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bào zào
  • irascible;feverish;irritable;unruly;petulance;temperament
暴躁 [bào zào]
  • [irascible;short-tem-pered] 性情急躁,容易发火

  • 暴躁的个性

  • 他越来越暴躁

暴躁[bào zào]
  1. 他脾气暴躁。

    He had an irascible temper .

  2. 普希金是出了名的脾气暴躁,对自己的荣誉特别敏感。

    Alexander Pushkin was notoriously irascible and sensitive about his honor .

  3. 这位脾气暴躁的队员曾和裁判员发生过无数次争吵。

    The fiery player has had numerous run-ins with referees .

  4. 她脾气暴躁。

    She has a filthy temper .

  5. 脾气变得暴躁起来。

    Tempers were getting very frayed .

  6. 她脾气暴躁。

    She has a fiery temper .

  7. 我容易发怒,脾气暴躁。

    I have a very short fuse and a violent temper .

  8. 我刚来这儿的时候脾气非常暴躁。

    When I first came here , I was very violent

  9. 柯林斯在采访还没开始时就暴躁不安起来。

    Collins was in a foul mood even before the interviews began .

  10. 首先麦克尼尔得让那个脾气暴躁的20岁澳大利亚小伙子冷静下来。

    First McNeil had to cool down the volatile Australian 20-year old .

  11. 她难以捉摸,脾气暴躁,冲动鲁莽,容易分心。

    She was unpredictable , explosive , impulsive and easily distracted

  12. 他遗传了其父暴躁的脾气。

    He 's inherited his father 's explosive temper .

  13. 平素一直非常自制的父亲变得暴躁了。

    My father , who had always been very self-controlled , became bad-tempered .

  14. 爸爸有时对我们很好,但有时他脾气暴躁,焦虑不安。

    Sometimes dad was nice to us , but sometimes he was bad-tempered and nervy

  15. 那位脾气暴躁的女演员踢了他的小腿。

    The fiery actress kicked him in the shins

  16. 她脾气可能有点暴躁,但她是刀子嘴,豆腐心。

    She can be a bit tetchy but her bark is worse than her bite .

  17. 在内心深处,他和尼克一样暴躁不安。

    He was as violent as Nick underneath

  18. 我有时脾气有点暴躁。

    I 'm a bit short-tempered sometimes .

  19. 他听起来像一个脾气暴躁的孩子。

    He sounded like an ill-tempered child

  20. 他嗜酒贪杯、狂妄自大且脾气暴躁,这常常使他在夜总会和人发生恶性斗殴。

    His boozing , arrogance , and hair-trigger temper have often led him into ugly nightclub brawls

  21. 我认识的一位母亲因为十几岁的儿子脾气暴躁、任性叛逆而过得很不开心。

    A mother I knew was going through a really unpleasant time with a stroppy teenage son

  22. 他只是脾气暴躁些,并不难处。

    He 's a bit quick-tempered , but not difficult to get along with .

  23. 他通过过于暴躁好斗的行为来宣泄自卑感。

    He was acting out his feelings of inferiority by being overly aggressive .

  24. 他性子暴躁,若不是仗着心肠好,个子大,还真要吃亏。

    He was so fiery that only his good-nature and his size protected him .

  25. 那个老人脾气暴躁。

    The old man had an explosive temper .

  26. 他刚睡醒时,非常暴躁。

    When he 's just woken up he 's like a bear with a sore head .

  27. 这也使得他闷闷不乐,脾气暴躁,长此以往,就和朋友们疏远了。

    This also made him moody and bad-tempered , a trait that would persist and lose him friends .

  28. 老人妻子的脾气很暴躁,但这样却把脾气暴躁的妻子给惹怒了。

    This infuriated his wife , who had a vile1 temper .

  29. 他发火了,暴躁地斥责孩子们

    He lost his temper and snapped irritably at the children .

  30. 一个性格相当暴躁的贵族召来了一位医生为他检查。

    A doctor was called in to see a rather testy aristocrat .