
  1. 会议预算需要经过同样的审批过程。

    And it has to go through the same approval process .

  2. 富勒说:在每一个新的研发周期或其他类型的项目开始时,负责人都要设定会议预算,把它作为总体开支的一部分。

    At the start of each new product-development cycle or other kind of project , the person in charge sets a meeting budget as part of the total cost , Fuller says .

  3. 制定会议时间预算。

    Establish a meeting time budget .

  4. 理事会会议前预算工作组

    Pre-Council Budgetary Working Group

  5. 比如,有组织的会议,预算编制,实施战略计划,设定工作目标,监控工作表现,检查工作进度等等。

    For instance , meetings must be organized , budgets decided , strategic planning undertaken , goals set , performance monitored , reviews scheduled , etc.

  6. 目标澄清方向,并展现出企业将要走的路线,包括治理、质量、会议计划和预算,或者也包括客户满意度。

    Goals clarify direction and reveal the road the organization will travel , whether around governance , quality , meeting schedules and budgets , or customer satisfaction .

  7. 欧盟领导人结束了布鲁塞尔欧盟峰会,会议没有达成长期预算协议。

    European Union leaders have ended their summit in Brussels without a long-term budget deal .

  8. 在1月18日召开的国会特别会议上能否通过预算草案,财务大臣将发挥关键作用。

    The finance minister will play a key role in getting the budgets passed in the diet , which reconvenes on January 18 .