
  • 网络Virtual Private Network;vpn;VPNs;IP-VPN;IP VPN
  1. 针对大规模虚拟专用网络中安全隧道管理的复杂性,提出了一种基于组策略的管理模型。

    Group policy based management architecture is proposed to solve complexity problem of security tunnel management in large-scale VPN network .

  2. 基于Ipv6/IPSec构建移动IP虚拟专用网络模型

    An Ipv6 / IPSec-based VPN Model for Mobile IP

  3. 虚拟专用网络简介及其在WINDOWSnt服务器上的实现

    Introduction and Implementation of VPN in Windows NT

  4. 而防火墙和虚拟专用网络VPN提供的保护可能并不充分。

    The protection of fire-wall and VPN may be not enough .

  5. 层次化的IPv6重叠型的虚拟专用网络的概念设计

    Conceptual Design for a Hierarchical Overlay IP Virtual Private Network

  6. 虚拟专用网络(VPN)技术实现多校区图书馆计算机网络的安全连接

    Multi-Campus Computer Management System of Library Safely Connecting Virtual Special Network Technology

  7. 虚拟专用网络(VPN)技术在企业中的运用分析

    Application analysis of virtual private network technology in enterprise

  8. GPRS虚拟专用网络技术的研究与分析

    Research and Analysis of VPN Deployment in GPRS

  9. 利用VPN(虚拟专用网络),承包商可从风险较高的家庭网络来访问企业关键的后台系统。

    Contractors use VPNs to access critical , backend systems from dodgy home networks .

  10. 虚拟专用网络技术(VPN)在大学校园网中的应用

    Application of VPN in Qiqihar University Campus Network

  11. 将IPSec与MPLS技术结合构建虚拟专用网络

    Constructing the Virtual Private Networks by Combining IPSec and MPLS

  12. IPSec虚拟专用网络服务质量研究与仿真

    Research and Simulation of QoS of IPSec Virtual Private Network

  13. 目前隧道技术已经被广泛的应用,例如虚拟专用网络(VPN)就是隧道技术的成功应用。

    Tunneling Protocol has been widely used , suchas virtual private network ( VPN ) .

  14. 对于远程测试多媒体网络的需求进行了详尽的分析,提出了一种利用IP分组交换网建立虚拟专用网络的网络模型。

    After a detailed analysis of multi-media network on remote satellite tests , a virtual special multi-media network model using IP exchange nets was proposed .

  15. 中国的网络达人使用虚拟专用网络(VPN)访问谷歌;

    Savvy internet users in China use virtual private networks ( VPNs ) to access its services ;

  16. 虚拟专用网络(VPN,virtualprivatenetwork)就是利用公共网络传输资料,如同使用个人私有网络一样安全,以达成私人资料的保密。

    VPN ( Virtual Private Net work ) is used to transmit information safely using public network , just as using private net to attain security of private information .

  17. IPSec与L2TP结合构筑的虚拟专用网络

    Virtual Private Networks Constructed by the Combination of IPSec & L2TP

  18. 作为企业虚拟专用网络的安全技术基础,IPSec发挥着非常重要的作用。

    As the enterprises-virtual private network security technology barrier , IPSec play a very important role .

  19. 我们实验室已经开发了一套完整的VPN(virtualprivatenetwork虚拟专用网络)产品,基于IPSec构建,包括网关、客户机和管理工具。

    Our lab has developed a suit ofVPN ( virtual private network ) product , basing on IPSec protocol , including gateway , client end and management tools .

  20. VPN技术是利用有关密码学知识在开放的公共网络上建立虚拟专用网络的技术。

    VPN technology is a virtual private network technology which use the cryptogram knowledge in the establishment of open public networks .

  21. 所包含的对IPv6到IPv6隧道的支持让两个端点之间可以进行安全无缝的通信,比如虚拟专用网络(VirtualPrivateNetworks,VPN)之上的传输。

    The inclusion of support for IPv6-to-IPv6 tunneling allows secure seamless communication to occur between two endpoints , such as transmissions over Virtual Private Networks , or VPNs .

  22. 本文讲述一种利用日益成熟的虚拟专用网络(virtualprivatenetwork,简称VPN)技术,组建异地数据远传网络,它可以满足降低成本和保障数据安全两方面的要求。

    This paper focuses on an increasing mature Virtual Private Network ( VPN ) technology which not only low the cost of building up long-distance data transfer network system but also meet the security requirement .

  23. 虚拟专用网络(VPN)能够利用Internet或其它公共互联网络的基础设施为用户创建隧道,并提供与专用网络一样的安全和功能保障。

    VPN can create tunnel for users with utilizing the basic establishment in Internet or other public network , and can provide the same security and function guarantee as actual private network .

  24. 为了保护混合云中的数据,在私有云和公共云服务之间使用虚拟专用网络(VPN)隧道。

    To secure your data in the hybrid cloud , use a virtual private network ( VPN ) tunnel between the private and public cloud services .

  25. VPN(virtualprivatenetwork)是一种在公共网络上构建隧道,并在隧道上进行加密、认证等方法,从而实现虚拟专用网络的技术。

    VPN ( Virtual Private Network ) is the technology of building tunnels over the public network by using technology of tunnel and encryption as well as method of identity authentication , thus realizing virtual private network .

  26. 而Internet由于其本身的开放性,直接带来的问题就是其安全性差,如何实现在这样一个不安全的网络中安全地传输保密数据,人们提出了虚拟专用网络技术(VPN)。

    Since the inherent characteristic of opening of Internet , it has poor security . To transmit secret data by Internet , the technology of Virtual Private Network ( VPN ) has been provided .

  27. 虚拟专用网络(VPN)是企事业单位构建内联网、外联网和实现远程接入的主要方法,而安全隧道技术是VPN的核心技术。

    Virtual Private Network ( VPN ) is a prevailing method to construct intranet and extranet and realize remote access . Security tunneling is the core technology of VPN .

  28. 目前Internet上应用最广泛的网络安全技术之一是虚拟专用网络VPN(virtualprivatenetwork),而IPSec是实现VPN的最流行的方式之一。

    Currently , one of the most extensive application of network security technology is VPN ( Virtual Private Network ) on the internet , and IPSec is one of the most popular way for the realization of VPN .

  29. IP虚拟专用网络-IPVPN,是指通过公用IP网络平台构筑不受地域限制而受企业统一策略控制和管理的专用内部网络。

    IP Virtual Private Network & IP VPN refers to the private interior network which is built without the limit of region but under the unite controlling and management of corporations through the public IP network .

  30. 同样,最近几个月,随着政府试图控制信息传播,封锁外国网站的行动力度加大,网速明显变慢,虚拟专用网络(virtualprivatenetwork)服务受到了屏蔽。

    Similarly , in recent months , as the government tries to get control over the dissemination of information , there has been an uptick in the blocking of foreign websites , a noticeable slowdown in Internet speed and a denial of virtual private network services .