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jiāo guàn
  • water;pour;irrigate;potting
浇灌 [jiāo guàn]
  • (1) [irrigate]∶浇水灌溉

  • 运河的水浇灌大片的农田

  • (2) [pour]∶把液体倒进模子里

  • 浇灌墙基

浇灌[jiāo guàn]
  1. 定时浇灌植物以保持土壤湿润。

    Water the plants regularly to keep the soil moist .

  2. 她种下这棵小树,用眼泪浇灌它,直到长成一棵大树。

    She plants the little tree and her tears water it until it grows into a tall tree .

  3. 我们洗车和浇灌花园时根本就没有想过用了多少水。

    We wash our cars and hose our gardens without even thinking of the water that uses .

  4. 或者能眼睁睁看着你用心血浇灌的所有一朝被毁,

    Or watch the things you gave your life to , broken ,

  5. 由于误把残积粉质粘土当作残积粘土持力层,使得B幢已浇灌好的人工挖孔灌注桩无法达到设计的承载力要求。

    Some hand dig hole pile can 't meet demands designed because of regarding residual silty clay as residual clay .

  6. 利用花粉管通道法和浸种及苗期浇灌法,将供体大豆DNA直接导入受体水稻,获得两种水稻变异株系。

    Two groups of rice variant lines increased their protein contents were obtained by introducing exogenous DNA from soybean into rice with soaking seeds , moreover irrigating seedlings , and through the pollen tube pathway after self pollination .

  7. 在我国,比较公认的是将核岛底板浇灌第一罐混凝土(FirstConcreteDate,简称FCD)之前的所有准备工作通称为核电前期工程建设。

    In China , all preparatory work prior to the First Concrete Date ( FCD ) for the base slab of the nuclear island is generally recognized as pre-construction preparation for a nuclear power plant .

  8. 再生水浇灌的土壤已接近轻度碱化土,且有加深的趋势;IBL对碱敏感。

    The soil irrigated with mixed water was inclined to light alkali .

  9. 多次浇灌CrCl3溶液后,土壤剖面20cm以下采样点约99%的Cr被土壤吸持;

    After irrigation with CrCl 3 solution several times , about 99 % of the Cr in the soil below 20 cm was adsorbed by the soil .

  10. 实验标本在C3~7平面截取标本并在上、下截面浇灌骨水泥平台,两端平行度≤1°。

    The experimental sample was cut at C3-7 plan and the bone cement platform was sprayed on up and low section with ≤ 1 ° amphi-parallel degree .

  11. 利用生物矿化原理制备木材SiO2复合材料,采用溶胶凝胶法制备硅溶液,用不同质量分数的硅溶液对喜树进行浇灌和滴注试验。

    The preparation of wood-SiO2 composites through biomineralization is introduced . An experiment was conducted to pour and inject Camptotheca acuminata Decne seedlings with different concentrations of silicon solution produced by sol-gel method .

  12. 将阳性植株的后代(T3)用含1.2%NaCl的Hogland营养液每日1次浇灌,14d后对玉米叶片的相对电导率和叶绿素含量进行测定。

    T_3 of positive Maize was planted in Hogland culture medium with 1.2 % NaCl . The relative conductivity and chlorophyll content of the Maize was analyzed after growing for 14 days .

  13. 伊斯曼毕业于宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(UniversityofPennsylvania’sWhartonSchool),并在科技界工作。他最近在开发自动浇灌植物的系统。对于伊斯曼来说,集装箱的生活是剥离到基本需求的社会实验。他希望能够教会更多人仿效。

    For Mr. Iseman , who graduated from the University of Pennsylvania 's Wharton School and works in technology - most recently developing automated systems for watering plants - container living has been a social experiment in stripping down to the basics , one that he hopes to teach others to replicate .

  14. 同时以传统的氮肥直接施入土壤后浇灌(SN-W)为对照。结果土壤水盐分布明显受灌溉方式的影响,但滴灌条件下不同施肥方式对土壤水盐分布无影响。

    【 Result 】 Distributions of water and salinity in soil were significantly influenced by irrigation methods , but no differences were found between the four nitrogen fertilization strategies .

  15. 针对输电线路上所用超大方量(282m3)基础,采用大体积砼浇灌程序和测温控制技术。

    For transmission lines on the road used by large volume ( 282m3 ) foundation , the use of mass concrete watering procedures and temperature control technology .

  16. IFPRI已经初步估算出,到2050年,全球依靠雨水浇灌的玉米的产量将下降17%,而灌溉水稻的产量将下降1/5。

    IFPRI has made provisional estimates that the global yield of rain-fed maize will decline by17 per cent and the yield of irrigated rice will drop by a fifth by2050 as a result of climate change .

  17. 水泥模板是浇灌混凝土结构和构件的重要工具。

    Concrete moldboard is an important facility on the concrete pouring .

  18. 我们一早一晚都出来进行浇灌。

    We turned out to water them every night and morning .

  19. 圆钢管约束钢筋混凝土短柱的轴压力学性能离心浇灌钢筋混凝土管

    Behavior of circular tubed reinforced concrete stub columns under axial compression

  20. 每天浇灌以“积极”的思想,并始终保持湿润。

    Drench daily with positive thinking , and keep just right .

  21. 夏雨充满了活力,她浇灌着植物们。

    Summer rain has much energy , she waters the plants .

  22. 城市生活污水浇灌对金盏菊生长的影响

    Effects of Municipal Domestic Sewage Effluents on the Growth of Calendula officinalis

  23. 我们从井里抽水浇灌花园。

    We pump water from well to water the garden .

  24. 垃圾渗滤液浇灌对红壤原生动物群落的影响

    Effect of irrigation of landfill leachate on soil protozoan communities

  25. 我们用它来浇灌生命之花!

    We use it to watering the flower of life !

  26. 干旱的植物吸收了我浇灌的水。

    The thirsty plants drank the water I gave them .

  27. 每天浇灌以积极的思想,并始终保持湿润。

    Drench daily with positive thinking , and keep saturated just right .

  28. 连绵起伏数英里的平原,被河流浇灌得十分肥沃

    Miles of rolling plain , made fertile by the river

  29. 挖造水池,用以浇灌嫩小的树木。

    I made reservoirs to water groves of flourishing trees .

  30. 最后对基础进行二次浇灌。

    Lastly , the foundation should be carried out the secondary pouring .