
  • 网络cheesecake;cheese cake
  1. 上个周末,郭梓淇帮奶奶做奶酪蛋糕。

    Last weekend , Ethan helped granny make cheese cake .

  2. 此外,用豆腐做成的奶酪蛋糕也是特棒的。

    Moreover , bean curd cheese cake is also wonderful .

  3. 还有剩下的奶酪蛋糕吗?

    Is there any cheesecake left ?

  4. 别人都钟情于巧克力或奶酪蛋糕,我就爱吃肉。

    For example : Others craved chocolate or cheesecake ; I had a " meat tooth . "

  5. 就是熟记奶酪蛋糕工厂菜单容我再插上一句Leonard出身名门他们挑选的配偶也都是成就极高的他可能有点怀疑他母亲会不会感到过度惊讶如果知道跟他交往的女人最显著的成就

    Sheldon : If I can interject again . Leonard comes from a remarkably highachieving family , who have all chosen highachieving partners . He probably feels that it 's doubtful that his mother will be overly impressed with his dating a woman whose most significant achievement is memorizing the Cheesecake Factory menu .

  6. 这些面向甜食爱好者的邻家店铺出售令人眼花缭乱的各种蛋糕(或称bolo)——它们柔润绵密,在你口中融化,还有一系列蛋挞、奶酪蛋糕、饼干、布朗尼、点缀水果的大蛋糕、果馅饼、奶油冻,以及浓浓的小杯咖啡cafezinho。

    These neighborhood temples to the sweet tooth offer a dizzying variety of cakes , or bolo -- moist and dense that melt in your mouth -- plus an array of tarts , cheesecakes , cookies , brownies , fruit-topped tortes , flans , mousses and the potent mini-coffees known as cafezinhos .

  7. 我今早买的奶酪蛋糕去哪里了?

    Guys ! Where is the cheesecake I bought this morning ?

  8. 钱德勒:哦,嗯。瑞秋:嗨!钱德勒:嘿,你应该尝尝这个奶酪蛋糕。

    Chandler : Hey , you have got to try this cheesecake .

  9. 瑞秋:钱德勒,你偷了这个奶酪蛋糕,这是不对的。

    Rachel : Chandler , you stole this cheesecake . That is wrong .

  10. 你知道,我真的很喜欢奶酪蛋糕。

    You know , I do enjoy cheesecake !

  11. 你们要的是一块奶酪蛋糕、一份冰激淋和两杯咖啡。

    So , that 's a cheesecake , an ice cream and two coffee , please .

  12. 我们店里最有名的是奶酪蛋糕。

    Our house special is cheesecake .

  13. 我希望能有奶酪蛋糕做点心,但他们全卖完了。

    I was looking forward to having cheese cake for dessert , but they were fresh out of it .

  14. 哦天啊,这是我吃过的最好吃的奶酪蛋糕,你从哪儿弄来的??

    Oh my God , this is the best cheesecake I have ever had . Where did you get this ?

  15. 冰淇淋、奶酪蛋糕、奶油干酪片、白巧克力、拿铁饮料和热巧克力等等都可以添加抹茶。

    Matcha is being used in ice cream , cheese-cakes , cream cheese spreads , white chocolate , latte beverages , hot chocolate etc.

  16. 但我实在没法说,五香熏牛肉、百吉饼和奶酪蛋糕有什么超出它们品质的意义。

    But I can 't honestly write that the pastrami and bagels and cheesecake have any meaning that is deeper than their own quality .

  17. 三鹿集团管理层头头以及石家庄市的政府官员都为此不得不辞去职位。同样在周三,香港食品安全部分也发现在日本企业在中国生产的奶酪蛋糕中发现三聚氰胺。

    Top Sanlu executives and government officials in the northern city of Shijiazhuang , where the company is based , have been forced to resign .

  18. 菜单取决于你选择的目的地——纽约方向的航班享用的是曼哈顿蛤肉汤和奶酪蛋糕,巴黎方向的航班享用的是三文鱼塔塔和洋葱汤。

    The menu depends on the destination of choice -- Manhattan clam chowder and cheesecake for New York and salmon tartar and onion soup for Paris .

  19. 你还能看到,在放着一排自制腌甜菜的玻璃隔板后工作的厨师闲聊时频频点头,窗台上超级松软而诱人的奶酪蛋糕正冒着气。

    and watch the cooks working behind glass shelves lined with house-made beet pickles bob their heads to rap while steam rises from superbly light and jiggly cheesecakes resting on the window ledge .

  20. 你没有奶酪和蛋糕吗?

    Don 't you have any cheese or cake ?

  21. 一大块查达奶酪两块圣诞节蛋糕

    Block of cheddar cheese 2 Christmas cakes

  22. 食物原料“墨水”必须是便于从注射器中挤压出来的液体,可以是液体奶酪、巧克力和蛋糕面糊。

    The inks are currently limited to " anything that can be extruded from a syringe " - such as liquid cheese , chocolate and cake batter .

  23. 蔓越莓奶酪CranberryCheese香浓的奶酪蛋糕糊中搭配上新鲜的蓝莓果粒,恰到好处的勾勒出其圆润饱满的质感。

    Heavy paste of the cheese cake with fresh blueberries on fruit , right round the outline of its full texture .