
jiāo ɡǔ ān suān
  • pyroglutamic acid
  1. D-焦谷氨酸的研制铌镁酸铅基弛豫铁电陶瓷中的焦绿石

    Study on the Production of D pyroglutamic Acid PYROCHLORES IN PMN BASED FERROELECTRIC RELAXOR CERAMICS

  2. D-焦谷氨酸的研制针对焦块的边缘检测问题,本文进一步应用小波变换技术进行了研究。

    Study on the Production of D pyroglutamic Acid In this thesis the coke image is processed by using Wavelet Transform .

  3. 初步的组成和结构分析结果表明,WAI1由9个氨基酸残基组成,其N端为焦谷氨酸。

    Preliminary compositional and structural analysis indicated that WAI 1 is a nonapeptide with N terminal pyroglutamate .

  4. 通过衰减全反射傅立叶变换红外光谱(ATRFTIR)法分析焦谷氨酸油醇酯的促渗机理。

    The transdermal enhancing mechanism of oleyl pyroglutamate was studied with the attenuated total reflectance Fourier transfer infrared spectroscopy ( ATR FTIR ) of the human stratum corneum in vivo .

  5. 发现第一位的焦谷氨酸环很灵活,这可能意味着焦谷氨酸环对ZNC(C)PR的活性并不重要,这与实验结果是一致的。

    The flexibility of pGlu suggests that the ring of pGlu is not important for the activity of ZNC ( C ) PR and this is in agreement with the experiment result .

  6. 焦谷氨酸油醇酯作为经皮渗透促进剂及其促渗机理

    Oleyl pyroglutamate for use as transdermal enhancer and its enhancing mechanism

  7. L-精氨酸-L-焦谷氨酸的应用及合成

    Application and Synthesis of Arginine Pyroglutamate

  8. 目的研究焦谷氨酸油醇酯作为经皮渗透促进剂,试验其促渗活性和促渗机理。

    Aim To test the enhancing activity and the mechanism of oleyl pyroglutamate used as transdermal enhancer .

  9. N-二苯基氧化膦亚甲基-(S)-焦谷氨酸及其硝酸铈配合物的合成与表征

    Synthesis and Characterization of N - [( Diphenylphosphine Oxide ) methylene ] - ( s ) - Pyroglutamic Acid and Its Cerium Nitrate Complex

  10. 油焦浆的流变特性研究D-焦谷氨酸的研制

    The Characteristics of Fluid of Petroleum Coke Slurry Study on the Production of D pyroglutamic Acid

  11. 煤直接液化残渣焦CO2气化反应的研究D-焦谷氨酸的研制

    Gasification characteristics of coal liquefaction residues with carbon dioxide Study on the Production of D pyroglutamic Acid

  12. 中国典型无烟煤焦水蒸气汽化活性及动力学研究D-焦谷氨酸的研制

    Reactivity and Kinetics of Typical Chinese Anthracite Chars Gasification with Steam Study on the Production of D pyroglutamic Acid