
huì yuán zī ɡé
  • membership;fellowship;the status of a member
  1. 俱乐部的会员资格仅可通过推荐获得。

    Membership of the club is by nomination only .

  2. 她的会员资格期满终止,没有再续。

    She had allowed her membership to lapse .

  3. 全美共有23家俱乐部,您的会员资格可让您享受所有俱乐部的服务。

    There are 23 Clubs throughout the U.S. , and your membership entitles you to enjoy all of them .

  4. 目前,MTS的会员资格仅限于银行。

    At present , membership of MTS is limited to banks .

  5. v.采用;采纳那俱乐部采用一套新的会员资格规定。

    adopt The club adopted a new set of rules concerning its membership .

  6. 问题不是,欧共体会员资格手段现有的财政规则IMF和欧洲中央银行在欧洲区域之内被认为救助一个国家。

    The problem is , existing fiscal rules of EU membership mean neither the IMF nor the European Central Bank are meant to bail out a country within the euro zone .

  7. 协会的会员资格只需要给Eclipse一个真诚的许诺(但不强迫),许诺在内部使用、提高Eclipse,并基于Eclipse完成一个产品。

    Membership in the consortium required only a bona fide ( but non-enforced ) commitment to Eclipse to use it internally , to promote it , and to ship a product based on it .

  8. 之后,李就决定缴纳75美元以换得Emoji管理监督机构Unicode的会员资格。

    Lee paid $ 75 for a basic membership to Unicode Consortium , which oversees and governs the evolution of emojis .

  9. 我拿出了钱包把身份证抛在桌子上&佛罗里达驾驶照。FCC身份卡,还有迈阿密海滩俱乐部的会员资格,迈阿密商会会藉。威利茨把这地址记在笔记里。

    I took out my wallet and flipped identification onto the table & Florida driver 's License , FCC License verification card , and memberships in a Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce .

  10. 微酿啤酒制造商协会(AssociationofMicro-BrewedBeerProducers,AMBP)在其组织内为达到他们严格的质量标准和缴纳年度费用的啤酒制造商们提供会员资格。

    The Association of Micro-Brewed Beer Producers ( AMBP ) offers membership in its organization to beer producers who meet their strict criteria for quality and who pay the annual dues .

  11. 首先你必须支付10美元会费,没有任何免费体验选项可供选择,不过你可以随时取消会员资格。支付会费后,Oyster就会提示你选择5本书开始阅读。

    Only once you 've paid your $ 10 there is no free test-drive option , but you can cancel membership at any time will it ask you to choose five books to start with .

  12. 伦敦金属交易所(LME)已收到两份新的会员资格申请,其中包括第一家潜在的中资会员。该交易所本身目前正待价而沽。

    The London Metal Exchange has received two new membership applications , including one from the first potential Chinese member , as the exchange prepares for a sale .

  13. 阿里巴巴的会员资格被暂停,马云取消了原定在IACC年度大会上的主题演讲。

    Alibaba 's membership was revoked and Mr Ma cancelled his keynote speech at the IACC 's annual conference .

  14. 就好像CarrieBradshaw,我唯一的组织是“善待他人教会”&即便在那里,我认为自己的会员资格也失效了。

    Like Carrie Bradshaw , the only congregation I belonged to was " the Church of Be Nice to People " & and even there , I think my membership had lapsed .

  15. 违反此规定的移民顾问将可能会被取消会员资格,或被查办。

    Consultants who break the rules can be disbarred or prosecuted .

  16. 会员资格证书自注销之日起失效。

    The membership shall become invalid upon the date of cancellation .

  17. 课程开始时,我们将授予您高尔夫俱乐部年度会员资格。

    We start by giving you your annual Golf Club membership .

  18. 这里您能买袜子或代理人会员资格!

    Right here you can buy socks or proxy membership !

  19. 他听任他的工会会员资格失效。

    He allowed his membership of the union to lapse .

  20. 我可以将我的会员资格向任何其他人?

    Can I transfer my membership to any other person ?

  21. 我的会员资格明年就要到期待续了。

    My membership is up for renewal again next year .

  22. 钱德想终止他在健身房的会员资格;

    Chandler tries to end his membership at his gym ;

  23. 我的会员资格已经失效,因为我不曾去开会。

    My membership lapsed because I never attended the meeting .

  24. 他们自己及其配偶均享受免费会员资格。

    They receive free membership for themselves and their spouses .

  25. 我刚刚获得了当地健身房的会员资格。

    I just got a membership to the local gym .

  26. 续交订金以后就可以恢复会员资格。

    Membership may be renewed on payment of further subscriptions .

  27. 健身房会员资格利用不充分的情况并不仅限于波士顿。

    Lightly used gym memberships aren 't limited to Boston .

  28. 提醒你离婚协议里这里的会员资格分给了我

    If you remember , I got the membership in the divorce ,

  29. 或者为我们现有的老师提供健身房会员资格和化妆品。

    Or subsidize gym memberships and makeovers for the teachers we already have .

  30. 遵照你的要求,我们取消了你的俱乐部会员资格。

    FML in conformity with your request we have cancelled your club membership .