
  • 网络Brioche;butter bread;the bread and butter
  1. 我要一杯咖啡和一份奶油面包卷。

    I 'll have coffee and a brioche .

  2. 它的口味在黄油牛奶饼干与蜂蜜奶油面包卷之间,但是有温和的锡兰肉桂后味。

    Its flavor is somewhere between buttermilk biscuit and honey brioche , but finishes with soft Ceylon cinnamon .

  3. 这块奶油面包太厚了。

    The bread and butter is too thick .

  4. 她早餐只吃了一片奶油面包。

    For breakfast , she had only a slice of bread and butter .

  5. 一眨眼的功夫,那些奶油面包和香肠卷都被吃光了。

    The cream bus and sausage rolls were polished off in next to no time .

  6. 他进来时,一手拿着一只茶杯,一手拿着一片奶油面包。

    He came in with a teacup in one hand and a piece of bread-and-butter in the other .

  7. 于是,我看准了乔注视我后刚把头转过去的这一刹那,趁机把奶油面包装进了我的裤脚管。

    I took advantage of a moment when Joe had just looked at me , and got my bread-and-butter down my leg .

  8. 肥胖时的每天,在进食全套英式早餐前,他还要吃掉5块奶油面包作为早餐前的甜点。

    On average he would eat five slices of buttered toast for breakfast before a full English breakfast as a mid morning meal .

  9. 最后,他们吃饱了火腿、蛋糕、奶油面包,喝足了红茶,就离开了饭桌。

    Finally , stuffed with ham , cake , bread and butter , and pints of dark tea , they moved from the table .

  10. 做三明治时候,把一片火腿放在两片奶油面包当中,就万事大吉了。

    To make a ham sandwich , just put a piece of ham between two slices of buttered bread , and Bob 's your uncle .

  11. 转眼之间,奶油面包和腊肠卷就被一扫而光。挡墙结构中间包下挡墙溢流卷渣行为机理研究

    The cream buns and sausage rolls were polished off in next to no time . Study on the Slag Entrapment Mechanism in Tundish when Steel Liquid Level is Above Weir

  12. 那个可怜的帽匠丢掉了茶杯、奶油面包,单膝跪下说,“我是个可怜人,陛下。”

    The miserable Hatter dropped his teacup and bread-and-butter , and went down on one knee . ' I 'm a poor man , your Majesty , ' he began .

  13. 这些话根本没有鼓励作证人。他不断地把两脚交替着站,不自在地看着王后,而且由于心里慌乱,竟在茶杯上咬了一大口,而不是去吃奶油面包。

    This did not seem to encourage the witness at all : he kept shifting from one foot to the other , looking uneasily at the Queen , and in his confusion he bit a large piece out of his teacup instead of the bread-and-butter .

  14. 说实在话。这是一顿很丰盛的茶点,先是每人一只深黄色的煮鸡蛋,煮得很嫩,接着是沙丁鱼盖烤面包,然后又是奶油面包,蜂蜜拌烤面包,白糖蛋糕,应有尽有。

    And really it was a wonderful tea . There was a nice brown egg , lightly boiled , for each of them , and then sardines on toast , and then buttered toast , and then toast with honey , and then a sugar-topped cake .

  15. 结果,他们只好吃生苹果充饥。爱德蒙说得不错,学校食堂里的晚餐其实并不那么糟糕——“要是这会儿来一片厚厚的奶油面包,我倒是没什么不乐意。”他加上一句。

    So they had to content themselves with raw apples , which , as Edmund said , made one realize that school suppers weren 't so bad after all - " I shouldn 't mind a good thick slice of bread and margarine this minute , " he added .

  16. 在涂有奶油的面包上厚厚地抹上草莓酱。

    The bread and butter is thickly spread with strawberry jam .

  17. 他吃了两片涂有厚厚一层奶油的面包。

    He had two pieces of bread thickly pasted with butter .

  18. 奶油小面包外面的一层巧克力都被舔光了。

    The chocolate coating has all been licked off the cream buns .

  19. 幸福意味着一个卷起来的奶油夹心面包。

    Happiness is a bread and butter sandwich folded over .

  20. 它是交易的奶油和面包。

    This is the bread and butter of trading .

  21. 他常常把奶油涂在面包上。

    He often spreads on cream on bread .

  22. 你去一趟面包店给我买些奶油小圆面包好吗?

    Go down to the baker 's and buy me some cream buns , would you ?

  23. 我做了麦片曲奇,奶油花生长条面包。

    I made oatmeai cookies , peanut-butter bars .

  24. 我们把奶油涂到面包上。

    We spread butter on bread .

  25. 我点一份奶油煮鸡、面包和洋蓟菜心。

    Yes , I 'll have creamed chicken , just the bread and the artichoke hearts .

  26. 有新鲜芦笋,奶油洋葱汤,面包和罕见的人工饲养牛肉的晚餐,是复杂的但绝对美味。

    Dinner of fresh asparagus , cream of onion soup , warm bread and rare , hand-reared beef was sophisticated but not pretentious and utterly delicious .

  27. 很快地,他收拾起他的露营设备,一罐花生奶油,一块面包,一瓶水并且这次还带上了教科书。

    He , quickly , gathered up his camping gear , a jar of peanut butter , a loaf of bread , a bottle of water , and this time * his schoolbooks .

  28. 在烤面包上涂大量奶油他们把奶油涂在面包上。

    To slather butter on toast They spread bread with butter .