
jìn zhǐ shū rù
  • inhibit input
  1. 由于Calendar组件禁止手动输入,所以不可能输入无效的日期。

    Because manual input is disabled for the Calendar component , you can 't even enter an invalid date .

  2. 三星指控苹果侵犯了自己五项关键专利,要求ITC发布永久禁令,禁止美国输入由中国制造的苹果iPhone、iPad和iPodtouch。

    It accused apple of violating five key Samsung patents and asked the ITC for a permanent ban that would prevent apple from bringing into the U.S. the iPhones , iPads and iPod touches that it manufacturers in China .

  3. 韩国六年前取消了长期来禁止日本文化输入的禁令。

    South Korea , lifted a long-standing ban on " Japanese cultural imports " six years ago .

  4. 禁止向非洲输入有害废物并管制其在非洲境内越境转移的公约

    Convention on the Ban on the Import of Hazardous Wastes into Africa and on the Control of their Transboundary Movement within Africa

  5. 你可以禁止第二个输入字段和多先按钮显示在屏幕上。

    You can suppress display of the second input field and the pushbutton for multiple selection .