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shèng bài
  • victory or defeat;success or failure
胜败 [shèng bài]
  • (1) [victory or defeat]∶胜利或者失败

  • 胜败乃兵家常事

  • (2) [success or failure]∶成功或者失败

胜败[shèng bài]
  1. 随着我国加入WTO,企业竞争越来越激烈,合理的薪酬制度将决定企业在竞争中的胜败。

    As our country joins WTO , the enterprise competition is fiercer and fiercer . The rational salary system determines the victory or defeat during the competition of enterprise .

  2. 对医疗事故技术鉴定报告的采信程度,决定了案件的胜败。

    The adoption extent of the medical malpractice report determines the victory or defeat of the case .

  3. 胜败乃兵家常事。

    For a military commander , winning or losing a battle is a common occurrence .

  4. 在这个季节里,我们队里只有一名好投手,胜败如何,全在他一人手里了。

    With only one good pitcher this season , I 'm afraid we have all our eggs in one basket .

  5. 以2003~2004赛季NBA总决赛底特律活塞队与洛杉矶湖人队五场比赛技术统计资料为依据,结合双方临场表现,进行对比与研究,分析了双方胜败的原因以及总决赛后的发展趋势。

    According to the statistic data from 5 rounds of 2003-2004 NBA finals , Detroit Piston versus Los Angeles Lakers , in combination with their performance , this paper makes some comparison and analyzes the reasons for their victory and defeat as well as the development trend .

  6. 查德:是啊,无论胜败,我们都是队友。

    Chad : Yeah , Win or lose , we 're teammates .

  7. 你认为决定斯托克胜败的人将是谁,以及理由。

    Who do you feel can be the match-winner for Stoke and why ?

  8. 具有胜败决定意义的高考总是能引起大众的关注。

    Eg : 1.The make-or-break college entrance examination can always draw public attention .

  9. 对军事上胜败可能性的冷静判断。

    A cool assessment of the military odds .

  10. 也许胜败尚未见分晓,但援兵已到。

    The battle may not yet be won , but the cavalry has arrived .

  11. 体育竞赛中的胜败分析

    Analysis The Failure And Victory In physical Competition

  12. 张飞、马超大战一百回合,不分胜败。

    Zhang Fei and Ma Chao fought one hundred rounds with an even hand .

  13. 无论胜败,你一定会为自己走这么远而感到自豪。

    Win or lose , you must be proud that you got this far .

  14. 武器装备的质量是制约战争胜败的关键因素。

    The quality of military equipment is the key which restricts the result of war .

  15. 昆阳之战胜败原因分析

    Causal analysis of the War of kunyang

  16. 在商界,胜败乃兵家常事。

    In the business world , it is natural for businessmen to gain and lose .

  17. 集体运动项目可以培养人的性格,教会年轻人如何去对待输赢胜败。

    Team sports build character . Team sports teach youngsters how to win and lose .

  18. 战争的最后胜败,要在持久抗战中去解决。

    The final outcome of the war will be determined by a protracted war of resistance .

  19. 无论胜败,他都得到了他那勇敢的妻子以及忠诚的孩子们的支持。

    A courageous wife and loyal children stood by him in victory and also in defeat .

  20. 多了几滴雨或少了几滴雨,对拿破仑就成了胜败存亡的关键。

    A few drops of water , more or less , decided the downfall of Napoleon .

  21. 这使得赛前心理状态的稳定性成为决定比赛胜败的关键。

    This makes the psychological state of stability to the match became the key for successful .

  22. 目标识别成为战争胜败的关键,而对目标识别的关键之一是对目标特征的提取与选择。

    Target recognition is vital for battle . And feature extraction and selection are vital for target recognition .

  23. 善于作战的人,修明政治,确保法制,所以能够掌握胜败的决定权。

    In this way , he is able to develop policies that determine victory and defeat in war .

  24. 胜败是暂时的,友谊天长地久。(既可表示泛指也可表示具体)

    To win ( winning ) or to lose ( losing ) is temporary , but friendship lasts .

  25. 在激烈的市场竞争环境中,产品质量已成为决定企业胜败的关键。

    In sharp market competition , product quality is a crucial point to the desting of an enterprise .

  26. 这个节日纪念的既非战场上的胜败,也不是任何政治野心和领土政策的功绩。

    It commemorates no battlefield victory or defeat , it celebrates no advancement of political or territorial ambition .

  27. 他笔锋所至,仍会出现锦词秀句,妙笔生花的胜败。

    There will be granted to him over and over again , in points like jewels , the lapidary phrase .

  28. 但是当他的自尊再次系于胜败,它至少在下一场比赛前推开了这些情绪。

    But it at least stiff-armed those emotions until the next game , when winning and losing again decided his self-worth .

  29. 胜败乃兵家常事,关键是你必须知道你哪里做的不够好。

    Sometimes you win and sometimes you don 't , but the important thing is to know where you 're going wrong .

  30. 战争和经济虽是两个完全不同的概念,但是当他们合在一起的时候,战争的胜败很大的程度上取决于经济。

    The war and the economy are two completely different concepts but the victory or defeat of the war largely depends on the economy .