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qiāo qiāo
  • quietly;whisper;on the quiet;with as little noise as possible
悄悄 [qiāo qiāo]
  • (1) [quietly]∶寂静;声音低微;不声不响

  • 悄悄离开

  • (2) [on the quiet]∶小声地,偷偷地

  • 他悄悄地全跟我说了

悄悄[qiāo qiāo]
  1. 我们悄悄说话,以免惊醒警卫。

    We spoke quietly for fear of waking the guards .

  2. 他静悄悄地坐在那儿。

    He sat there ever so quietly .

  3. 他从背后悄悄逼近了那毫无戒备的受害者。

    He had crept up on his unsuspecting victim from behind .

  4. 她悄悄离开,没有让他发觉。

    She slipped away without him being aware of it .

  5. “胡说!”他悄悄地小声说。

    ' Rubbish ! ' he murmured under his breath .

  6. 他们等他等得不耐烦,就悄悄走了。

    They got bored waiting for him and sloped off .

  7. 她悄悄走上前来,对我耳语了几句。

    She sidled up to me and whispered something in my ear .

  8. 她像耗子一样悄悄地爬上楼去。

    She crept upstairs , quiet as a mouse .

  9. 他们悄悄塞给卫兵一些钱。

    They 'd slipped some money to the guards .

  10. 我跟你说句悄悄话好吗?

    Can I have a word in your shell-like ?

  11. 令我不解的是,他为什么悄悄地离开了这个国家。

    What puzzles me is why he left the country without telling anyone .

  12. 他们悄悄塞给卫兵一些钱。

    They 'd slipped the guards some money .

  13. 一种美滋滋懒洋洋的感觉悄悄传遍他的全身。

    A delicious languor was stealing over him .

  14. 深夜我悄悄地从床上爬起来,蹑手蹑脚地下了楼。

    I crept out of bed in the dead of night and sneaked downstairs .

  15. 他讲话时大部分代表边听边悄悄看钟。

    During his talk , most of the delegates had one eye on the clock .

  16. 安娜悄悄把手伸过去,让他握住。

    Anna slipped her hand into his .

  17. 他把这消息告诉她时,我想悄悄在旁观看。

    I 'd love to be a fly on the wall when he tells her the news .

  18. 他像猎手跟踪鹿一样悄悄跟踪受害人。

    He stalks his victims like a hunter after a deer .

  19. 他悄悄溜走了,独剩我一人落泪。

    He quietly slipped away and left me to my tears .

  20. 然后就回到房子里悄悄地庆祝一番。

    Then it was back to the house for a quiet celebration

  21. 兔子悄悄溜走,藏进洞里。

    The rabbit creeps away and hides in a hole .

  22. 我悄悄地设法解开了包裹的一角。

    I managed secretly to undo a corner of the parcel

  23. 我们看见又有两只野猫在黑暗中悄悄向我们靠近。

    We saw two more wild cats creeping towards us in the darkness

  24. 她本打算悄悄进去,但谈话却突然中断了。

    She had meant to make a discreet entrance , but conversation stopped dead

  25. 房间里阴暗、清冷,静悄悄的。

    The room was dim and cool and quiet .

  26. 他将萨布丽娜拉到一旁,悄悄告诉她关于保险箱的事。

    He took Sabrina to one side and told her about the safe .

  27. 他悄悄地走进酒吧,显然不想引起注意。

    He was sidling into the bar , obviously trying to be inconspicuous .

  28. 船静悄悄地划过漆黑的夜。

    The ship moved silently through the black void

  29. 大厦里一切都变得静悄悄的。

    Everything in the building had gone silent .

  30. 凌晨6点,他们悄悄地潜入他们下榻的饭店。

    They sloped into their hotel at 6am .
