
  • 网络Preparing for a Meeting;meeting preparation
  1. 他得为即将召开的会议准备一份销售图表。

    He has to prepare a sales chart for the coming meeting .

  2. 查看一下联合国组织和发展小组起草的报告,其中一些是为今年的千禧年规划审议这类会议准备的,你会发现环境保护与经济发展的联系是个共同的主题。

    Hunt through the reports prepared by UN agencies and development groups — many for conferences such as this year 's Millennium Goals review — and you will find that the linkage between environmental protection and economic progress is a common thread .

  3. 20国集团(g20)一名财政官员透露,在为g20会议准备的一份报告中,国际货币基金组织(imf)下调了对2008及2009年全球经济增长预测。

    The International Monetary Fund has trimmed its forecasts for world economic growth in 2008 and 2009 in a note prepared for a meeting of the group of 20 nations , according to a G20 finance official .

  4. 第一件事发生在2008年3月27日。当时掌管雷曼资产负债表的巴特麦克达德(BartMcDade),用电子邮件向富尔德等人发送了为随后一天会议准备的会议材料。

    First , on March 27 2008 , Bart McDade , then Lehman 's balance sheet tsar , e-mailed materials to Mr Fuld and others for a meeting the following day .

  5. 他监督了即将召开的执行委员会会议准备工作。

    He has overseen preparations for the coming Executive Board .

  6. 给明天会议准备的所有销售数据都是最新的。

    All the sales numbers for the meeting tomorrow are up to date .

  7. 众人虽没有做好会议准备,也只好照办。

    Although others were not well prepared for the meeting , they had to obey .

  8. 汤姆,下一次会议准备就绪后就请告诉我好吗?

    Tom , will you let me know when you 're ready for a further meeting ?

  9. 波兰和其它申根成员国家用了一年时间来为这次会议准备签证。

    Poland and other Schengen member states had a year to make visa preparations for the meeting .

  10. 除了这些全局趋势之外,为这次会议准备的报告包含了许多特定的进展指标。

    Apart from these big-picture trends , reports prepared for this session cover many specific indicators of progress .

  11. 她的演示里的图表和深度分析使我为这个会议准备的几页东西相形见绌。

    Her presentation 's graphics and in-depth analysis totally dwarfed the few pages I had prepared for the meeting .

  12. 大多数我的同窗非常忙碌到为会议准备会议地方和轻的点心。

    Most of my schoolmates are very busy to preparing the meeting place and the light refreshments for the meeting .

  13. 要实现上述所有目标,必须做大量的会议准备工作。

    For the meeting to achieve all of the above goals , it would require a great deal of preparation .

  14. 这些优势和你们的承诺在为本次会议准备的文件和报告中显而易见。

    These strengths , and your commitments , are readily apparent in the documents and reports prepared for this session .

  15. 元老会议准备议程送交公民议会讨论,并且拥有极大的司法权力:能独自作出死刑或流放的判决。

    The gerousia prepared business submitted to the apella and had extensive judicial powers : it alone pronounced sentences of death or exile .

  16. 在为预备会议准备的日子里,投票人在镇民大会上声明他们的支持方使竞选活动变得愈发激烈。

    And in the days leading up to the caucuses , town meetings where voters declare their preferences , the campaigning has become intense .

  17. 不行啊!我是英语俱乐部的新部长,我必须为明天的会议准备演讲稿。

    I can 't. I 'm the new president of the English club . I have to write a speech for tomorrow 's meeting .

  18. 主办国韩国政府官员透露,在有关为这项高峰会议准备联合公报的助理人员工作会议上,就已经争论不休。

    Discussions by deputies working on the communiqu é for the leaders'summit have been heated , according to officials of the host South Korean government .

  19. 为会议准备的一份报告警告说,世界粮食市场的“结构性”问题可能会引起战争和饥荒,除非粮食产量在20年里能够翻一番。

    A report prepared for the meeting warns of " structural " problems in world food markets that risk war and famine-unless food output is doubled in20 years .

  20. 正如本次会议准备的文件指出,任何单一领域内的任何单一技术突破,都不足以根除像疟疾这样复杂而顽强的疾病。

    As noted in the documentation prepared for this meeting , no single technical breakthrough in any single area will be sufficient to eradicate a disease as complex and tenacious as malaria .

  21. 这个委员会将为下个月的会议做好准备。

    The committee will prepare the ground for next month 's meeting .

  22. 今天下午的会议你准备好了没有?

    Are you ready for this afternoon 's meeting ?

  23. 会议的准备工作正在进行。

    Preparations for the meeting are in progress .

  24. W:行,到星期五那天我一定把会议室准备好。

    W : Yes , I will see that the room is ready by Friday .

  25. 最后,产品负责人要针对sprint计划会议做准备工作。

    Finally , the Product Owner prepares for the sprint-planning meeting .

  26. 这绝不是REDD谈判者面临的问题的一份彻底的清单,特别是对于那些来自发展中国家的为哥本哈根会议做准备的参与者。

    This is by no means an exhaustive list of issues facing REDD negotiators , particularly those from the developing world , as they prepare for Copenhagen .

  27. 随着场景不断被PBR-UP提出来,审查人员能够在审查会议的准备工作中鉴定大多数缺陷。

    With the scenarios proposed by PBR-UP , the inspector was able to identify the majority of defects during the preparation for the inspection meeting .

  28. 8月间,他们开始为会议做准备工作。

    In August they began to make preparations for the conference .

  29. 我们有足够的时间为会议做准备。

    We have enough time to get ready for the meeting .

  30. 这次国际会议的准备工作进展得非常顺利。

    The arrangements for the international conference went ahead like clockwork .