亮!金牛星,织女星。

    Hello , moon ! I 'm looking at the pleiades , the seven sisters .

  21. 如果你遇到了织女星人

    If you should meet these Vegans

  22. 七夕节坐着仰望牵牛星和织女星是中国人的一个习俗。

    It is a custom for Chinese to watch the Altair and Vega on the chairs .

  23. 这张照片拍摄于月落之后,这片繁星中的最亮点是画面右侧的织女星。

    Recorded after moonset , the starry background features the bright star Vega on the right .

  24. 我国中国科学院计算所也提出了研究织女星网格计算机的计划。

    The Computer Institute under China Academy of Science has approved the Vega Grid Computer Research Plan .

  25. 织女星个人网格研究

    Research on VEGA Personal Grid

  26. 织女星个人网格是织女星网格项目中的一个子课题。

    VEGA Personal Grid ( VEGA PG ) is a sub-project of VEGA grid project of ICT .

  27. 织女星信息网格评价

    Evaluation of VEGA Information Grid

  28. 从网格系统的体系结构上看,织女星个人网格是一个垂直型网格,其作用范围上至网格应用层下至网格通讯层。

    It 's a vertical grid , which includes multiple layers from network communication layer to application layer .

  29. 这一天的晚上,织女星和牛郎星就在日本的天空相会了。

    On this night , the Weaver Star and the Cowherd Star meet in the skies above Japan .

  30. 今晚,我们来放大观察织女星和她的小而独特的星座,天琴座的竖琴。

    This evening , we zoom in on Vega and its small but distinctive constellation , Lyra the Harp .