
kuān xiàn qī
  • grace period ;period of grace;days of grace
  1. 2月20日,在中新集团尽管一度推迟但仍在30天的宽限期内支付了利息后,穆迪投资者服务公司(Moody'sInvestorsService)上调了中新集团高级无担保债券的评级。

    On Feb.20 , Moody 's Investors Service upgraded Neo-China 's senior unsecured bonds after the company made an interest payment that had been delayed but was still within a30-day grace period .

  2. 在纽约上市的LDK表示,该公司预期将在未来15天的监管宽限期内提交业绩。

    New York-listed LDK said it expected to file its results within the next 15 days , a regulatory grace period .

  3. 驾驶员更换执照有10天的宽限期。

    Drivers have ten days ' grace to renew their licenses .

  4. 制药企业里的人说,政府给予了SFDA的官员与制药企业一定的宽限期,在此期间他们可以交代以减轻惩罚。

    Sources in the pharmaceutical industry there say that SFDA officials and pharmaceutical companies are being given a grace period during which they can come clean and face a lesser penalty .

  5. 耳环的完整的收集,呼吁莎拉波娃蒂芙尼,捕捉她的宽限期,并允许球迷折扣UGGS取用和网球巨星设计作品。

    The complete collection of earrings , called Tiffany for Maria Sharapova , captures her grace and allows fans Discount UGGS access to pieces designed by and for the tennis great .

  6. 上述债券利息支付的宽限期截至周三。

    The grace period for payment of those bonds ends Wednesday .

  7. 宽限期一过,合同即终止。

    When the grace period expires , the contract is annulled .

  8. 能否再给三个月的宽限期?

    Could you please give a grace period for three month ?

  9. 我以为有一个宽限期的。

    I thought you said there is a grace period .

  10. 什么是域名续约(续费)的宽限期?

    What is the Grace period for domain name renewal ?

  11. 当这个宽限期届满,你仍未执行合同的话,该合同就终止了。

    205 When the grace peroid expires , the contract is annulled .

  12. 第四部分主要分析了宽限期的相关问题。

    The forth chapter analyses the problems of extend a time limit .

  13. 请保留宽限期,直到你真正需要!

    Please save your extension until you really need it !

  14. 上帝是没有义务赋予此宽限期后,任何;

    God is under no obligation to confer this grace upon any ;

  15. 宠物店就没个宽限期

    And the pet store didn 't have a grace period

  16. 结账以后还有宽限期吗?

    Is there a grace period after check-out time ?

  17. 而且网络技术的发展使现有的宽限期规则受到冲击。

    Moreover , development of internet technology influences existing rule of grace period .

  18. 在宽限期内将钱还清

    Pay off your money debt during the grace period

  19. 而且可以配套采用先用权制度矫正宽限期带来的利益失衡。

    In addition , the system of prior user rights can rectify interest imbalance .

  20. 不包括5年的宽限期。

    Not including 5 years grace period .

  21. 如果这个测试失败,临时客户端许可证的90天的宽限期则已作废。

    If this test fails , the90-day grace period for your temporary client license has expired .

  22. 中国将延长外商投资企业免税进口设备和原材料宽限期

    China will extend the deadline for foreign funded enterprises to import equipment and raw materials duty free

  23. 指初始到期日或宽限期在一年以上的债务。

    Long-term debt is debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year .

  24. 医保的最后一批购买者被给予了一天的宽限期以预防出现技术问题。

    Last-minute health insurance shoppers have been given a one-day grace period in case of technical problems .

  25. 在一九九七年七月一日之前登记的巴士,可享有5年宽限期。

    A grace period of five years is granted to buses registered before July 1 , 1997 .

  26. 目前有一个切实的风险:宽限期的集体抵制,将令新规的执行变得不可能。

    There is a real risk that collective resistance during the grace period will make implementation impossible .

  27. 总体印象:阿克哈-塔克马是一个优雅的,充满异国情调的动物泛着宽限期,电源和运动。

    Overall Impression : The Akhal-Teke is an elegant , exotic animal exuding grace , power and athleticism .

  28. 我们的偿还期可达15年之久,不包括3年的宽限期。

    Our paid-off period could be as long as 15 years , not including 3 years grace period .

  29. 我们都是罪人保存的宽限期,但我们只能负责和改变自己。

    We are all sinners saved by grace but we can only be accountable for and change ourselves .

  30. 〔律〕三天内付款的宽限期

    Three days of grace