
  • 网络Caramel;CARAMEL COLOR;caramel coloring
  1. 从加热的糖中提取的焦糖色素是一种非人工着色剂,普遍应用于黑色饮料如可乐中。

    Caramel from heated sugar , a nonsynthetic'color , is also commonly used in dark beverages such as colas .

  2. 采用酶法水解小麦B淀粉,并以水解液为原料,制备焦糖色素。

    Hydrolysis of wheat B-starch by enzyme and preparation of caramel pigment from hydrolysate were studied .

  3. 焦糖色素的色率及红色指数与pH值关系的研究

    Research of relation between color ratio and red index of caramel color and pH

  4. Fenton氧化法去除酱油生产废水中焦糖色素的研究

    Research on the application of Fenton oxidation to remove Caramel color of sauce wastewater

  5. 糖蜜以硫酸调节pH至2.3,同时添加适量的澄清剂,经离心获得的糖蜜清液适于制造澄清度极好的焦糖色素。

    The pH of molasses adjusted to 2.3 with sulfate acid and added some clarifier , the supernatant of molasses after centrifugation was used to produce caramel color .

  6. 对酱油、酸水解植物蛋白(HVP)、焦糖色素中乙酰丙酸的含量进行了测定。

    The content of levulinic acid in soy sauce , hydrolyzed vegetable protein ( HVP ) and caramel was determined .

  7. 公共利益科学中心的执行理事MichaelJacobson说道:我们要求FDA禁止可乐,当然也包括其他软饮料和食品添加焦糖色素。

    We 're asking the FDA to ban the use of caramel coloring that 's used in colas and certain other soft drinks and a variety of other foods , said Michael Jacobson , Executive Director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest .

  8. 正交试验结果表明,在115℃,添加糖蜜量4%氨的条件下反应180min,可生产出澄清度高,色率≥39000,红色素指数≥4.8,耐盐性好的优质焦糖色素。

    The results of orthodox experiment showed that the high quality of caramel colorant that had high clarification , the tinctorial power ≥ 39000 , red index ≥ 4.8 , and salt tolerant was produced at 115 ℃ for 180 min in addition of 4 % ammonia .

  9. 挤压法生产焦糖色素的探讨

    Discussion on the preparation of caramel pigment by extrusion SPLIT-PHASE METHOD

  10. 焦糖色素生产的现状及其发展方向

    The Current Situation of Producing Caramel Pigment and Its Developmental Direction

  11. 高色率焦糖色素的合成新工艺

    New synthesis technology of caramel pigment of high color ratio

  12. 果葡糖浆对焦糖色素质量影响的研究

    The Influence of the Fructose Corn Syrup on the Quality of Caramel

  13. 由葡萄糖母液合成焦糖色素的工艺研究

    Study on Synthesis of Caramel Pigment from Dextrose Mother Liquid

  14. 低品位软锰矿降解糖蜜酒精废液中焦糖色素的脱色动力学

    Decolorizing Kinetics of Caramel in Molasses Alcohol Wastewater Degraded by Low-grade Pyrolusite

  15. 挤压机生产焦糖色素的后处理研究

    Studies on the post-treatment of caramel pigment produced by extrusion

  16. 饮料用焦糖色素的生产工艺研究

    Studies on production technology of caramel pigment used in beverages

  17. 焦糖色素的耐盐性及检测方法

    Food Additive Salt & resistance and examination method of caramel

  18. 酱油、酸水解植物蛋白、焦糖色素中乙酰丙酸的测定

    Determination of levulinic acid in soy sauce , hydrolyzed vegetable protein and caramel

  19. 焦糖色素的染着性及其色调的研究

    Study on coloring property and hue of caramel pigment

  20. 甘蔗糖蜜酵母废液焦糖色素提取工艺研究

    Study on extracting process of caramel pigment from the molasses wastewater utilized by yeast

  21. 焦糖色素在食品和饮料中的应用

    Application of caramel colours to foods and beverages

  22. 焦糖色素的生产工艺及其使用性能

    The Manufactured Technology and Properties of Caramel Pigment

  23. 耐酸型焦糖色素制备工艺的研究

    Study on the preparation of acidproof caramel color

  24. 焦糖色素实验室制备工艺研究

    Research on the preparing of Caramel in Laboratory

  25. 挤压机操作参数对加工固体焦糖色素的研究

    Study on operation parameters during extruding caramel pigment

  26. 事实上,调查表明我们饮料中使用的焦糖色素根本不会致癌。

    In fact studies show that the caramel we use does not cause cancer .

  27. 传统制备焦糖色素方法有常压法和加压法。

    The traditional manufacture methods of the caramel pigment are ordinary pressure and high-pressure .

  28. 明胶存在下利用废蜜生产焦糖色素的温和工艺

    Process for Producing Caramel Coloring Matter by use of Sucrose Waste Molasses in the

  29. 甜菜废蜜制优质焦糖色素的研究报告(Ⅱ)

    The research report on processing high quality caramel pigment with residual beet sugar (ⅱ)

  30. 显示界的新星谈谈焦糖色素使用过程中的亮度问题

    Brightness Display The Lightness in Using Caramel