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kuān guǎng
  • broadness;broad;vast;extensive;spacious
宽广 [kuān guǎng]
  • [broad;extensive;vast] 面积或范围广大的

  • 宽广的田野

宽广[kuān guǎng]
  1. 本文还测定了CMDB推进剂、双基粘合剂和PVC推进剂在宽广温度范围内的冲击强度。

    At the same time , the impact strengths of the CMDB propellant , the double-base binder and the pvc propellant were also measured at a broad range of temperature .

  2. 在看完本书的标题之后(以及知识密度,比关于Eclipse开发的类似书籍的平均水平稍高一些),我设想其覆盖面将即宽广又深入。

    After taking a look at this book 's title ( and thickness , which is slightly greater than average for similar books on Eclipse development ), I assumed that the coverage would be both broad and in-depth .

  3. 该音乐营造出了一幅大草原上宽广辽阔的景象。

    The music invoked the wide open spaces of the prairies .

  4. 我觉得人们现在心胸不够宽广。

    I don 't think people are in a very forgiving mood .

  5. 这表明了他的心胸宽广和友好。

    This shows him to be liberal and friendly .

  6. 他的歌声音域宽广。

    He has a wide range of singing voice .

  7. 一到秋天,大河、小河里的水都涨了起来,流入黄河,河面顿时显得非常宽广。

    When autumn came , all the water in the large and small rivers rose higher and flowed into the Yellow River . The surface of the River at once appeared much wider .

  8. 宽广温压范围内纯流体pVT性质的预测

    Predictions of PVT properties of pure fluids in great temperature and pressure ranges

  9. 该项调查还表明网格、云和SaaS为SOA开辟了更宽广的道路,比如很多公司都将SaaS集成到其SOA基础设施中了。

    The survey also showed that grid , cloud and SaaS offer further opportunities for SOA , with for example many organizations integrating SaaS in the context of their SOA infrastructure .

  10. 对于水(包括超临界水)、醇类和HF等流体在宽广的压力和温度范围内,使用实验数据对本方程进行检验,其自扩散系数的相对平均偏差在7.5%左右。

    The equation reproduces the experimental self-diffusion coefficient with average relative error of about 7.5 % for water ( including the super-critical water ), alcohols and hydrogen fluoride over wide ranges of temperature and pressure .

  11. 这个小组青睐NASA的一种新的方略,其中,返回月球只是将宇航员发射到低地球轨道之外的更宽广能力的一个可能的元素。

    The panel favored a new strategy for NASA in which returning to the moon would be just one possible element of a broader capacity to launch astronauts beyond low earth orbit .

  12. 如果你使用高端耳机,如T1,这两样东西都会在你面前扔出一个宽广且可信的声场。

    With a " superior " headphone that uses angled driverssuch as the ALO Recabled Beyer T1 , they both can throw a wide and believablesoundstage in front of the listener .

  13. 你正在浏览这本书的事实申明你已经对MVC模式有了必然的崇奉,但我们认为对峙尽可能宽广的视角老是有益处的。

    The fact that you are reading this book suggests that you already have a certain commitment to the MVC pattern , but we think it is always helpful to maintain the widest possible perspective .

  14. SRD系统具有宽广的调速范围和优越的调速性能,在家用电器、通用工业、伺服与调速系统等方面得到了广泛的应用。

    SRD has been widely used in household appliances , general industrial , servo speed control because of its broad scope of the speed and superior performance .

  15. “spc将成为实施本公司国际战略的新平台,并将提供一个更宽广的发展基础和更稳定的发展道路,”中石油在一份声明中表示。

    " SPC will become a new platform for the implementation of our international strategy and will provide a broader foundation and stable path for development , " PetroChina said in a statement .

  16. 新型WDR监视摄像机有更宽广的动态范围,它使用一个新的线性输出方法在不同光照条件下都能发挥出最佳性能。

    The Advanced WDR Surveillance Camera achieves greater dynamic range using a new linear output method for best performance under varying light conditions .

  17. 宽广的Madidi荒野包围一处摇晃欲倒的生态系统――从雪覆盖的Andean山顶到热带似亚马逊河低地。

    The vast Madidi wilderness encompasses a staggering range of ecosystems & from snowcapped Andean peaks to tropical Amazonian lowlands .

  18. 结果表明:水平浓淡燃烧器比WR燃烧器的着火提前、着火稳定性的调节范围更宽广。

    A comparison with WR burners has shown that the horizontal dense dilute burners enjoy an earlier than expected ignition and a more wide regulation range of ignition stability .

  19. 将Authorware强大的多媒体组织能力同数据库系统的管理能力、外部应用程序的数据处理能力结合起来,可使开发出的多媒体应用程序具有更宽广的适用面。

    It suggests to put togather the organization skill of multimedia Authorware , the management ability of database system and the data processing ability of exterior programs to make multimedia procedure develop more widely in application .

  20. 开关磁阻电机调速系统(SRD)作为1种交流无级调速系统以其宽广的调速范围和优越的调速性能而倍受关注。

    The switched reluctance motor drive ( SRD ) has obtained great attention as an AC stepless speed control system due to its large scale regulating scope , low cost and ruggedness .

  21. 本文在分析企业自动化生产领域实时信息系统现状与发展趋势的基础上,研究和设计了一种基于J2EE平台和OPC技术的、应用面宽广、灵活性高、可扩展性强的企业生产信息服务系统。

    On the basis of analyzing the present status and development trend of real-time information system in the fields of enterprise automatic producing , the dissertation researches and develops an extensible and flexible enterprise producing information service system based on OPC and EJB technology .

  22. PBTC的水垢抑制剂功效明显优于其他有机膦酸盐,PBTC可应用在较宽广的水质操作范围,增加系统的操作安全性。

    Scale inhibition efficiency of PBTC is higher than other organo-phosphonate obviously , PBTC can be applied to broader range of water quality , increasing the security of systematic operation .

  23. ISFET(ion-sensitivefield-effecttransistor)具有宽广的离子测量范围,因此在环境保护、化工、矿山、地质、土壤、水文以及家庭生活中都有应用。

    Because of broad scope of ion measurement of ISFET ( ion-sensitive field-effect transistor ) , ISFET is widely used such as environmental protection , chemical industry , mining area , geology , earth , hydrology , and family , and so on .

  24. 结果表明:在很宽广的pH范围内(从pH2到pH12)分子构象基本上是稳定的.但是,在强碱性条件下即pH>12(室温)或pH11.5(40℃)螺旋含量显著减少。

    The Secondary structure of Trichosanthin is Stable within wide pH range ( from pH 2 to pH 12 ), but in very alkaline solution , namely pH > 12 ( room temperature ) or pH > 11.5 ( 40 ℃), the content of α - helix decreases obviously .

  25. 美貌与智慧并存而且心胸宽广

    Beauty , brains , and a big heart to boot .

  26. 通往正义的道路漫长却宽广。

    The pathway to justice is a iong and winding one .

  27. 但美国的就业市场则呈现一派道路宽广的局势。

    But the broader job market in the US appears brighter .

  28. 吻短而且宽广地凸出,藉由尖锐的嘴棘;

    Snout short and broadly protruding , with acute rostral spine ;

  29. 她宽广的政治眼光早就得到了承认。

    The breadth of her political vision has long been recognized .

  30. 但是,少数他们是宽广的范围。

    However , few of them are of broad scope .