
  1. 她会讲西班牙语。

    She can speak Spanish .

  2. 毫无疑问,他是我们最会讲故事的人。

    He was our greatest storyteller , without question .

  3. 餐馆老板只会讲洋泾浜英语。

    The restaurant owner could only speak pidgin English .

  4. 他对人们行为上的细微差别极感兴趣,这使他成了一个很会讲故事的人。

    His fascination with the subtleties of human behaviour makes him a good storyteller

  5. 阿莫里夫人的故事不得不被打断,否则她会讲个没完。

    Mrs Amaury 's story had to be stamped on before it got any further

  6. 我还没有告诉里德所有详情——我会讲给他听的。

    I didn 't give Reid all the details yet — I 'll fill him in

  7. 天晓得贡嘎会讲多少门语言。

    Gunga spoke God knows how many languages

  8. 我会讲他们的语言,能体会他们的难处,因为我自己曾在那里呆过。

    I could speak their language and identify with their problems because I had been there myself .

  9. 这位老妇人是部落中最后一位会讲那种语言的人。

    This elderly lady is the last person who can speak that language in her tribe .

  10. 这位同志会讲英语,而且讲得很好。

    This comrade speaks English , and that very well .

  11. 他的技能之一是会讲汉语。

    The ability to speak Chinese was among his attainments .

  12. 他会讲英语和法语。

    He can speak English and french .

  13. 我们每次家庭聚会时,我爸总是会讲笑话,使家里笑声满堂。

    Whenever we have a family gathering , my father always tells jokes that bring down the house .

  14. 全校的人都去法国旅行,但我们一帮人当中只有3个人会讲法语。

    The whole school went on a trip to france , but only three of our number could speak french .

  15. 这个学生会讲一些极富想象力的东西。

    The student would tell something wildly imaginative .

  16. 他只知道她是个永远那么年轻的寡妇,一个很会讲排场的法国女人。

    He had only known the perennial widow , the discreetly expensive Frenchwoman .

  17. 你认识会讲荷兰语的人吗?

    Do you know anyone who speaks Dutch ?

  18. 他很会讲一些让人捧腹大笑的段子!

    He tells some side-splitting jokes !

  19. 如今,欧盟委员会(EC)的大部分发言人都会讲英语。

    Today most of the European Commission 's spokespeople speak English .

  20. 上海复旦大学发现,市场对会讲普通话的MBA学员的需求越来越大。

    At Shanghai business school Fudan , the school is seeing an increasing demand for MBAs who speak Mandarin .

  21. 我是EileenHsu(许小姐)一个会讲中文普通话在这里房地产经纪人在曼哈顿纽约。

    I am a Chinese Mandarin speaking Real Estate agent here in Manhattan New York .

  22. 他们会讲一些自己的故事,其他人会欢迎他们,该家族长期顾问彼得•约翰逊(PeterJohnson)表示,仪式的目的是表示你是这个家族的一员了。

    They tell a little about themselves and people ? welcome them , Peter Johnson , a longtime family consigliere says . The idea is to say you are part of the family .

  23. Liya会讲英文和阿姆哈拉语,而且她的法文讲得也很流利,还会一点意大利语。

    Liya speaks English and Amharic , as well as fluent French and some Italian .

  24. 快没时间了,但我们,在下节课会讲,1s轨道以外的,径向概率分布。

    So , I think we 're a little bit out of time today , but we 'll start next class with thinking about drawing radial probability distributions of more than just the1 s orbital .

  25. MartineBuissart:“你会讲的语言越多,你就能分享的越多,这对工作来说非常重要。”

    MARTINE BUISSART : " The more languages you speak , the more you can share , you can work . For work , it 's very important . "

  26. 苏珊会讲英语但她不会讲西班牙语。

    Susan can speak English but she can 't speak Spanish .

  27. 他们来自加拿大,但他们会讲汉语。

    They are from Canada , but they can speak Chinese .

  28. 或许她会讲那是什么。

    Maybe she 'll tell us more about what that is .

  29. 你是这里惟一一个会讲中文的人。

    You are the only person here who can speak Chinese .

  30. 你明白我真的需要一个会讲英语的人。

    You see I really would need someone who speaks english .