
  • 网络violent crime;Violence Crime;hit
  1. 现在关押的犯人中有1/4是暴力犯罪。

    A quarter of current inmates have committed violent crimes .

  2. 呈交立法机关的提案内容包括成立两个专门审理暴力犯罪的特别法庭。

    The proposals before the legislature include the creation of two special courts to deal exclusively with violent crimes .

  3. 我们现在看到暴力犯罪空前增多。

    We are now witnessing an unprecedented increase in violent crime .

  4. 暴力犯罪的增长必须加以制止。

    The rise in violent crime must not go unchecked .

  5. 警方决心消灭该城镇的暴力犯罪。

    The police are determined to free the town of violent crime .

  6. 暴力犯罪并不局限于大城市。

    Violent crime is not limited to big cities .

  7. 这些措施旨在防止暴力犯罪。

    These measures are aimed at preventing violent crime .

  8. 他有暴力犯罪的前科。

    He has a history of violent crime .

  9. 这个市区已成为暴力犯罪的滋生地。

    This area of the city has become a breeding ground for violent crime .

  10. 他遏制暴力犯罪增长的努力一直是螳臂当车。

    His efforts to stem the tide of violent crime have been as effective as Canute 's.

  11. 政府坚持认为“关押有效”,并计划对暴力犯罪者实行更严厉的判刑政策。

    The government insists that ' prison works ' and plans to introduce a tougher sentencing policy for people convicted of violent crime .

  12. 司法部在将非暴力犯罪者投入监狱前必须经过审慎的考虑。

    The judiciary must think very hard before jailing non-violent offenders .

  13. 暴力犯罪自去年以来增加了10%。

    Violent crime has increased by 10 percent since last year

  14. 从统计数据来看,我们成为暴力犯罪受害者的可能性微乎其微。

    Statistically our chances of being the victims of violent crime are remote .

  15. 警方需要对暴力犯罪持务实态度。

    Police have to be realistic about violent crime

  16. 他所犯的不止是偷窃罪,而是针对老年人的暴力犯罪。

    His were not merely crimes of theft but of violence against elderly people .

  17. 暴力犯罪率正在攀升。

    Violent crime is on the upswing .

  18. 要是被告有暴力犯罪记录,必须予以拘留。

    Where the accused has a record of violence , they should always be kept in custody .

  19. 政府决心打击暴力犯罪,直接导致了囚犯数量的增多。

    The number of prisoners increased as a corollary of the government 's determination to combat violent crime .

  20. 因暴力犯罪而被捕的少年犯人数在上升。

    The number of juveniles arrested for violent crimes is increasing .

  21. 调查结果显示,家长对动画片中的以下几点最为不满:对暴力犯罪的描写、易模仿的危险行为、暗黑负面内容。

    According to the survey results , there are several main things that parents are unhappy about in cartoons : depictions of violent crime , dangerous behavior that is easily imitated , dark and negative content .

  22. 青年男性暴力犯罪高危因素与血浆5-HT水平相关性研究

    Correlation Between High Risk Factors of Violence and Plasma 5-HT Level in Young Male Violent Offenders

  23. 美国联邦调查局(FBI)称,美国的暴力犯罪正接近40年来低点。

    American violent crime is near a 40-year low , says the Federal Bureau of Investigation .

  24. 众议院少数派领袖JohnBoehner认为这是“臆想的犯罪”和“激进的社会政策。”在一份声明中,他表示“所有的暴力犯罪活动都应该受到有力的起诉。而这个法案将一些生命的价值看得高于其他人。”

    John Boehner , the minority leader in the House of Representatives , called it " thought crimes " legislation and " radical social policy . "

  25. 在SCL-90问卷中,男女非暴力犯罪组在阳性项目数上均较男女暴力犯罪组低。

    In SCL-90 questionnaire , male and female common criminal groups had lower scores on " Positive symptom distress level " than male and female violence criminal groups .

  26. Youku虽然与西方相比,中国暴力犯罪发生率较低,但近年来,暴力活动呈上升趋势。

    Though China enjoys a low violent crime rate compared with the West , in recent years , violence has experienced an uptick .

  27. 目的探讨直接和间接攻击行为量表(DIAS)的信效度及在国内的应用价值,为预防儿童青少年暴力犯罪行为的发生提供依据。

    Objective To explore the reliability and validity of Direct and Indirect Aggression Scale ( DIAS ) and its value of use in China .

  28. 如今,当地的暴力犯罪和经济低迷都无好转迹象。

    The violence and economic malaise show little sign of abating .

  29. 他还被指控大规模暴力犯罪。

    He is also accused of a range of violent crimes .

  30. 旅途精神病暴力犯罪特征39例回顾性分析

    A retrospective analysis of violent crime in patients with travel psychosis