
  • 网络PMS
  1. 帕罗西汀治疗经前紧张综合征疗效研究

    A control study on the treatment of premenstrual tension syndrome with paroxetine

  2. 青春期女性经前紧张综合征临床分析

    The Analysis of Premenstrual Tension of Adolescence Female

  3. 结果女噪声组的月经周期异常、经期异常、经血量异常、痛经和经前紧张综合征的发生率高于对照组(P<005或P<001);

    Results The incidences of abnormal menstrual cycle , menstrual period , menses blood capacity , as well as dysmenorrhoea and premenstrual syndrome were significantly higher in female exposed group than those in the control group ( P < 0 05 or P < 0 01 ) .