
nǎi yóu dàn ɡāo
  • cream cake
  1. 你想要香蕉奶昔,奶油蛋糕还是柠檬果冻?

    Would you like banana milk shake , cream cake or lemon jelly ?

  2. 方便食品的范围包括杯面,薯片和奶油蛋糕。

    The convenience food range includes cup noodles , potato chips and cream cake .

  3. 另一伦敦女帽设计师皮尔斯•阿特金森(PiersAtkinson)参照奶油蛋糕与樱桃形状,为墨尔本、迪拜以及本国的客户设计了妙趣横生、附庸风雅的帽子。

    Piers Atkinson , also based in London designs fun , arty hats in the shape of cream slices and cherries for customers in Melbourne , Dubai and Britain .

  4. 精制巧克力奶油蛋糕是蒙特玛特勒咖啡馆的特色食品。

    Chocolate gateau was a speciality of the Cafe de montmartre .

  5. 我看出你不喜欢吃奶油蛋糕&其实正相反!

    I can see you don 't like cream cakes & much !

  6. 它们永远比不上一整块奶油蛋糕。

    They are never better than a whole cheesecake .

  7. 聚会结束时,人们一般喝咖啡、甜酒,吃奶油蛋糕。

    These usually end with coffee , liqueur , and creamy layer cakes .

  8. 听着,我不做奶油蛋糕。

    Look , I don 't do buttercream .

  9. 奶油蛋糕再也不是奢侈品了。

    Cream cakes are no long a luxury .

  10. 你选择再吃一块奶油蛋糕?

    You chose to eat another cream cake ?

  11. 卓喜:我还要鲑肉三文治和一个奶油蛋糕。

    Josie : And I 'd like some salmon sandwiches and a cream cake .

  12. 至于甜食,我们有水果蛋糕、奶油蛋糕和栗子蛋糕。

    For dessert , we have fruit cake , cream cake and chestnut cake .

  13. 盘子里有一块奶油蛋糕。

    There is cream cake on the plate .

  14. 一天,我的同学为他的生日买了一盒奶油蛋糕。

    One day , my classmate brought a box of cream cake for his birthday .

  15. 这对于我来说很难,因为我很爱吃甜食,并且我喜欢奶油蛋糕。

    It 's difficult because I have a sweet tooth and I love cream cakes .

  16. 他从烘果子奶油蛋糕白手起家的。

    He baked the torte from scratch .

  17. 这盒内装着奶油蛋糕,因此要面朝上拿。

    The box contains cream cakes so it 's important to carry it face up .

  18. 此酒带有白色水果和一些奶油蛋糕的香味。

    Fruity and light with notes of white fruit but also a hint of brioche .

  19. 那些奶油蛋糕吸引我!

    Those cream cakes tempt me !

  20. 苹果饼或者奶油蛋糕。

    Apple pie or cream cake .

  21. 奶油蛋糕很香啊,我差点忘了自己是在节食。

    The tempering smell of the cream cake almost made me forget I was on a diet .

  22. Bennatti这批学生后来都毕业了,但这块奶油蛋糕却在学校存放数十年。

    Bennatti 's chemistry students eventually graduated , but the Twinkie remained at George Stevens Academy for decades .

  23. 但是,他个性十足,看得出来,他对美食、葡萄酒以及自己制作的奶油蛋糕自豪之情溢于言表。

    Yes he is a large individual , who clearly enjoys his food and wine and his own cream cakes .

  24. 然后我们庆祝某人过生日,于是奶油蛋糕(不好,不,应该说非常糟糕)出现了。

    Then we celebrated someone 's birthday and the cream cakes ( bad , no , make that v. bad ) appeared .

  25. 当然,如果她收到我们自手制作的贺卡,心里一定比吃了奶油蛋糕还甜。

    And if she is presented with a card made by our own hands , it will be like icing on cake !

  26. 汉尼拔.莱克特会大失所望地发现这大块的肉其实是松露巧克力和酒心巧克力奶油蛋糕制成的

    Hannibal Lecter would be gravely disappointed to learn that this hunk of flesh is actually chocolate truffle and rum chocolate butter cream frosting

  27. 当时他正教授“食物添加剂和保质期”的课程,碰巧有名学生问他奶油蛋糕能存放多久的问题。

    Bennatti was teaching a lesson on food additives and shelf life , and a student asked him how long a Twinkie could last .

  28. 于是,他给学生几美元,让他们去商店买两个奶油蛋糕。

    He gave his students a few dollars , and they ran off to the store and returned with a package of two Twinkies .

  29. 一般奶油蛋糕保质期最多有45天。但它馅料丰富,不知究竟能存放多久?

    Twinkies reportedly have a shelf life of 45 days - but given that they 're chock-full of preservatives , how long can they really last ?

  30. 含羞待放的马蹄莲花,合拢在一起,像没有打开的扇子一般,又像一个奶油蛋糕卷;

    Blush to be put in the calla lily flower , close together , like a fan does not open normally , and like a cream cake roll ;