
  • 网络Bulimia;Bulimia Nervosa;Binge Eating Disorder
  1. 美国数百万女性饱受运动暴食症的困扰,男性受此困扰的人数要少些。很少有人因此寻求专业帮助。

    Exercise bulimia is believed to afflict1 several million American women and a smaller number of men , few of whom are thought to seek professional help .

  2. “运动暴食症”指的是人们计算每餐摄入的卡路里,之后对锻炼进行调整,以燃烧掉相同数量的卡路里的强迫行为。

    Exercise bulimia refers to the compulsive behaviour in which people count the calories ingested during a meal , and then tailor a workout to burn off the same number of calories .

  3. 运动暴食症患者做大量锻炼活动,以消耗掉他们摄入的“过量”卡路里。

    Exercise bulimics run themselves into the ground to expend2 the " excess " calories they consume .

  4. 对于大多数女人来说,这是不可能的任务,于是她们跑去隆胸,或是患了暴食症、厌食症以及其他自psp电影下载我厌恶的精神性疾病。

    For most women , this is impossible task , then they ran breast augmentation , or had gluttony , anorexia and other self of mental illness .

  5. 然而,他还注意到,在他服用Vyvanse期间,他可以“精神高度集中”于自己的工作。Vyvanse是一种处方药,用于治疗暴食症以及儿童和成人的注意力缺失过动症(ADHD,俗称多动症)。

    However , he also noticed that when he used Vyvanse , a prescription drug to treat binge-eating and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD ) in children and adults , he could " hyper-focus " on his work .

  6. 一项研究已经证实,和全家一起吃饭的人患暴食症或厌食症的几率会较低,而且通常会按时进餐。

    A study has credited eating together with lower rates of bulimia and anorexia .

  7. 问题是,我必须把你的暴食症告诉委员会。

    Problem is , I am required to tell the committee about your bulimia .

  8. 没胃口或有像厌食症或暴食症之类的饮食紊乱。

    And loss of appetite , or eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia .

  9. 梅森先生曾患有强迫性暴食症,每天要吃十倍于正常男性的食物,因此身体严重走形。

    Mr Mason ballooned to his incredible size by eating ten times the amount needed by a normal man due to a compulsive eating disorder .

  10. 在我内心也告诉我自己,我自己的暴食症和他们并没有什么区别,似乎正是这样才会吸引这些我生命中的引瘾子们。但我从来没有听从这些。

    A little voice inside me always told me my bulimia was no different and was probably what attracted these addicts to my life , but I never listened .

  11. 纽约(路透社健康报道)-据报道,由于极其少见却带来严重后果的暴食症,一位22岁的女子在一次暴饮暴食后死了。

    NEW YORK ( Reuters Health ) - A case report of a22-year-old woman who died after an eating binge underscores the extremely rare but serious consequences of bulimia nervosa .