
  1. 但他会走向街上的陌生人,让他们成为他的“yellow”吗?

    But would he walk up to strangers in the street and ask them to be his " yellow " ?

  2. 你可能会在街上遇到兜售冒牌手袋或DVD的摊贩。

    You 've likely encountered someone on the street peddling knockoff handbags or pirated DVDs .

  3. 我偶尔会在街上看见一个小姑娘

    Every now and then I see a little girl on the street ,

  4. 哎,大牛。这会艺街也把你给吸引过来了?

    Well , Daniel , you are also drawn to Convention Avenue , eh ?

  5. 他会在街对面的停车位和你见面。

    He 's going to meet you in the parking lot across the street .

  6. 我们会到街上去的。

    We 'll be out on the street .

  7. 黄金海岸的会艺街。

    Convention Avenue of the Golden Coast .

  8. 你会发现街上有一半人都在骑自行车。

    And you 'll notice that half the people in the streets are on bicycles .

  9. 陌生人会在街上叫住她,问她去自由女神像该往哪儿走。

    And strangers would stop her on the street and ask for directions to the Statue of Liberty .

  10. 人们会在街上跳舞,大家都很开心。那是一个充满活力的地方。

    You 've got people dancing in the street and enjoying themselves-there 's a lot of energy about the place .

  11. 大意说是夜晚河马会到街上溜大马路,一不小心碰上不要得罪它,不然很危险。

    Actually hippo also roam the street , so when you bump into something big and fat at night , don 't insult it .

  12. 他们说,听说塔利班武装分子会在街上拦住妇女,询问她们的男性护送在哪里。

    They say they have heard that Taliban fighters are out on the streets , stopping women and asking them where their male escort is .

  13. 曾由于我的父母都要工作所以到了放学后我和我的妹妹们会到街对面一家看护人家等他们回来。

    Both of my parents worked so after school my sisters and I went to the babysitter 's house across the street until they got home .

  14. 如果你在英国,你会发现街上每两个人中就有一个使用的是安装谷歌安卓系统的智能手机。

    When visiting the U.K. and looking to see what phones the locals use , odds are that every other one has Google Android device in hand .

  15. 假若他们得不到这一切,便会跑到街上,哪里有许多人吸引他们,而小孩可能会迷失。

    If them can 't get those , they are likely to go away in the streets where a mount of people attract them , so they 'll lose themselves there .

  16. 喜欢拍照的人多少都会尝试街拍吧,尤其当找不到其它拍摄主题时,就很容易选择街拍这种方式去拍照。

    Those who like to photograph will at one point try street photography , especially if they cannot find any other subject to shoot , and will easily fall into this type of photography .

  17. 一位居住在马特勒市的居民说,情侣之所以会在街上亲密,是因为他们没钱去旅馆开房间。

    A resident in the town of Matara , 160 kilometres ( 100 miles ) south of Colombo , said young couples were sometimes acting intimately on the beach as many could not afford the privacy of hotels .

  18. 不过至少它还提醒咱们,如果不戒掉手机瘾,咱真的有可能会在街上撞到别人。

    Why would people be less obnoxious on this device than on any other ? At least it reminds us that if phone addiction isn 't curbed , we 'll indeed be tripping over one another in the street .

  19. 一个整形手术病人告诉美国广播公司:“我想每个人都想删掉这个韩国标签。在韩国,你会在街上看见这个女孩,沿着街走,又再次看见这个女孩。事实上,这是两个不同的人。”

    As one plastic surgery patient told ABC News : " I think everyone is trying to delete this Koreanness . In Korea , you go down the streets , you see this girl . And you walk down the street , and you see that girl again . It actually is a different person . "

  20. 如果成功,它会超过华尔街最为乐观的预测

    That would exceed even the rosiest predictions on Wall Street .

  21. 也许我会顺着16街吹奏出的风笛甜美的声音走过去

    Maybe I 'll follow the sweet sound of the bagpiper playing along 16th Street .

  22. 未来五年,无人驾驶技术更趋主流的时候,未来学家语言,很多汽车都会与高街商家实现聚合。

    Within the next five years , as self-driving technologies become more mainstream1 , futurologists predict that many cars will converge2 with the high street .

  23. 但像这样的简单估算,绝不会破坏华尔街欢庆FacebookIPO的兴致。

    But nothing spoils a wall street party like a sermon on the math .

  24. 从现在起的三个星期内,Chegg就要开始正式会向华尔街推销自己了,在那之后便要进行首次公开招股。

    Now it will be three weeks before the company can start its official road show to sell itself to Wall Street , which will then be followed by the IPO itself .

  25. 如果能像我长期以来呼吁的那样,FINRA不得不提供真正的透明度,占领华尔街运动以及所有美国人都会对华尔街与华盛顿的裙带关系了解多多。

    The ows movement and all of America would learn a lot about the incestuous nature of the relationship between Wall Street and Washington if FINRA were forced to provide real transparency as I have called for so often .

  26. 阿九会在烟厂街华声小馆。

    Carl will be at the huasheing restaurant in Yinchang street .

  27. 短期内,这些调查会让华尔街高管感到不安。

    These investigations should worry Wall Street executives in the short term .

  28. 我现在会注意在街上玩耍的小孩子。

    I am now paying more attention to babies on the street .

  29. 那你的车为什么会在拉法叶街?

    Then what was your car doing on Lafayette street ?

  30. 我会停留在街上,拿著袋子。

    I 'll stay down on the street , holding onto the bag .