
jiāo shuǐ
  • water;water down
浇水 [jiāo shuǐ]
  • (1) [water]∶用水浇灌

  • 给花浇水

  • (2) [water down]∶使缓和,使冷静些

  • 我刚一开口说话,他就往我头上浇水

浇水[jiāo shuǐ]
  1. 这些花草需要天天浇水。

    The plants want watering daily .

  2. 她正给向日葵浇水。

    She is watering the sunflowers .

  3. 在太阳底下浇水,叶子会枯。

    The leaves will scorch if you water them in the sun .

  4. 经常给植物浇水,别让土壤干透了。

    Water the plant regularly , never letting the soil dry out .

  5. 这些花草需要天天浇水。

    The plants want to be watered daily .

  6. 我外出的时候请你给花草浇浇水,行不行?

    You 'll water the plants while I 'm away , won 't you ?

  7. 莫雷尔太太伸手去拿绕成圈的花园浇水用的软管。

    Mrs. Morrell reached for a loop of garden hose .

  8. 他出去给植物浇水。

    He went out to water the plants .

  9. 按要求经常给每一株植物浇水。

    Water each plant as often as required .

  10. 她每天早晨都给郁金香浇水。

    She waters the tulips every morning .

  11. 天气很干燥,我们必须给玫瑰花浇水。

    It 's very dry , we must water the roses .

  12. 它们甚至可以喂猫,给植物浇水。

    They can even feed the cat and water the plants .

  13. 靠单人给这些树浇水很难。

    To water the trees was a difficult task for one man .

  14. 然而,因为这些树木没有定期浇水,所以只有少数幸存了下来。

    However , only a few survived , because the trees were not regularly watered .

  15. 它高贵优雅,不容易萎蔫,不用经常浇水,也不会长出花盆之外。

    Vibrant colors last year around without wilting , watering , or outgrowing their pots early , quantities are limited .

  16. 想要花草繁盛就必须定时浇水,依不同的季节和不可预测的气候给予特殊的照顾。

    take into account the seasons as well as any unpredictable weather . New seeds must be sown and weeds must be pulled .

  17. 幼苗剪叶、土施微肥(Zn、Cu、Fe、B)、移栽相对早晚和浇水相对早晚对烤烟病毒病发病程度无显著影响。

    And the effects of clipping seedlings , applying microelements ( Zn Cu Fe B ) in soil , date of transplanting and date of irrigating were not significant .

  18. 我不会停止浇水的,45岁的本尼迪克特峡谷居民马修·波斯特(MatthewPost)说。他指的是其住宅周围的花园。

    I 'm not going to stop watering , said Matthew Post , 45 , referring to the gardens around his Benedict Canyon home .

  19. 尽管她会每天为向日葵浇水,但却并没有特别精心的培育,Eve说她原仅仅指望花能够长到差不多12英寸(约合3.7米)的样子,这与其她在今年种下的花卉应该别不两样。

    She watered it every day but didn 't give it any special attention and says she expected it to grow to around 12ft , just like the dozens of other flowers she 's planted over the years .

  20. 埃文斯顿的一家墨西哥式餐馆的一种花叶万年青需要浇水,通过餐馆到Cardoon,LLC的Wi-Fi连接来tweet其状态。

    One of the dieffenbachias at the Chili 's restaurant in Evanston needs watering and has tweeted its status via the restaurant 's Wi-Fi connection to Cardoon , LLC.

  21. ,施钾水平为0,15,60mg·kg-1.于顶部分枝始花期开始干旱处理,用称重法使土壤含水量控制在田间持水量的40%&50%,持续14d后停止浇水。

    Drought treatment , keeping the soil water content at 40 % - 50 % of field capacity by weighing the pots , kept on for 14 d starting at the beginning of flowering on the top branches , no watering afterwards .

  22. 整整一个夏天我都坚持为它们浇水。

    I have a whole summer to adhere to their watering .

  23. 园丁种下那粒种子,每天浇水。

    The gardener planted the seed and watered it every day .

  24. 接着,在第五个年头,他们又再给这些植物浇水、施肥。

    Then the fifth year they again apply water and fertilizer .

  25. 他给他的植物浇水,清除垃圾。

    He watered his plants and moved more and more rubbish .

  26. 地里有喷水器给作物浇水。

    There are sprays in the fields , watering the crops .

  27. 不过,爱一朵花就为她浇水。

    If you love a flower . You 'll water it ;

  28. 花园不用浇水了&昨夜刚下过雨。

    The garden doesn 't need watering it rained last night .

  29. 一些在植树,另一些正浇水。

    Some are planting trees , others are watering the trees .

  30. 如果你浇水过多,你最爱的室内植物就会死,为什么?

    If you overwater , why do your favorite houseplants die ?