
xū wú
  • nothingness;nihility;sky;nothingness,nihility
虚无 [xū wú]
  • (1) [nothingness,nihility]∶荒诞无稽

  • (2) [sky]∶天空

  • 高标连汗漫,向望接虚无。--柳宗元《省试观庆云图》诗

虚无[xū wú]
  1. 存在抑或虚无:网络文学研究的学理悖论

    Exist or Nihility : Schoolship Paradox of Studies in Online Literature

  2. 人生之虚无&尼采对虚无主义的价值重估与超越

    Nihility of the Life & Nietzsche to Nihilism Value Evaluation and Surmounting

  3. 我就讨厌自己那种虚无的梦想

    I would become disgusted with my futile daydreams .

  4. 至于“美”,则总是以其恐怖的美把生带到虚无的彼岸

    As for beauty , it always leads " life " to the other world of nothingness with its terrifying exquisiteness .

  5. 由广告公司BUTTER设计,12幅图片中的模特儿摆出了各种姿势,但是与标准的沙滩装不同的是,我们所看到的是典型的虚无空白的X光片。

    Developed by ad agency BUTTER , the12 images display models in a variety of poses , but instead of the typical beach setting we 're confronted the characteristic nothingness of an X-ray film .

  6. 伊格纳斯•阿巴黎的新作是为SUITCASE艺术项目创作的,包含了八个橱窗的作品,它呼应了银泰中心的商业语境,以及关于缺席、虚无和隐形的艺术史。

    Ignasi Aball í 's new project for the eight windows of SUITCASE Art Projects responds to the retail context of the Yintai Centre as well as an artistic history of absence , nothingness and invisibility .

  7. 新闻节目主持人:理论上的虚化实践中的虚无

    Host of News Program Fictitious in Theory and Unreal in Practice

  8. 世界是虚无的,我们活在彼此的心中。

    Sometimes I feel like there is skin upon the world .

  9. 最怕的事就是这一切都是虚无。

    The only thing that 's worse than one is none .

  10. 巴特认为恶是作为第三个因素的虚无。

    Barth thinks that evil is nothingness as a third factor .

  11. 实体与虚无&论西方宇宙观的嬗变

    Substance and Nothingness : On the Change of Western World View

  12. 虚无、颓废、厌世的人生观。

    Their similar nihilistic , decadent and pessimistic philosophy of life ;

  13. 虚无无物的状态或性质;不存在。

    The condition or quality of being nothing ; nonexistence .

  14. 所有虚无的力量在这种体验中被暂时的隐藏了。

    All the power of nothingness is temporarily hidden in this experience .

  15. 文艺的信念:反抗道德虚假与道德虚无

    Belief in Literature : Opposing Moral Hypocrisy and Moral Nihilism

  16. 所以,解脱的结果,只能是虚无。

    Therefore , the result of extrication is only nihility .

  17. 第三部分为存在的虚无和自我意识。

    The third part is " The Existential Void and Self-awareness " .

  18. 这张相片示范分身空心,像虚无的空性。

    This photo demonstrates the hollow , void-like quality of Fen Shen .

  19. 那信奉虚无之神的人,离弃怜爱他们的主。

    The worshippers of false gods have given up their only hope .

  20. 那里漆黑是仅有的颜色,虚无是唯一的数字。

    Where black is the color , where none is the number .

  21. 怎样的世界不懂得如何去虚无的呼吸?

    What kind of world has not known the breath of emptiness ?

  22. 虚无,这个矛盾的极致,是寂寞最后的感觉。

    Nothingness the ultimate contradiction is the last lonely feeling .

  23. 艺术语言中的文境是一种虚无之境。

    Images in an artistic language come from a world of nothingness .

  24. 敬奉虚无偶像的人,实在是舍弃了慈爱的根源。

    They that are vain observe vanities , forsake their own mercy .

  25. 涂金的虚无,华丽的玩具,

    Farewel to Unsubstantial Joyes , Ye Gilded Nothings , Gaudy Toyes ,

  26. 在这个过程中,我感到了一种虚无。

    For me a kind of an empty in process with that .

  27. 他们似乎是在一个尘世之外、虚无的世界中庆祝着。

    They seemed to be celebrating with an isolated fragility .

  28. 好好的活着,好好的生活。一切幻想都是虚无,过好每天。

    Enjoy every minute , enjoy your life and live for yourself !

  29. 因为不做事只说话,而说话总是很虚无的,虚无的东西便抓摸不着。

    And talking is always difficult to catch owing to its nonentity .

  30. 虚无的美学:本体、价值与方法&萨特虚无论美学的基本架构

    The Aesthetics of Nothingness : Ontology , Value and Methodology